1 Post – 49 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Appreciate that these updates use the yyyy-mm-dd format :D

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Ah I see you work in my work places wage and bonus calculation department.

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When musk hired ex NASA or VW employees 👍

When other companies hire ex twitter / Tesla staff 😡😤😡

Utter shocked Pikachu face. its a concept that has been around for 100 years, and no-one did it before for a big reason.

There is an unreleased and un-leaked version of the 2012 ARGOS Christmas advert, not dissimilar to the infamous "rainbow for adults" sketch which leaked many years ago.

To watch it we had all our phones taken away from us, and there was a pretty thorough "OK you all saw it, funny hey, time to destroy the CD"

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Knew someone like this. they shut the hell up after they said "no-one wants to work a 9-5" and I asked them to find a single job listing within the hour that was within a half hour drive offering a 9-5 fixed salary and it didn't already require 5 years of high level experience. They found nothing, but it was still other peoples fault. "Why don't you just volunteer for free to get experience"

Maybe not the same, as its more of a service contract. At work, we have had a site which has been closed for 2 years. for 2 whole years, every week the vending machine company arrive, try to get in, can't, ring us, and we say "that site is closed".

Well we finally after 2 years got them to remove that site from their system?

Their response? to remove ALL food from ALL vending machines at all our sites, to remove the coffee machines, and to remove the water coolers. The water coolers are especially egregious, as they just sit there doing nothing. they are from tap water, so not even replacing bottles etc.

Sometimes subscriptions are useful. I wish the BBC TV licence in the UK was a subscription. I cannot justify spending £150 on a licence for an entire year, just to watch a month of shows. but other times it sucks. I just want Microsoft office. I don't care if it will cost me £200. Right now my favourite game is subscription based, but i don't think i can justify the £9.99 a month, or £50 for a whole year. £50 for lifetime access? maybe.

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It how swift it has been. Friend and I went to a "mall" we hadn't been to since we were kids. He pointed out "holy crap, this is where it used to be rows and rows of payphones. Even in 2010 I didn't have a mobile, and only got one as all the payphones vanished.

Now so many things require an app or online sign-up.

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why are they blue!!!

Literally chose not to buy a powerbank because the power button flashed blue as bright as possible. my PC has blue LED's on the front for status indicators, and i put some black nail polish over them to block out about 80% of the light.

"would you like to receive notifications in your browser from this site?"

No. No I would not.

It really really depends.

"What time does ASDA shut?" - well the answer involves someone in the comment section googling it, I can see the "just Google it" frustration.


"Why is the bottom of my 3D print really messy?" - anyone who could claim to be intermediate at 3D printing would know that it is either a support material issue, or maybe they haven't got "bridging" settings turned on. Replying with "a simple Google would find it was an issue with bridging" but the person asking the question may not even know that phrase to use.

Edit: I like to do the old "this is what i think it is, but here are some terms you could use to better understand in case my solution doesn't work"

Counter shower thought, I'm not even close to dating Lemmy. I spent 2 years getting to know Reddit, it will take me as long, if not longer due to Lemmy not being as mature as resdit was.

Right now, lemmy is the stranger at the train station asking why I am crying. It might turn into something, or I may just lean into Facebook / Instagram / YouTube / discord more.

Fusion 360: we have unnecessarily decided to force you to use the cloud for this product

Also Fusion 360: *Noooo all you free users are using up too much of our server space, you will have to pay.

Here is an idea, let me run it on my PC and it won't use any of your servers

"Darkstar one" on Xbox 360. It was the only game that actually ran at 60FPS. when i eventually went to sell it (as i got it on PC) neither of the 2 game stores (GAME and CEX) would buy it off me as it didn't register on their system.

Now one that people probably know about, especially as it has a lot of HD re-releases, but when Okami came out, basically no-one knew it. A real shame, as it was a gem of a game.

Google has really gone to shit. "2009 Eurovision winner". 3 pages of the 2033 Eurovision winner.

Same with Google maps. "Pyramids of Giza", shows pyramids bar in London.

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There are very few. Factorio is amazing and no-one should play it if they value your life. Train Simulator "Classic" will also destroy your wallet, and it isn't really that good. Horribly buggy, unoptimised, never patched or fixed.

I tend to go the other way. games I know people like, but I dislike. Far Cry 3 was the worst in the series, and I never got on with Red Dead Redemption 2, despite having 120 hours in it.

How can i help donate and support lemmy.wold and the greater Lemmy ecosystem?

ET scared the crap out of me.

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Never heard the phrase sealioning before, but I have seen it everywhere.

Just like Etsy. Its a horrible place to try and build a business and be creative and make money, and is being overrun by dropshipped tat, but its where everyone goes to get nice things, so its where people have to sell

well.... it made the news: https://www.northantstelegraph.co.uk/news/people/is-this-britains-worst-road-kettering-parents-furious-at-school-access-1327488

Quite tame for most other places, but unusually standard for the UK.

Road I live on a manhole cover is literally half exposed out the road. not the rover to it, the actual frame the cover goes into. council doesn't care. But they just repaved a road which had only been done 5 years before, and definitely didn't need re-doing.

Yes. Co-worker got a super cheap printer, and then tried to cancel the ink subscription. turns out he couldn't just buy ink from them, and his printer was useless.

Why is everyone celebrating that companies are starting to keep voice recordings and chat records of users? It is mad.

In the same week switching to DDG browser and to Lemmy. God dayum I wish there was a good alternative for Gmail.

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A series of fortunate events. 3 year course at university doing Product design. then about a year in and out of retail jobs. then i saw in a news paper a listing for a job which required a designer. At the time the store i was working at was very happy with my work, but the boss was an amazing person. They drove me to the first interview, as it was very close to their house.

3 Interviews later they called me saying I got the job, and it has been that way ever since. I feel lucky that my current career is a similar path to where i wanted to go. It was either an IT role or a design role, and my teachers at my school heavily encouraged me to take the design route.

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Sadly here a huge amount of government is entirely online. Even 4 years ago when I wanted to do my passsport, because of my age bracket, I was not allowed to use a paper or internet method. I HAD to use a web app, and then with the app someone had to take a photo of me for the picture. No "send a photo in" no email the photo.

It couldn't be your normal passport photo eaither, full waist up photo, with full white background and neutral lighting.... It was completely impossible.

It is OK. Performance is a bit bumpy (expected) and communities are a lot quieter, but it is much much nicer here. Reddit is filled with absolute morons who scream SOURCE!!!!!! every time they see a joke or opinion which doesn't allign with their belief that children standing 8na. School yard deserved to die because they have the right to drive angiant car

I have never pre-ordered a game.

I have however pre-ordered collectables which "come with a game" (despite the collectables likely being more than the game) or the privilege of being able to hang out with my friends at midnight to collect a game on release. And of those games Halo 2, Halo 3, and Battlefield 3 were the only 3.

These days there is even less reason to pre-order, but where I lived and the local small game shop, sometimes the only way to get a game within the first MONTH of release was a pre-order, where the store would literally..... Pre order. Its not a pre-order for you at the store, its the store ordering it from the distributor / publisher.

The very first game i ever purchased on Steam was a game where i went in for the 3rd week in a row and they said "sorry, still not had any come in for re-stock".

And now even more than ever is a BETTER time to pre-order. "Back in my days" good fucking luck being able to return a game if the 7 seals of security purity were not damaged. now, almost universal refunds for digital goods from most of the major game platform hosts.

Don't feel too bad. Whatever the occasion it is acceptable to wear trousers. We can wear the same thing 50 times to 50 events and society won't care

Proper fitting ones are also very comfortable. While the range of men's clothing at supermarkets and bigger clothes stores is generally a lot less than women's clothes, specialised men's clothes shops and tailoring is much more common for men than women.

It just takes men a much longer time tomdoscover clothes that fit. Late 20's when I discovered it, and early 30's I have found what fits, and dye it to suit what colour I want!

I specifically use Reddit for the data retention and ease of finding "old" information, unlike basically other social media which scrubs it from any search even seconds after you looked at it (even if they still store the data)

He really cared. He was then transferred to another store (even further from home) to try and improve their performance, and I heard about half the staff quit when he went. There was another manager from another branch who would visit a lot to cover for him, and everyone expected she would be the replacement.... and she wasn't. She was also really good. An unexpectedly good management team that actually cared and helped. The real "its super busy, I will take my suit jacket off and join you on the shop floor" kinda team.

Exclusive optimisation is amazing. Some of the games they squeezed out of some consoles is amazing. I can't believe tears of the kingdom runs so well on the switch. There was also an amazing PS2 game called "black".

Don't get it. Devs are super anti consumer. Don't allow modding, don't allow family share on steam. Don't even allow you to stream it to another device with big picture. They are in the proccess of switching to a terrible anti cheat system.

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Love how foxhole has gone for exactly the same art as last time

Environmental change activists? They have pretty authoritarian views on certain subjects, even if they are more "liberal" and alternative views?

I am very new to Lemmy.world. I have noticed though there is no icon displayed on firefox for the bookmark (but there is for Chrome / DuckDuckGo browser).

Edit 2023-07-02 - For me this appears to have been fixed :)


You are missing a key feature of that roundabout, the first sign leading up to it, and the "clock" theory.

Imagine an analogue clock. Anything between 12:00 and 6:00 you use the right hand lane, regardless of the shape of the roundabout in real life.

Anything between 6:00 and 12:00 you use the left hand lane. Again. Regardless of what the actual real world layout of the roundabout it.

The sign shows that the left lane is not to go "straight ahead", even though you are staying on the A610 and staying on the "same road"

Once you got past those first two exits, you would then switch from lane 2 to lane 1, as per the sign on the roundabout.

So normally left would be to continue, in this specific case, right is to continue on the A610, and the people "cutting in front of you" are correct. Well, they shouldn't cut, but they are not expecting you to still be in lane 1

Bit harsh.

And if it's anything like Twitter was, it won't be very social

I had the same with mastodon. How they explain it still makes no sense to me, and it seems like some strange echo chamber where youonly discuss 1 topic, whereas twitter is everything, and you just follow what you like.

Turns out I just don't like the twitter format anyway.

Lemmy.world does a good job simulating what Reddit does, but I don't think it will replace Reddit any time soon