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Joined 4 months ago

Quetiapin is an antipsychotic medication, not the same as melatonin which is a naturally occurring hormone.

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I have no issues sleeping on 120mg of Vyvanse, I even find it easier to sleep.

Are you sure you're not misdiagnosed?

See that's the cute thing.They can have their free speech right there, but freedom also means the for most people obvious choice not to associate with nazis and other similiar troglodytes.

And as you said yourself, it already seems to be a popular hole for said miscreants, so why even bother with it.

Sure, but that doesn't mean that one should willfully fraternize with idiots lol Troglodytes should be shunned, nothing wrong about that.

I couldnt really care less about my chefs personal view as long as the meal is ok.

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Amen. I though I somehow missed a new site design.. I kinda like it the way it is now..

Isn't that how we justified boiling Crayfish alive though?

This is my setup on debian. Works without any issues.

What kind of sasquatch ass hands do you have where you can reach the top of any phone?

I miss my Xperia 5iii, but those screens are too expensive to justify replacing when I get a brand new device for the same cost.

My 75 year old father have been running linux for 20 years now. All in all, i know about 7 super casual users that are running linux only, without any real issues.

Its definitely there for the casual users. Its just not really there for the Windows "power"users lol

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Way to miss the point.

Chromeos should suit you well.