[solved] Skim in bash [ctrl + r] weird new line after selecting an option.

Yash Raj@lemmy.world to Linux@lemmy.ml – 14 points –
Printed new line is weird · Issue #565 · lotabout/skim

Please check the above github issue for more info and photos.

What is skim?

Basically I press ctrl + r to show bash history in skim. Tho when I select an option the new line that gets printed with the completed sentence is weirdly printed.


skim has unfortunately been abandoned, there have been no updates in an year, and several old PRs and issues remain untouched. The current recommend fork is two_percent, which is also more faster and memory efficient.

If you're facing the same issue with two_percent as well, you can reach out to the author in this thread, since they haven't yet opened up their issues tab.

OMG you're so right. I didn't look at the last commit date. I just saw "RUST" and my mind said "yes". Didn't consider anything else. Well I use nixos and so can't use two_percent. I am gonna wait for a while for any update or will move back to fzf then. Thank you for pointing it out, otherwise I would have been in hopes that my issue will get answered on github lol.