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Not everyone does, I've had a lot of conversations with a lot of people on this topic.

People's thought processes range from monologue to dialog to narration to silence to images to raw concepts without form.

I personally do not have a constantly running monologue, but rather have relatively short bursts of thought interspersed with long periods of silence.

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摆烂 bai3lan4

A slang term that means "stop striving", I'd say it's loosely akin to the phrase "quiet quitting" but a bit more general.

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216 yes, 210 no

✅ Resolution is adopted. Speaker position is vacated.

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Tldr; there's a housing shortage because... there are not enough houses being built

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One thing to consider, if this turned out to be accepted, it would make it much harder to prosecute actual csam, they could claim "ai generated" for actual images

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Same, what a challenging but worthwhile journey.

Growing up in the clutches of devout religious thinking had such a profoundly negative impact on my mental health and view of the world in general that relinquishing it was one of the most refreshing and revitalizing experiences of my life.

Religion teaches you that this life is only important as a stepping stone to eternity, that leads to some incredibly short sighted and unhealthy living. Accepting that this life is actually important for its own sake instead of as some sort of twisted game from some random deity helped me begin to make choices that objectively did more for humanity and myself.

Religion teaches you that evidence and logic are not routes to "truth" but feelings, faith, and obedience are. Untangling that mess was tough, as a result for decades now every single thought and belief has been in question. The pain of being so wrong but so convinced I was right has led to a bit of an issue allowing myself to believe anything

Religion is one of the largest stains on our species. I don't blame religious people, they're victims, but by george do I hate that we have perpetuated such tragic belief systems.

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They terk er jerbs

Jquery is a swear word in professional front end contexts, the replacement is transpilation and dropping ie support.

Personally I used jquery up until react and babel got hot, now I never touch the dom directly with jquery and no longer have a need for the polyfill features as I rely on babel preset-env to support the browsers we have selected (especially for things like promises/async await/es6+ features)

Eh the general consensus is that this launch is a small early adopter phase and they have cheaper versions in the pipeline. They're only producing <100k units, definitely not going for mass adoption yet

I'm nihilistic so keep that bias in mind with the rest of this:

Life is a beautiful nightmare. Death is inevitable and worrying about it does nothing positive for you. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with accepting death before it comes 👍

Huggingface takes a bit of getting used to but it's the place to find models and datasets, imo it may be one of the most important websites on the internet today.

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Investors, and not just mega corporations, local investors are a major issue.

We have collectively come to understand the idea that you can get free money by buying houses and renting them out. If you talk to any lay person and ask them how they'd spend a million dollars the most common answer seems to be "buy property"

Our issue is in our collective minds, but the inertia of the idea means it will probably never be fixed unless there's a catastrophe

Watch my life and when I want it generate a new movie with a change in trajectory. Basically "the what if machine" from futurama

Won $10,000,000 tomorrow An alien stopped by The basics!

Suicide before Alzheimers, on my own terms 🫡

Wouldn't mind some new neighbors, not planning on selling, not going to contribute to the landlord crisis, I say let it burn.

My house is like 25% paid off, I don't care if it loses 90% of it's "value" I'll keep paying the bills. Rather everyone have affordable housing than some extra cash in my bank account.

It's a bit complex, and you can find a better answer elsewhere, but a model is a set of "weights" and "bias" that make up the pathways of the neurons in a neural network.

A model can include other features but at its core it gives users the ability to run an "ai" like gpt, though models aren't limited to only natural language processing.

Yes, you can download the models and run them on your computer, generally there will be instructions in each repository, but in general it involves downloading the model which can be very large and running it using an existing ml framework like pytorch.

It's not a place for the layman right now, but with a few hours of research you could make it happen.

I personally run several models that I got through huggingface on my computer, llama2 which is similar to gpt3 is the one I use the most.

When I started out at about 14 I found a few programming books that really helped at my local library. It's really tough to keep motivated as a kid, but if you give him tools and help him find joy in the process he'll push himself to the finish line.

Good on you for supporting your kid, my parents told me to get off the computer and go outside every time they "caught" me programming.

Giving up isn't so bad, but for myself I limit how much social media and news I consume and do my best to plan life ahead for any upcoming tragedies when I do get my periodic doses.

Not much we can do about the truly terrible things happening, but we can make existence a little less shitty around ourselves.

You and I are not the center of the universe, it's okay to just exist.

Good god, according to census.gov:

Real median household income was $74,580 in 2022

Which works out to $6,215/month. Less than $200/month for emergencies, nobody is saving money with these figures. Our economic system is broken.

Insightful, I've found that most people change their answers at least slightly after having time to observe their thoughts for a while, we are geniuses at believing our own conjectures.

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Haven't been following lately, mistral was the best unrestricted model when I was on the scene a bit ago

I have the aeron, it's nice but a bit uncomfortable if you sit in it in any sort of non standard way, I sit with my legs crossed and my cat in my lap and unless I pad the heck out of the bottom with extra pillow or blanket the hard plastic digs into my feet and legs.

For me a far more comfortable approach is a monitor on a stand and a comfortable easy chair, along with a split ergonomic bluetooth keyboard. Embrace our wall-e future

Favorite for quick tasks: javascript, the last few years of ecmascript features make it an incredibly productive language.

Favorite for hobby stuff: rust, but with caveats. I miss default parameters, I dislike the syntax soup, the async system has too many "standards" (see xkcd on competing standards)

Favorite for work: javascript/typescript. Having my team be fully capable of working on any part of our competencies with just one language is huge. Sharing code between front end and backend, across products, and easily finding developers all make it an easy choice.

Least favorites:

Php: magic quotes? Golang: using casing to establish public vs private? Objective-C: the worst combo of every one of it's predecessors Java: forcing the paradigm of everything is an object causes so much boilerplate Vb5/6/a: triggering a button with = True, using a single equals for both assignment and equality, callbacks are an absolute nightmare

I would say we all have thoughts without language with varying levels of frequency, think about moments where you or others have said "ah i know what I want to say but forgot the word"

RTO = return to office apparently

Hmm, maybe a useful feature in lemmy would be to ignore votes by users who voted up a specific post, like a user configurable anti vote manipulation feature. Because this post is incredibly obviously artificially upvoted

I think easier access to emancipation would be incredible, when I was a teen in a bad situation I didn't even know it was an option.

Perhaps the frontal lobes aren't developed, but is that really a reasonable argument against freedom of action? Are we saying people who have less intelligence should not be given freedom? Why is the age 18 instead of 25? I think that's a bad argument.

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