
8 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Refugee from the land of Reddit, burnt down by Spez


Isn't there already a remaster? I came around this one from the KDE discovery.

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Looks really great. My first tought was steam

I think you have a great point. Maybe we aren't so aware of thing we say these days.

Thanks, this means a lot to me. It's really great to share code

Yeah I think so too, and that's why I created two styles with different color schemes. I just think that some reddit refugees might have gotten used to the reddit colors and find them more familiar

It's always the Swedish. Gotta have some neighbour love for them but still.

Think what will happen when they start to post and comment. They will probably just get defederated.

Edit: Now that I looked the stats, there's huge spike in posts and comments.

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I think you have installed the original style that I then modified to my preferences. Try install this this style, which is the one I have modified. Hope this resolves the thing

Well put comment :)

I haven't yet thought so far, because this was just a personal little project, but I will think about it. I will probably just keep tinkering with this and try to make it better and maybe try to document this little bit

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Hi, thanks for the feedback. The extension that userstyles.world redirects you to is Stylus not Stylish. It's a fork of Stylish and they even state on their web site that "Any and all analytics, telemetry, and data-collection have been removed completely. We'd rather not know what you're up to." https://add0n.com/stylus.html

I hope this clear things ;)

To be honest, I'm not really sure, because I don't have much experience with CSS and web developing in general. Maybe someone more experienced could know?

Thanks. I will check that out

Just wanted to ask your opinion. Which is better color scheme. The reddit colors or the lemmy's?



Thank you for your feedback

You can use this freely and I'm open to improvements and changes to the code. You can for example make pull request to the github repo :)

There should be instructions on my github

If you come across some problems you can dm me

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I'm not trying to say that the memes are bad, but I have come across some memes that literally wish some rich people to die and others that cross the line. I fully understand that people don't maybe have sympathy for those who lost their lives, and I get it. I'm not here trying to defend rich people, but wishin for anyone to die or making fun of anyone's loss of life, regarding their background, isn't morally right anymore. Most of memes aren't that harmful but some of them are in the gray. Thanks for your opinion :)

Felt very poetic reading this. Well put :)

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That got the chuckle out of me :D

I can relate to you.

No? Sorry for my ignorance, but I don't understand what this has to do with the question I asked. Do you mind to elaborate? I'm serious and I'm not trying to act like dickhead, so sorry if I have offended someone.

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Yeah I know that, but I don't get it how this is related to some people making fun of couple billionaires losing their lives in pretty horrible way. And again sorry if I offend someone

Yeah I will look into that. Maybe there is some kind of official community or discord server for developing, where I could ask about this

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Yeah I get your point and get it that people don't maybe have sympathy for them, bur making fun of anyone's dead crosses the line, at least for me.

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