Neovim, LSP format issues all of a sudden to – 23 points –

It was working fine until yesterday, now I'm getting this error. I made sure it's installed and configured correctly, clang is also installed, made sure.

I booted up the computer today and started working on a project (I'm learning C++) just find out the LSP can't find the matching language server for some reason.

I was thinking of switching to VS but I like the way I set up neovim.






I appreciate the help!


In plugins.lua, you've commented the line loading the null-ls config, which was setting clang-format as a null-ls source, maybe that's your culprit?

That's it. I don't know why it was commented in the first place. Thanks for pointing it out! Now it works

I can't read your config because the screen shot is too small, you should post block of text with ``` before and after.

It'll loke like this.

Then, I don't do C++, and I have never encountered this issue, but if you're using Mason in your setup, you might want to try to update your language server, then use the command LspRestart maybe...