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Joined 1 years ago

Be part of the solution, make it πŸ˜‰.

I say it's not a crime. In my eyes, it isn't 🀷. Doesn't mean I'm right, doesn't mean the law is on my side. It just means when I ask myself "Am I commiting a crime right now πŸ€”?" when pirating, I just don't feel any guilt at all... none, I sleep like a baby.

That being said, I protect myself as best as I can (financially wise as well). I just don't live in a country where these laws are actually enforced. There hasn't been a single piracy related trial here... ever. So, once again, I sleep like a baby... if I'm the first one, hey, so be it, someone's gotta burn first, right 🀷.

qpdf is very powerful. If OP is comfortable with the terminal, I'd recommend qpdf.

When life gives you a neighbour with a wall sized TV, you seize the moment 🀷.

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Why not just print it to PDF. It doesn't lose any data, plus it doesn't take ages to scan the books.

Yep, we're lemmings ☺️.

Lemmings πŸ‘

Void Linux. A great compromise between being up to date and being stable AF. They're not bleeding edge, but cutting edge, most definitely. For example, they only recently transfered to kernel 6.3, while Arch had it months ago... with instability issues I might add. Void maintainers would rather let these wrinckles get ironed out than implement the latest and greatest.

It is a rolling release distro, so nothing new there. Packages get regular updates, same as any other rolling release distro, except for the kernel packages which are carefully examined before being submitted in the repo. The number of precompiled packages is not huge, but the src templates are (you just have to compile them from source with xbps-src, which is a piece of cake when you already have the template file).

The good thing is that all package templates get checked for buildability (test) on GH. If the template passes all tests, it makes it in the repo, if not, it doesn't, simple as that.

If you think you would be comfortable with Arch, you'd be comfortable with Void as well πŸ˜‰.

Hmmm... depends on what you mean by best.

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Once you understand how federation works, it becomes clear.

lol πŸ˜‚

Over 80% of all the users on all platforms are lurkers. This wasn't the case back in the day, early 2000’s, because most people that wanted to share stuff and communicate were the ones that joined the early social media platforms and forums. Nowadays, this is kinda hard to achieve. Lurkers want content. Few people actually make content or share it, so it's up to those 15, 20% to generate the content for the lurkers.

Advice to all the lurkers. Start generating/sharing content yourselves. You've joined an undeveloped platform, everyone has to contribute to develop it.

OK, that sounds fair.

Try HexChat πŸ˜‰.