Largest Covid vaccine study finds links to health conditions

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Largest Covid vaccine study finds links to health conditions | - Times of India

266 incidents out of 99,000,000 vaccinated people, and remember folks, correlation is not causation.

small increases

rare events

small proportion

small risk

Expected rates were obtained by participating sites using pre-COVID-19 vaccination healthcare data stratified by age and sex (Faksova et al.).

The original paper seems to be far too ineffective a methodology.

That is not an effective control; at least take the same health data analysis from the unvaccinated population. Given that even folks with the vaccine can catch less severe cases, you really need to root out COVID-19 as the cause of those complications.

Finds links to health conditions: like being alive and not dying from COVID?

Pre-covid, I got sick following open heart surgery and ended up with a case of pericarditis.

It felt like I was being stabbed right in the goddamned heart.

Doc explained it can happen as a result of any infection and it would get better on its own. Had me taking ibuprofen for it.

So you're saying simulating an infection via vaccine can also cause it? (shocked pikachu)