Views for Tucker Carlson’s new Twitter show have dropped 86 percent since its launch to – 0 points –

His first show brought in over 26 million “video views,” which is a Twitter metric that records a view as anyone who watches a video for more than 2 seconds. While the metric’s reliability has been questioned, it has nevertheless declined significantly since the show’s launch, with Carlson’s most recent show only getting 3.8 million video views, marking a drop of 86 percent.


So, let me preface this for context by saying that I'm an ICU nurse. You would be amazed at how many (and often) people come through my unit, literally on their death bed, who will wake up just long enough to get angry, explain how they "think Biden should be tried for treason" or something similarly inflammatory, and then tell me to put the TV on Fox news. They may only be conscious for a little bit, but this is a revolving conversation... These people live for this hateful content, they consume it during every waking moment - but 9 times out of 10 they are too fucking old to go searching for it on the internet.

Fox 'news' is the megaphone and Tucker isn't on the horn anymore.

That was not at all what I expected to come from that man's mouth when he started speaking. I live in Missouri; people that speak with that sort of drawl here are not typically as thoughtful with their words or opinions as he is, and it's nice to see that for a change. Thanks for posting this.