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Joined 1 years ago

4k Blu Rays exist. Aside from the pain of having to get a special cracked drive to rip them they are my primary backup for my movie server.

They are largely the result of scripts battling other scripts.

The end of WW2 was a complex political issue, and the atomic bombs were not the 'press here, end war' that most of us believe.

The Japanese we're holding out hope (stupidly) that the Soviet Union would negotiate a conditional surrender with the united States as the end of the imperial system was unacceptable to them. The US had floated that if there was an unconditional surrender, that the imperial system would stay intact, but wanted it to seem like a US condition, not a Japanese one, because that would be a conditional surrender.

The Soviets always intended to invade, but were held by a nonaggression pact they made with the Japanese. The US pressured the Soviets very hard to violate this and invade Manchuria.

There was literally a Japanese war cabinet convened already when news of Nagasaki reached them. We have actual primary source for their reactions. They did not care.

Only once the second bomb dropped and Manchuria was invaded did some of the cabinet manage to convince the emporer to intervene which was extremely rare.

Highly doubtful much of anything majorly sensitive got leaked. Firstly even unclassified DoD emails are encrypted by default. Secondly anything classified isn't even on a network that can talk to normal email, it's either 100% point to point encrypted or on an airgapped network. If I hopped on SIPR (DoD Secret-level internet) and emailed a normal email address it simply wouldn't work.

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I saw some jet in 2010 at an airshow in Spangdahlem, pretty sure it was an F-22, transition from flying normally to what can only be described as standing on it's engines and flying through the air, horizontally, belly first. Evidently this was easy enough to be performed directly over the base at a very low altitude. Mindblowing.

It was revealed to you in a dream

Putting aside that that whole show is pretty rough and I've mentally decanonized it, the guy who said it is technically a mega space nazi from the space nazi dimension so I choose to believe he just thought that Musk being an aspiring space nazi was as cool in our universe as it was in his.

Honestly I'm pretty proud of how well turned the ship around on gay rights. Like in the span of a decade there was like a 40% opinion swing on that. We're still not where we need to be and it seems like it's getting worse though tbh. I think Europe overtook us on that front because I feel much safer here in Germany being gay in public.

How (generally) genuinely nice and outgoing everyone is in the states. (Outside of the south where it tends to be a very fake in my experience.) In the states I'm mildly introverted, in Germany I'm usually one of the most outgoing in the room.

Our multicultural foods and stuff. You're never more than a stones throw from really good Mexican, Chinese, Thai, etc. food anywhere in the US.

Turning right on a red light, the European mind cannot comprehend it.

Air Conditioning.

Handicap accessibility.

Our national parks are unparalleled.

Probably a few other American gems I could think of if forced to.

All that being said I'm immigrating to Germany right now and the grass is very much greener over here. I have no desire to live in the US again. I'm definitely not proud of America anymore, but I am proud of a few things about America.

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Gaslighting doesn't exist, you made it up

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You're either a troll or you've had your brain freshly Zambonied, either way you're not worth the effort to debate.

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I will die on the hill that blu-ray won over HD-DVD purely because the PS3 could play blu-ray and the Xbox 360 couldn't play either. Blu-ray players were crazy expensive when the PS3 came out, to the point that the PS3 was the cheapest blu-ray player when it came out.

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Ironically the BMWs here in Germany tend to use their signals in my experience

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Porn industries only chose blu-ray once it was already in the PS3. Out of all the HD-DVD players and blu-ray players on the planet combined at the end of the format war 10 out of 11 were PS3s. Also not to mention that almost everyone backed blu-ray and it was the objectively better format. It held 40% more information and was backed by the biggest media companies. On top of the fact blockbuster went blu-ray.

Honestly it's very tiresome that everyone says that porn did it when you can look at the facts and see that the war was won by blu-ray from the start and that most porn content was available on both formats for a long time, basically guaranteeing that it couldn't have affected the outcome. Like I get that "haha porn funny" but it clearly wasn't the deciding factor, and arguably not a factor at all. Like any cursory look into the history dispels the myth immediately which makes me wonder why everyone feels the need to parrot it as if it's fact.

I live in Germany and I have no idea what you're talking about for the first thing, maybe you mean yield-to-right in unmarked intersections or the priority road system? I'm not really sure. In either case you are just mentally inserting yield signs based on standard rules.

The stoplight thing I feel in my soul though. The amount of times I've had to stare out my sunroof to see the light above me because I stopped on the line instead of 20 feet before it.

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Boi if it has that bling and a transparent frosty blue option it's over, I'm buying it day one. I miss my Gameboy advanced so much, or maybe I miss being a kid, who knows.

Man I just moved to Germany and the amount I hear "bitte?" because my conjugation and accent. Really proud of myself for managing a meeting setting up my account at the Stadtwerke all in German though.

I've figured out a trick with ein, eine, einen. It's a bit more expensive, but instead of "ein/e/n Bier," I say "zwei Bier." Works every time.

5 years? Mon frere it came out December of 2020.

I remember the good old days when reddit managed to make a swastika one of the top google image results for EA Games or something, maybe Comcast.

You can find that easily. I guarantee I could find that within 30 minutes in almost any city over 100,000.

The Spaces Force is getting wild with our patches, full color, PVC, start from the ground up and fuck heraldry. Absolutely love them.

I'm sorry but no, reddit has consistently gotten worse over the years, to the point that I can't possibly imagine what you mean when you say it got better.

It's a common myth that porn is the reason for the victors of the various format wars, idk if he was saying that or just alluding to it.

Have they been difficult to get? I've always been vaguely interested but never actually looked into getting one.

I think there's definitely more handcrafted content in Starfield than Skyrim, there's also tons tons more dead space with nothing at all.

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We've only sent $71B by DOD accounting. We're giving them our old stuff that we would have disposed of and buying new stockpiles. In most cases we would have done this anyway.

Even if it were the case that we've spent $71B we otherwise would not have, that's a damn good deal. We're defeating our greatest geopolitical adversary for 5% of our military budget while hardly lifting a finger. Now that's cost cutting!

Cluster munitions are normally controversial but in this case I don't think they are. Cluster munitions are controversial because they leave tons of unexploded ordinance sitting around like landmines waiting for someone to die later, but that doesn't matter in this war in my opinion for two reasons. Number 1 it's Ukraine's land and if they think saturating it with little explosives they'll need to clean up later is a good thing to do that's their business. Number 2 Ukraine is covered in all sorts of UXO right now, including the somehow non-controversial literal land mines.

99% of military walking around are not armed, in fact it would be particularly odd to see anyone but military police walking around armed. Like to the point if I saw that I'd call the military police. Especially off base.

I'm military and I support the decision to not serve us in uniform. I think it's probably a little misguided since most of us are office drones same as anyone else, but it's his store and I wasn't born in the military, it was my choice* to join.

*I wanted healthcare and to pay for college.

Technically genetic information is covered by 'sensitive info.' I'm not joking.

Nobody goes to Starbucks for good coffee, they go because it's the same everywhere. Sometimes I want to go get a great coffee somewhere they know how to pull a decent shot, and sometimes I want brownish sugarmilk.

Save in space often. There's a semi common bug I've just run into that will cause your ship to vanish and it somehow retroactively removes it from all previous saves. No recreateable way to get it back. The only thing that saved me was a previous save where I was in orbit, still lost a few hours of progress.

Yeah no way. I've played longer than that and I haven't even done the main quest.

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I think if there's a patrol scanning your cargo you have to hit the system before landing, otherwise you'd fast travel your way past contraband scans. I'm having a lot of fun in the game, I agree there's too much fast traveling though.

We just don't really boil water that often, and realistically anyone who does has an electric kettle.