4 Post – 117 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Wtf is "intention" supposed to mean. Evolution doesnt intend anything.

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Roko's Basilisk has some human implications.

In the future there could be a true Kwisatz Haderach (a sufficiently strong human mind) that could reach into both future and past and influence them. Since it wants to safeguard its own creation, it is logical to assume that it would reward those that brought about its creation while punishing those that hindered it. Therefore, having sex and procreating is desirable because it increases the chance of the Kwisatz Haderachs appearance, leading to being rewarded.

I call this "moronic dumbass sex basilisk"

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Seriously, why do some people seem to insist that every single behavioral trait is ND?

combined with her being completely unhinged lol

If the goal is to better the conditions of illegal migrants, than them not getting any jobs due to hateful policies isnt really cutting it.

"put in their place"?
To me that has always seemed to talk from people that felt the need to punish people for not pandering to their ego.

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How is one guy saying (to extremely paraphrase) "some people have used the label of freedom to exploit vulnerable people" relevant to this? Like, thats a given, that some people will use this as a guise. Now, is there a systematic problem of leftists arguing for the freedom to assault children? No, only in the imagination of projecting right-libertarians.

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Granted, it's Meta, they're not to be trusted, but still, a discussion, if one has the time, wouldn't be too bad an idea.

It feels like Meta has to pay like a billion dollars in fines every few weeks in europe for violations. And they don't seem to plan on stopping (based on the fact that it happens every few weeks). Even faintly hoping that you could even have the smallest chance of moving even the smallest gear in Meta by appearing in such a meeting is complete delusion.

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To quote the actually adopted text:

(38) […] A portable battery should be considered to be removable by the end-user when it can be removed with the use of commercially available tools and without requiring the use of specialised tools, unless they are provided free of charge, or proprietary tools, thermal energy or solvents to disassemble it […]

(39) To ensure the safety of end-users, this Regulation should provide for a limited derogation for portable batteries from the removability and replaceability requirements set for portable batteries concerning appliances that incorporate portable batteries and that are specifically designed to be used, for the majority of the active service of the appliance, in an environment that is regularly subject to splashing water, water streams or water immersion and that are intended to be washable or rinseable. This derogation should only apply when it is not possible, by way of redesign of the appliance, to ensure the safety of the end-user and the safe continued use of the appliance after the end-user has correctly followed the instructions to remove and replace the battery. Where the derogation applies, the product should be designed in such a way as to make the battery removable and replaceable only by independent professionals, and not by end-users.

This is absolutely not the same as having an IP rating. A portable toaster could have an IP rating, but that doesn't mean it's intended to be submersed a lot in its life time.

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but I do think there's better alternatives to universal healthcare where standards usually drop for everybody.

Citations needed

😇 no 🤗💓

I know the argument for it being socialist but I really dont think its true. Government services arent 'inherently' socialist. And its more of an opportunistic mincer than some "diverse organization".

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Eh, Brave has some things going for it, like its search engine which is apparently quite good. On the other hand its still chromium and thus legitimizes the Google Monopoly. Besides that, the crypto bs they have pushed in the past and the past monetary contributions to homophobic causes by the founder are a red flag as well.

For easy plug-and-play Librewolf and Mullvad Browser are probably the best. Although for most people it would probably make sense to enable specific cookies for sites they visit often so they stay logged in. Though there are probably easy tutorials for that online. Or, even better, use a password manager like bitwarden and install its respective browser plugin.

As a 70-qubit quantum computer

Its cool to see that lemmy/kbin have such a diverse user base

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No, this is the adopted text. Its basically an update of the text you linked, which is the regulation from 2020. The relevant part you want might be (38) and (39):

(38) […] A portable battery should be considered to be removable by the end-user when it can be removed with the use of commercially available tools and without requiring the use of specialised tools, unless they are provided free of charge, or proprietary tools, thermal energy or solvents to disassemble it […]

(39) To ensure the safety of end-users, this Regulation should provide for a limited derogation for portable batteries from the removability and replaceability requirements set for portable batteries concerning appliances that incorporate portable batteries and that are specifically designed to be used, for the majority of the active service of the appliance, in an environment that is regularly subject to splashing water, water streams or water immersion and that are intended to be washable or rinseable. This derogation should only apply when it is not possible, by way of redesign of the appliance, to ensure the safety of the end-user and the safe continued use of the appliance after the end-user has correctly followed the instructions to remove and replace the battery. Where the derogation applies, the product should be designed in such a way as to make the battery removable and replaceable only by independent professionals, and not by end-users.

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Looking at the comments, interest in privacy and adblocking seem high. But the actual addons suggested here are often redundant or even worse, make you easier to track. Instead, take a look at the Arkenfox wiki, which is more or less the gold standard for browser privacy. Both LibreWolf and Mullvad Browser, practically the most privacy/anonymity oriented browsers out there, right behind Tor, either rely on it or stick very closely to it.
I highly recommend reading the entire wiki from the start. You dont have to do everything it says, obviously, but even if you dont do anything it will give you a better understanding of browser privacy. And lastly, do not use Chrome or any chromium based browser if you care about privacy and a free and open internet. Even if you only use a chromium based browser, you help increase googles monopoly.

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I suggest to scroll the entire page. Including the 3.2 trillion of the richest 400 americans. And remember that the tiniest scroll you can make would lead to you becoming a multi-multi millionaire that never has to look at their bank account ever again.

Mom says its my turn on the account naming scheme!

They chose to close off that avenue by making it a closed, off the books, invite only meeting. And as other posters have already mentioned, its likely that the people that do show up might have to sign NDAs or something similar. So we might not have learned anything anways.

I understood this comment chain but im so sorry for everyone that is new to the fediverse and has absolutely no clue what is going on lmao

I think I've heard anecdotally that they can't do it if you've already deleted your account, too. Something to consider as far as order of operations.

GDPR not only allows you to request your data but also to delete it, so if the deletion happened through a GDPR deletion request, they shouldnt have any data for a GDPR data request afterwards.

She should get a VPN and a pirate hat

No worries! It stands for PoliticalCompassMemes. The political compass is a simple (but wrong, if we deep dive into it) model of representing political positions in the current political sphere in mostly US/western politics. People started a meme subreddit about it and it quickly turned rather right wing with memes that devolved to "Ugly woman is left-wing and bad, Chad man is right-wing and good" lol

More freely available content would be great, wouldn’t it?

I doubt most people moved to the fediverse simple because of better content. Personally I didn't. And quantity doesn't mean quality.

And certainly they are likely to be data-hungry greedy shit, but there is a chance that they are actually good ideas - there are actual people working at meta after all.

Contributions are open for these people. But the moment the contributions are facilitated through Meta, they represent Metas business interests.

What are the downsides?

Control. Meta could swamp the fediverse and just because its open source the current platforms wouldnt necessarily continue to exist in the same way they currently do. We could see even bigger fragmentation or breaks, some Admins might feel forced to federate with Metas service, leading to the currently existing community breaking up.

But maybe, just maybe, goals align here, and Meta can make money and improve the Fediverse and the Internet with it.

Imo the last years has proven, without a doubt, that those things simply do not align.

To conclude: We have seen these things before and they havent ended well. People here seem to undererstimate the power Meta has and the impact that this power has. Even if all current instances were to defederate from Meta, simple association, user demand caused by an influx of Meta users and hard to guess power dynamics would make the fediverse a far different place than it currently is. To make a comparison: you cant drop the gravity well of a black hole into a small, complex planetary system and expect it to be unaffected.

TwoXChromosomes : Just TERF subreddit by name alone

I only lurked on the sub, but while the name was obviously bad, i remember it being very positive towards transwomen? Are there TERFs once you engage in the discussion or were there some big incidents that were transphobic?

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Probably stuck very far up the nose of whoever came up with this

Even if its not affected by manifest V3 changes directly, we shouldnt forget what V3 means. It shows the direction that Google wants to take Chromium into, unsurprisingly. Google is an Ad company, making a browser that has ad-blocking or has forks (i.e. Brave) that focus on ad-blocking is against its very core goal. Manifest V3 could just be the start. We dont know what changes they have in mind that could be impossible to evade for comparatively small projects like Brave. Imagine important and big features and security updates shipped with spyware so deeply integrated that only a giant company like Google could implement it while making it impossible for any smaller company like Brave to divide. Brave would be dead over night.

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Agreed. But while I enjoy it in the moment, Im a bit afraid we could lose it. And Im not sure what we have to do to keep it this way.

Edit: also hiiiiiii

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Im happy that they seem to have changed their position!

Easy to set up, very helpful community. If you liked Manjaro or think Manjaro is sketchy but like the idea of a slightly pre-configured arch, check it out.

No, but searching five sites at once from inside the application is simply a better and more time effective solution.

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Nice! Im very happy about the debian base!

A manufacturer can easily argue his device is intended for water immersion or intended to be washable. And the exception is fulfilled.

But the text says:

to be used, for the majority of the active service of the appliance

While a phone might be intended to be able to withstand rain and slight immersion, its not intended to be used in such an environment for the majority of its active service. Nobody is actually going to believe that imo.

Only if someone starts a motion that this would not be legal, then they can start the argument I mentioned above. And that's all it takes.

For some time now the EU has shown a willingness to bite tech companies in such matters. I hope the EU keeps doing that and extends that willingness. But yeah, for now we can only guess. Although I do think manufacturers wont try to weasel out of this, and if they do, i hope they get bitten.

Seriously. Reddit could have a different CEO tomorrow and it wouldnt change anything.

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Since we are obviously all avoiding reddit now, we dont really have to think to much about it anymore. But for what its worth, their first sticky post actually addresses the problem quite well, imo.

i mean shes a terrible person but she is pretty comical. Also her being told in a dream that she has to crack games is pretty funny lmao

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They are probably talking about LLM comments that tried to appear human to get upvotes and then get sold on to advertisers/scammers, not Video-download-bot or Palpatine-bot.

PCM in parts just became "women bad" for younger people lol

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"Streaming will make piracy disappear in 3 days!"
No, streaming will make torrents appear in only 18 hours.