[\#mastodon](https://mastodon.world/tags/mastodon) [#fediverse](https://mastodon.world/tags/fediverse) [#omgwtf](https://mastodon.world/tags/omgwtf) [#lemmy](https://mastodon.world/tags/lemmy)

lxskllr@mastodon.world to Star Trek@startrek.website – 2 points –

#mastodon #fediverse #omgwtf #lemmy

Ok, so I'm trial following @startrek and I'm getting a torrent(<a bit of hyperbole) posts in my home page. How do you people that follow hundreds/thousands handle this? Just ignore most of what flows down the page?

I've tried to be careful curating the people I follow, and it was fairly manageable til today. Trying to avoid setting up a lemmy acct, but StarTrek is only gonna get more active, and there's more to life than StarTrek :^O How to manage?