
0 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

M$ can get absolutely fucked

This is no different than every other capitalist enterprise. The whole system works on taking a public resource, claiming private ownership of it, and then selling it back to the public for profit.

First it was farmland, then coal and minerals, oil, seafood, and now ideas. Its how the system works and is the whole reason people have been trying to stop it for the past 150 years.

The people making the laws are there because they and/or their parents and/or grandparents did the exact same thing. As despicable and corrupt as it is you won't change it by complaining and no-one is going to make a law to stop it.

Also walkable towns and cities. Also public and community spaces. Also strong interconnected communities. All these things are bad for capitalism and the ruling class and their enforcers though so don't expect to see any change in the policy of dismantling communities

You've just said the same thing but you don't understand.

Reducing that job from 18 months to a few weeks frees up workeder for other tasks. That means nobody gets hired to do those other tasks and people who would otherwise have good jobs have nothing.

It also means the people Stoll there can be easily coerced into working for lower wages because there's a line of people at the door who will happily work for less since they're currently unemployed.

That's what replacing workers means and that's the effect of labour reduction. It puts power into the hands of the owner of the tool instead of the people who use the tool to generate cashflow.

This is capitalism - the one with capital exploits the many without, all backed up by the exclusive right to violence of the state which is owned and run by the capital owning class.

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Yeah, we're already there bud. Come on in, the waters fine

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Weather and even temperature are a bit of a red herring in all this. The extreme weather is caused by the rising temps and feedback loops, but what's happening is just the heat trying to normalize. We're not going to end up with 70c at the equator and -30c at the poles. Look at the cretaceous temp, CO2, and fossil records and you'll see that the temp evens out even with CO2 massively higher then today, and you end up with things like temperate rainforest at the south pole. Our real issue and the one we should be actively fighting against (as in actual in-the-street rebellion) is the absolute destruction of the environment. Chemical dumping, strip mining, industrial fishing, industrial agriculture, forever chemicals, microplastics, desertification and deforestation. These things are going to cause ecological collapse and kill almost everyone in the next generation or two, no question about it. We don't have to worry about the heat getting us

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Australian government has apparently sent messages to citizens in Gaza telling them to go to the Rafah crossing and they'll be let out.

Wonder if they'll take any responsibility for the deaths and injuries when Israel bombs it again...

Time to start moving away from google services there mate. This behaviiur is only getting worse with time, and don't get me started on the tracking. There are plenty of FOSS apps to do pretty much anything you need to do on an Android device

Antennapod is a great podcast app. I have behind the bastards on there right now!

Nice article!

I know it's hearsay but I'll throw in that on my mint rig with a ryzen CPU and nvidia GPU I haven't had any problem with any game I've run through steam in the past 3-4 years. I just buy what I want and fire it up.

I don't play comp games but haven't had issues with the few multiplayer games i be tried

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Haha "entry level school homework Mac" Hahahahaha Sure thing Richy Rich

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Well that's a dumb thing to say. That money was stolen from other people to start with. This is like robin hood, but the rich guy steals from the poor and then gives part of it back to them so he pays less tax, which would have meant he gave more back to them....

Thanks team, love your work! Appreciate the updates and improvements but happy to have this place despite the bugs and quirks :)

I wouldn't even type fa in by Firefox without the Facebook containers extension. And yeah, chrome can jam it

Why would they ever accept any "offer" to have their homes and land taken away?

Its been a while, but i dusted this off just for you:


Yeah its really tough and I try to limit my doomscrolling to the amount needed to stay informed. One huge problem with all this is that it effects the most privileged the least, and even the day to day things we can do to feel like we're helping are only really available to those of us with that privilege. Like, I could say "start a vege garden, buy hemp and wool clothes, fix things in your workshop instead of buying new" but yeah, those aren't really options most people can take unless we change the underlying structure of our society first. But then, why don't we try changing society so we can then fix these issues? In the end, it's all part of the class war, and we're losing badly.

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Running in the bush, I put my foot straight in a wombat hole. A wombat hole is about 2 feet across so I ended up feet first, chest deep in the hole. My bug toe landed first and shattered in 7 pieces. Sprained my ankle on the other foot too so it was a super fun walk home!

Ah yes. This is why batteries in Aus cost the same as they did 10 years ago. Capitalism working as intended

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If now isn't the time to be alarmed, when is?

Jfc man, thanks for the hot tip on the ddg tracker protection! I've been using ddg for a while now on the phone and have out some effort into curating apps so most of what I have is private/secure/open source, but I still have a bunch of things like the Netflix app that I know are sketchy. I've just gone through every app I have and confirmed things like Jerboa, VLC, antenna pod, etc are all free of trackers. The real fun surorises though were my bank app and my state government services app, which are each on about 45 tracking attempts across 36 categories. The services one even uses two seperste tracker companies. That's super fun!

Fuck I'm glad I have this ddg add on now :D

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Well that's a compelling case you make there.

Have a counterpoint:

Solar battery average price in 2018 was $10k for 10kw Its now $12k for 10kw.

So you're actually right! The price has increased.



goddammit. I was watching this going "hey, my system is like that!" Check and yes, my 24 core Ryzen 5900X with 32GB ram with NVMe drive is painfully slow opening things like calculator, terminal etc. I am running Fedora 38 with KDE desktop.... That the hell man

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I can assure you, it is not.

Refugee here. Been poking around trying to find the right place in the fediverse for ages, while lurking on reddit for pics, memes, and news. The impending death of reddit apps was just the push I need to finally make a decision. Happy to finally be here and looking forward to the expansion of a decentralized decorporatised internet

This is exactly right but assumes the nature of the internet must remain the same. The problem is the content and people wanting your sweet little attention. The internet described in the article - the blogosphere and Usenet and the rest, was an internet created by people for people and existed for its own sake. What google has access to now is 3 billion people all trying to scam the others for money. Its a fundamentally different user base and there's no way a better algorithm can find content that isn't there

That is fucking horrifying. How did it ever get to that point?

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Maybe you shouldn't speak on this one bud

Totally agreed. I would definitely pay to use FF, even a hateful subscription, if the alternative was to shut down. I think enough people are of the same opinion that its not going to be funding that kills it, but a buyout and kill off

Organized religion and their tools and symbols of opressiin have no place in modern society. The enlightenment is 300 years old now and we still have whackos like all the Americans in this thread talking about "religion is freedom". Its not freedom, its a fucking lie and it exists to control and oppress.

Vive La France, bring on more of this

To paraphrase: humanity be free when the last stone of the last church falls upon the last priest.

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Well I'm neither of those. I'm not a tech bro and I don't really understand computers well or what a tick tock does. I'm just an old dude who's been using standard desktop stuff since windows 3.1 and DOS before that.

You should install Linux unless you absolutely need either commercial architecture software or Excel for specific things.

MS is the devil and windows sucks balls. I use windows on a work machine and it is objectively worse than most Linux flavours.

Start on Mint or KDE Neon if you're coming from windows.

As they say, don't knock it till you try it.

Medieval European building techniques, specifically heavy timber framing and lime plaster

This is a friendly reminder that medieval peasants had more freedom of movement, worked significantly less hours/days per year, and had stronger and richer community and family loves than anyone in our advanced modern society.

I do love modern medicine though

Poor education standards I'd say

Not if you use a waterproof base layer. This isn't some theoretical thing, its tried and tested technology in common use

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Trees? Not many. Grasses, herbs, wildflowers, and shrubs? Tons of them. And you can pretty easily retrofit over an existing sloped roof. And the weight is no more than a tiled roof.

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Just turned to my buddy and said exactly this and came back to see your comment. Literally lol'ed. Fuck whoever is down voting you

They never left bud