Nothing to see here officer 👀 to Lefty – 404 points –

Happy Passover, the time to celebrate "God's" original child murdering spree.

Fucking christ, learn the difference between a country and a religion

WTF are you on about? You either don't know the story of Passover, or you are whingeing in bad faith.

We talking bad faith? Lemme get the crayons so I can explain it to ya.

The original macro is about Israel's actions in gaza. Fumbles up there starts slagging off Judaism.

They are not the same thing.

Most israelis are jewish. Not all Jews are israeli. And they're certainly not all zionists. Hence the comment "Learn the difference between a religion and a country"

Dog whistling bullshit.

Moses and the Pharaoh my guy. It is a well known story. God kills a bunch of kids, that was the reason for the lamb.

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