Openwrt + stubby + DoQ to – 12 points –

I want setup stubby with a QUIC resolver for testing purposes. My resolver is an external AdguardHome install on a VPS with certs for DoH, DoT and DoQ.

Actually everything works with a DoT setup, and some research told me to replace "TLS" parts with "QUIC".

config stubby 'global'
       option manual '0'
       option trigger 'wan'
       # option triggerdelay '2'
       list dns_transport 'GETDNS_TRANSPORT_QUIC'
       option tls_authentication '1'
       option tls_query_padding_blocksize '128'
       # option tls_connection_retries '2'
       # option tls_backoff_time '3600'
       # option timeout '5000'
       # option dnssec_return_status '0'
       option appdata_dir '/var/lib/stubby'
       # option trust_anchors_backoff_time 2500
       # option dnssec_trust_anchors '/var/lib/stubby/getdns-root.key'
       option edns_client_subnet_private '1'
       option idle_timeout '10000'
       option round_robin_upstreams '1'
       list listen_address ''
       list listen_address '0::1@5453'
       # option log_level '7'
       # option command_line_arguments ''
       # option tls_cipher_list 'EECDH+AESGCM:EECDH+CHACHA20'
       # option tls_ciphersuites 'TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256:TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256'
       option tls_min_version '1.2'
       # option tls_max_version '1.3'

# Upstream resolvers are specified using 'resolver' sections.
config resolver
       option address 'vps-ip'
       option quic_auth_name ''
       option quic_port 853

But this conf doesn't work. Does someone got something like this to work?


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