45 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

“In August, high-end tourism continues to grow, unlike normal tourism,” Antonio Coviello, a researcher with Italy’s National Research Center wrote in a report on luxury travel issued this week, adding that the risk of over-tourism in the luxury sector is a concern because it could drive up prices in the mid-range travel sector to accommodate the bigger spenders.

Says a lot, doesn't it? Specifically: The peasants can get fucked.

This was my family when I was a kid. We never had a cat for more than 2-5 years because there were coyotes and pumas out there. Except for one cat who lived to old age. I think we had a dozen cats during my childhood. I remember thinking they were happier with their freedom, even though it meant their lives were short.
I know better now. I still think cats are happier when they can go outside, but it's not worth the risk to their lives and also the lives of the local smaller wildlife.

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Fucking Ark. I have a major love-hate relationship with that game.
This review visualizes it well.

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I feel bad for assuming he was a sex tourist. He was an immigrant to Thailand, with a job there and a wife. Sorry, man. RIP.

This guy died recently. RIP, he sounded like a good dude.

He survived the mine collapse!

I had totally forgotten about this one. Thank you for your service.

Yours is my favourite. I've witnessed several grease fires, but never one that geysered out of the sinkhole. Nice job, lol.

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My cat. With cats you get a better bang-for-your-buck in terms of maintenance costs vs years of utility.

(please don't be offended, this is meant as a joke. I love dogs. However I do refuse to get one because I personally am too emotionally delicate to fall in love with someone who I know might not be around for more than 12 years. I know it's better to have loved and lost, etc, but I don't know if I could handle it. Everyone who adopts an older dog, you are my hero)

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I know a couple of Yoshi's (Japanese) and the first time I met a German Joshi (pronounced "Yoshi"), I thought he had a Japanese name for some reason until I realised it's short for Joshua. Also, I thought Naomi was an exclusively Japanese name, today I learned, thanks!

Latest pics of jupiter from nasa! More fodder for my desktop slideshow folder.

I think this one was popular around 2010. But you aren't wrong, I even saw dancing baby today.

What's a potato?

I didn't even realize how much I missed this guy

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It's usually difficult for me to break habits, but right now I'm motivated by rage and contempt, which is making it a lot easier. And the fediverse is like a methadone drip to come down from the heroin-like addictiveness of endless information.

Tip: instead of opening reddit, just search "reddit" and read all the tech news articles shitting on Steve Huffman in diplomatic ways. It's very satisfying.

Honest question, how do you keep a cat indoors at night? We used to call them, but sometimes they wouldn't show up. That meant you might see them the next day, or never again. One little poofy grey cat we had disappeared for a week before turning up soaking wet and meowing frantically. Cats are quick and can make pretty good distance from your house, so when you're calling them in for the night, they could be literally anywhere. They also like to hunt at sunset, so might just ignore you on purpose.
That's my experience anyways. I think some of the other comments here are right, that a limited outdoor space that they could enjoy but not escape from would be ideal. I don't have a yard so my cats are indoor only. I did try to leash-train the smarter one but she was not having it.
edit: we would clang their food dishes and shake the food bags. Calling them in for the night was also feeding time. My experience was that despite this they wouldn't show up sometimes.

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It means they go to flower/seed really fast

Please tell me there was a mass resignation after that email was sent.

I had already clicked out of this thread when I spied your comment and came back in! Your experience is a lifetime dream of mine. Poo-tee-weet?

The jellyfish, mosquitoes, mold, sea urchins, flies, algae, fungi and cockroaches will probably thrive. That's a good foundation for evolution to start a new ecosystem, isn't it?
This is the kind of hope I am clinging to this year.

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Lrr's wife Nndnnd (when they're preparing to fuck): "MY ORGANS ARE MOVING INTO POSITION!"

This seems like a great system.
I really hate all the reddit awards. I didn't even know they exist until I opened the steve huffman ama in new reddit, and it had about a million awards that were all a different (moving/sparkling) emoji. Facebook has those too, all the little icons for like, haha, sad, heart etc. I find that stuff really distracting to look at and it's one of many reasons i refuse to use facebook, or reddit's official website & app.
Something like you're describing sounds like it would work really well though, especially if there were just maybe different colours or something for the upvote/downvote type, instead of space-wasting icons and images.

Slowly at first, then all at once.

I hate the people who love me, and they hate me.

Casa de Papel. The first season is its own contained story and it was fantastic and ended perfectly. The subsequent seasons were okay, but you could really tell that the writers hadn't expected the show to continue after season 1, and everything kind of felt made up on the spot and not nearly as well constructed. I watched it because I love some of the actors/characters, but when I recommend it to people, I tell them to only watch the first season.

Forgot about this band, thanks. The whole Return to Cookie Mountain album on CD was my teenage jam.

Shut up, Terry.

This isn't even the scene from that quote but I still couldn't resist making it my profile pic!

This is the correct answer. It's so bad it's good! And it combines something halfway reasonable with a scribble someone spent 2 seconds on. Which really captures the spirit of what this community will (hopefully) become.

(warning: link to reddit) - the thread is ~3 years old, so it sounds like your rough calculations are correct.

I'm just a filthy casual, so I never had the skills to tame high level dinos and stuff, but this game was still such a time suck! And so frustrating yet addictive.

Muse - Feeling Good
As beautiful as the original is, this song gives me chills right from the opening notes. It is so well done.

Those are raw beans though...

My partner is one of these. I have photos of him sleeping on planes, trains, boats and cars. He can be worried about something, or stressed about tomorrow, and still fall asleep within 5 minutes of laying down. I am so jealous.

I'm neither lol

I pet it and it licked my hand

So...what did it feel like?

I got "YOU AREN'T WELCOME HERE, GO AWAY!" they're not approving new users right now :(

Appropriate username.

I think you have to enter the community in your url bar like this:
which I think in your case would be:


Try that out and get back to me. I am also brand new to the Fediverse, kind of feels like the blind leading the blind. But I'm sure we will figure it out.

edit: just realized what you're asking. I know how to make a community link that can be accessed from any instance, but not a post link. I want to link the FAQ's from my instance so that anyone can read it, but I'm still not sure how.