
0 Post – 10 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Hello, I'm an archivist who does things.

E? E.

Aa far as I'm aware, incremental synthesis is vivado trying to build a new FPGA bitstream by modifying a snapshot of the previous build, to ostensibly save time. Because the SID FPGA implementation is a relatively small part of the MEGA65 core, it really likes to forget to add any changes I make, especially related to timing optimization (it took me so long to figure out it had re-enabled itself, after disabling it my total negative slack was cut in half due to it finally registering all the pipelining and other optimization). I've also had vivado outright lock up with some cases.

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Do repos on GitHub and assorted messages on text-based communication platforms count as content? Because if that's the case, then all the time, because I generally write stuff down in case I proceed to forget exactly what that function did or why I calculated this bypass coefficient like this or why for the love of fuck does vivado keep reverting to incremental synthesis and how did I fix it last time aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

As for if my random technical nonsense has any bearing on the world, not really, outside of maaaybe the demoscene if the SID stuff works out, and the few people who like reading my ramblings for some reason.

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This one on lemmy.today, and my original account with the same username on lemmy.world.

Personally, I'm a big fan of XMPP, due to the inherent resiliency in being decentralized/federated, and due to the security provided by OMEMO (based on signal's algorithm). Don't have to worry about third-parties messing with my data if it stays on my server that's in my house.

English, C++; Z80, 6502, and 45GS02 assembly, some SQL, VHDL, a bit of Python and Verilog, BASIC65, bash, CP/M ED, and a few other odds and ends

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I call my server "the server", "the shitbox", or "the 36TB", my pc "the PC", and my surface... "the surface". Creative, I know.

I am fully aware, I speak nerd and computer.

The computers speak back. It's a good time.

I might be going insane?

I'm also ripping off being inspired by another comment.

Poe's law strikes again?

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People can also stop saying words and think for a second about the information they're actually saying first, whereas an LLM just vomits up words that seem to match the pattern of the rest of the sentence. If I were to ask you what 2 + 2 is, you'd stop, run the math in your head, get 4, then reply with 4. An LLM would just start vomiting out words based on what it's been trained on without verifying that the information is good (or even relevant), and can end up confidently telling you that 2 + 2 is in fact equal to the cube root of 5 because that's what the data said so it has to be right, for instance.

I'm aware this is a drastic oversimplification, and I think the tech is neat (although I avoid non-self-hosted models like the plague due to privacy concerns), but it's oversold to all hell, and is definitely not even close to intelligent.

I... I...

I have no words.

How someone could genuinely believe that is beyond me.

https://alliancespaceguard.com, pretty much daily. Can't wait for it to release.