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Joined 1 years ago

I mean shit, that’s pretty much late stage capitalism in action right there

Man I miss Apollo :(

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Holy fuck 1400 of anything is a lot, but people?? Embracer is a fucking cancer on society

Yea what am I supposed to do with this information

It always boils down to corporate greed unfortunately

Man, they should change the saying to “the road to hell is paved with quarterly profits”

Voyager is very good too but it's missing that "swipe forward" gesture, didn't realize how much I used it til it was gone:(

Ok and? Not much of a story til something actually gets announced

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One thing that’s helped me out with verbal clumsiness is trying to use my hands more when I talk, it gives me an extra layer of conveyance and I kind of engage more with what I am saying as I say it, YMMV though

True, and the ‘Blam!’ Engine has a lot of history behind it but ultimately the end result is more important than the tools used to achieve it. But until something is announced by Bungie then it’s still kinda a non-story


Definitely room for improvement but has that old reddit feel, I like it!

lol, also, lmao.

Fuck, if only:( if only our elected officials could get their heads out of their asses and see the genocide for what it plainly is. We have so much video evidence of war crimes and nothing fucking happens it’s so frustrating

I mean it really comes down to context and just not being a dick to those around you, seems like a pretty easy ask to just be decent to people as best as you can idk

Ngl I find using an oven or microwave timer to be most effective, something external that I have to get up and go turn off forces me to deal with it immediately, phone alarms can be silenced and ignored lol