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Joined 1 years ago

something something gay wedding cake. Last I checked LEO isn't a protected class. And they aren't even denying LEO, just those that come in on-duty and are armed. So yeah, get fucked pigs.

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That's where the top of his skull was opened and the brain replaced with a racist bowl of jello.

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I love the poorly educated!

-Trump in 2016

There is a reason the GQP it trying to dismantle the education system in the US...

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Unfortunately, probably someone getting hurt or killed. To the GQP the political violence is a feature, not a bug. I hope I'm wrong.

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To be fair, I didn't want Biden the first time either. He just happened to be not Trump. I'll vote Biden again, but I'm not pleased those are my only (real) options. We really need ranked choice voting here in the US....

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Mod of /r/homeautomation and /r/homeimprovement here. Yeah we are all done. The subreddits are staying private until we are removed forcefully or reddit changes their stance on the API. Chances are it will be the former. It's really sad but we just cannot realistically moderate without third-party apps. And with the way spez has been acting it's likely more mod tools/bots will be on the chopping block making our "jobs" many times harder. It's hard, it's sucks, I've been on reddit for some 12 years now (under various accounts). We love our communities but just can't operate this way. :(

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They don't even care about the fetus though, it's just an excuse to oppress women.

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Former President & Director-Counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, Sherrilyn Ifill, argued that a different defendant would be treated differently.

I'll take "No shit Sherlock" for $500 Alex. It's so fucking blatantly obvious how there are two different tiers of justice in the US. If you or me did that our asses would already be in jail.

I can't even find that they are covering it at all, there is nothing on their front page about it.

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I mean, tropical storm aside would you want to be in Florida anyway?

Seriously, the graveyard is pretty extensive: https://killedbygoogle.com/

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I obviously don't speak for everybody but my Biden vote in 2020 was very much a not-Trump vote. And if Trump end up against Biden in 2024 I will make that same vote a second time. Like you said, I'll take a meh Biden over the crazies in the GQP.

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I hate how "hack" is used for any kind of breach. This is 100% credential re-use or a shit password:

The attackers appear to be using leaked credentials or brute-forcing to attempt to take control of a large number of LinkedIn accounts.


For accounts that are appropriately protected by strong passwords and/or two-factor authentication, the multiple takeover attempts resulted in a temporary account lock imposed by the platform as a protection measure.

That's not to say LinkedIn isn't a steaming pile of garbage, but to say this is a "hack" is disingenuous.

Many utilities offer bill discounts if you install a thermostat they can control during peak events. Some even will install radio-contolled switches on water heaters. Electric utilities have a VERY strong incentive to try and shave peak load during high-demand events.

Source: I worked for an electric utility. We even took our buildings off the grid and ran on generator during peak-load events. It was cheaper to burn diesel then contribute to the load.

I was going to say, coal remains around 1/3 of our electric generation worldwide (as of 2022): https://www.statista.com/statistics/269811/world-electricity-production-by-energy-source/

Coal can't be reused, created, or otherwise obtained outside of mining. Until we remove our dependency on coal, mining will continue.

And what, exactly, has he faced in terms of consequences for anything during his 77 years on this rock? There is pretty much zero chance he sees any jail time and he's well aware of this. So what has he got to loose? Might as well stir up shit in prep for a Jan 6 v2 in 2025.

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Him and his buddies must have large investments in commercial real estate. I can't possible think of another reason why he would willingly tank the company. Make as many short-term gains as possible then bail.

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Since when have GQP voters cared if the person they vote for actually does anything?! I thought they just wanted someone to "own the libs" and bitch about "woke" things (while being unable to define that that actually is).

You should be smarter going forward. There is ZERO chance this is the end. Film companies are going to keep trying this shit over and over again hoping to get a bite. And it seems with the splintering of streaming services coupled with price increases lots of previous pirates are returning to their old habits.

Not yet, his plane landed in Atlanta about 10 minutes ago. Live updates here if you are so inclined: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2023/aug/24/trump-georgia-fulton-rally-republican-debate-politics-live-updates

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If they are US routes or interstates then yes. If they are state or county/township roads than probably not. Though if I recall correctly if a local road has an over/underpass of an interstate federal funds could be used to help maintain or rebuild those bridges. That part I'm fuzzy on though so could be wrong.

I'm kinda surprised this wasn't the original announcement. I figured it would just move to a paid feature. Maybe the initial tweet (or whatever the fuck we call an X) was just to get attention.

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The average reservation wage of U.S. jobs seekers — the lowest annual pay workers would accept for a new job — climbed to a record high of $78,645 in July, up from $72,873 at the same time last year, according to the survey.

Combined with:

Yet the average full-time wage offer received in the past four months was $69,475, itself a marked increase from $60,764 last July.

So that's a ~13.5% increase in full-time wage offers vs a ~7.5% increase in ask. This seems like a non-story then, yes? Inflation has pushed wages higher which has pushed expectations higher. However, the offer increase is higher than the ask increase so... Am I missing something here?

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For me it's anyone that comes to my doorstep trying to sell something (including religion). To get to that point you have to walk past TWO "no soliciting" signs. That makes the person blind, incompetent, or both.

He (the candidate) it just targeting key swing states. That's not to say others won't follow and file similar lawsuits which is quite possible. The real question is what happens with them and do they have an real impact.

Thank you. It's been a rough 10 days or so. I don't know that I have it in me to pick up the pieces and do it again. At least not right now. I know much of the team feels the same way. For now I've found a home here at least as a regular user, lol.

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is calling for investigations into the group’s top leader and its financial practices

Ahh, so always grifting, makes sense.

At my previous job where I managed our Verizon account our rep was RELENTLESS at pushing this garbage. Every meeting we had with him was a fucking bluejeans link. And every time, without fail, one or more of us had audio or video issues. I don't know how it ever made it out of QA/testing. It was such a garbage platform, good riddance.

I much prefer having lunch in my PJs with my cats to having lunch with my coworkers.

Nah, he could have pardoned them before he left office but as usual doesn't give a flying fuck about anyone except himself. These idiots don't realize they were simply tools used and then discarded.

However, I could foresee a scenario where another candidate runs hard on the "pardon all the J6 'political prisoners' platform" and get some traction. That said, they would only follow-through if it got them political points or some other personal gain.

Or a roll of toilet paper.... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRJjBYp76QY

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Of course, which is why they (republicans) have been working so hard to dismantle free and fair elections. They know they can't win if things are fair.

If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.

-David Frum

I'm of the "old fart" variety that recalls the days of IRC and totally agree. Back even before forums those communities run off servers in peoples basements were a treasure trove of knowledge and community. I have very fond memory of making real connections with people there. As you pointed out, that simply doesn't exist on an article with comments.

I've got the 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺 - who's bringing popcorn?

Meth lab? My brother is a firefighter (not in PA) and has encountered a fair few of those throughout the years.

But that's my point, employers are giving it (kinda, I'll circle-back to this). The full-time offer has gone up $9k in the last 12 months. Contrasted with the ask that has only gone up $6k in that same time-frame.

Now, is $70k a livable wage? Hard to say without a more specific location. In bumfuck Alabama, probably. In LA, hell no.

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I tried to snag one and the page just hung trying to submit the order. :(

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Yeah I mean, lead by example dude. If you want reddit to grow up you should start by doing so yourself.

Local backup to my Synology NAS every night which is then replicated to another NAS at my folks house through a secure VPN tunnel. Pretty simple and easy to deploy.

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