A Nomad job example setup for Lemmy

Nico@r.dcotta.eu to Selfhosted@lemmy.world – 43 points –
GitHub - Cottand/lemmy-on-nomad-example: Nomad job files for running Lemmy

I am selfhosting Lemmy on a home Nomad cluster - I wrote the job files from scratch because I did not find anybody else who attempted the same.

I thought I'd share them and maybe they will serve as a starting point for someone using a similar selfhosted infra!

Nomad brings a few benefits from Lemmy specifically over Ansible/Docker, most notably some horizontal scaling across more than one machine.

Feedback welcome!


Yes! Another Nomad fan! I was working on something for this too! Couple things:

  • run nomad fmt to make it a little easier to read and line things up better
  • Nomad 1.6 beta is out and with it comes Pack 0.1 GA and fixes the dependency gaps for Packs. Would be super useful to have this written in pack :)
  • with 1.6 will also have the registry hosted on the nomad site so it’ll get a lot more visibility.

There are dozens of us!

  • nomad fmt was applied already - granted it is not a small easy to read job file, it might be easier to split it up into separate jobs
  • I will look into making this into a Pack - I have never built one because I have never shared my config like this before. I don't know how popular they are among selfhosters either!

I think an easy first step would be to contribute a sample job file like this into the Lemmy docs website. Then people can adapt to their setups. I find there is a lot more to configure in Nomad than in Docker compose for example because you stop assuming everything will be in a single box, which changes networking considerably. There is also whether to use Consul, Vault etc.

Agreed as a first step. Pack is relatively new and not popular currently because there isn’t a great “marketed” repo so to speak. Hopefully that’ll change with it being on the nomad website.

Personally I think lemmy instance admins could benefit a lot with the scaling capabilities of Nomad. Hopefully is keeps growing in popularity.

I'm also using nomad to run Lemmy, glad to see someone else is too! I did create separate jobs for each component though, and am using Traefik instead of nginx.

What are you using for storage in your nomad cluster?

Yep I am using traefik -> nginx. I simply add the traefik tags to the nginx service. I didn't include that in the example file to keep it simple.

As for the storage, I use SeaweedFS (has a CSI plugin, really cool, works well with nomad) but as a CSI volume it's not suitable for backing postgres' filesystem. The lookups are so noticeably slower that your Lemmy instance will be laggy. So I decided to use a normal host volume, so the DB writes to disk directly, and you can back that up to an S3-compatible storage with this (also cool). Could be SeaweedFS, AWS, Backblaze...

I think SeaweedFS is suitable for your pictrs storage though, be it through its S3 API (supported by pictrs) or through a SeaweedFS CSI volume that stores the files directly.

I hope that answers it! Do let me know what you end up with