Thoughts and Feelings of Default Magazines? to /kbin – 1 points –

What does the kbin community think about having new user accounts subscribed to some set of default communities to get them started and show how the platform works? Rather than starting from ground 0, users can have ~20-30 communities and then add/remove from there. Similar to how Reddit has default subreddits or MySpace had everyone friends with Tom.

Not only would it help grow fledgling communities, but it would also help showcase federation if we included some of the Lemmy or Mastadon sites as well.

Just a small example list:

While I'm not advocating those all be defaults, if every user new user received the same "federated start communities" it shows how kbin interact with these other platforms and helps grow the entire fediverse.

I'm just one kbin user, so what does everyone else think?


I was going to suggest a "featured" page for magazines, so the site admin can give a list of magazines that e.g. suit the theme of the site on a page. Perhaps a "featured" tab on the "All magazines" page?