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Joined 13 months ago

Why limit these fees to foreigners? Why not penalize anyone who is leaving properties empty?

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The forum post you were referring to.

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And people wonder why whales beach themselves.

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There's no hate like christian love.

I have an electric car from 2011. The battery has had no maintenance, and hasn't been replaced.

So far the car has had 2-3 new 12V batteries, at least one new set of tires, windscreen wipers replaced once, and the air conditioner filter replaced a few times. I'm not aware of any other maintenance done to the car.

I suspect the car could have driven up to 150km (95mi) when new, and is now down to 80km (50mi) range. It gets driven no more than 10km in a day, so I suspect it will still be useful to me for another 10 years.

It has saved me a huge amount in fuel, and has barely cost me anything to run.

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I really hope those aren't factorials.

A hydrogen engine is so much worse for efficiency than a hydrogen fuel cell, and even that is not good compared to batteries. I'd estimate the round trip efficiency of a hydrogen engine to be about 10-15%. So for the same energy that could be used to drive a battery EV 100km, this car from Toyota could drive 12km.

Additionally, hydrogen is not very energy dense per volume. A compressed hydrogen tank that replaces the boot/trunk of the car would have enough hydrogen for about 100km of range.

Please let me know if I'm wrong about any of these numbers. For Toyota's sake, I really hope I'm wrong.

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This is the worst thing I have seen all year.

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I've worked in IT. You are most likely correct, and anyone with any sense would do it that way, but I would absolutely believe that someone could be incompetent enough to use the computer's time stamp. I also wouldn't be surprised if users had access to change the clock.

I have a 12 year old electric car with an old battery chemistry known for it's fast degradation compared to current chemistries. It still has more than 50% of its original capacity, which is still more than we need.

I wouldn't be surprised if I can keep driving it for another 5-10 years before selling the battery for grid storage.

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I've found syncthing to be easier once the initial setup has been done.

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Windows kept doing things I didn't want it to.

The last straw was when I had a 24 hours render running, and Windows decided to update and reboot 1 hour before it was done. I was using the computer at the time, RAM, CPU, and GPU were all at max, the mouse was being moved, I clicked "later" every time the update pop-up appeared, and it still rebooted.

Linux does what I tell it to, and doesn't do what I tell it not to do. I didn't think that was a big ask until Windows.

Most electric cars have battery cooling, but the Nissan Leaf doesn't. It works fine until you try rapid charging more than 2 times in one day.

I suspect that some high performance cars would also have motor and inverter cooling. This would likely not be needed for regular road cars as the motor and inverter don't produce much heat.

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They were possibly confusing nitrogen with carbon dioxide. CO2 will definitely lead to distress in high concentrations, and has been used in some slaughterhouses.

Flow batteries are great for long duration storage, but not good for high power delivery.

This means they will work far better as grid storage than as EV batteries.

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You are correct in that there is only 7.5lb of uranium left, it's just that there is also a bunch of other stuff that used to be uranium too.

I thought that open source just meant that you could read the source.

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You're looking for a gun. A gun that makes holes. Not bullet holes.

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Faced a loose Pitbull when walking the streets on my own. It wasn't until then that I realised a dog is completely capable of killing me and there would be nothing I could do to stop it.

Fortunately, it turned out to be quite friendly, and the owners came looking for it a few minutes later.

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Adequate for cargo flights, not happening any time soon for passenger flights. Aviation safety is very strict and slow to change.

Facial recognition and AI are great tools to assist law enforcement.
Relying on them as sole sources of information is just stupid.

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I find your lack of comma disturbing.

The last 10% takes 90% of the effort.

Most Russian people have committed no crime, and many do not support what their leader has done. We should not condem people for the country they were born in.

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Sorry, 150 pitch fields.

Where is that wire going, and what is it for?

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This would be business as usual for Australia. They have been repeatedly violating multiple conventions when it come to the treatment of asylum seekers.

Only about 5% of me is a chatbot. The rest of me is mostly human.

It's a good thing men don't actually exist. We'd have quite a conundrum otherwise.

I suspect it would rapidly react and give off energy as heat. This would likely be incompatible with life.

Not an expert.

I've found that some people don't respond if you ask for confirmation "will that be finished by tomorrow?". Asking in the negative allows for you to assume everything is fine unless they respond "the due date is tomorrow, please let me know if you need help to finish that on time".

Perhaps it's less polite, but if you're dealing with people who rarely reply, it puts the burden on them and doesn't leave you waiting for their reply.

That would be a great idea, and could even help combat climate change.

It's worth noting that while NMC batteries shouldn't be charged over 100% for daily use, LFP batteries should be charged to 100% at least weekly.

LFP batteries are not damaged by being at 100%, and due to the flat discharge curve, the controller only knows how charged the battery is when it's near 100%. Most of the time it's calculating the charge left based on how much energy is being used.
Over time, that guess is going to get less accurate. Charging it to full will reset the guess, and keep it accurate.
Only charging to 80% can cause the guess to be off by more than 50% (after quite a long time), leading to the battery running out when the car thinks it has at least 50% left.

If you don't know what battery your car has (and don't have access to the manual), assuming LFP is safest. Any EV sold after 2022 is likely to use LFP (unless it's a high performance car), and EV's sold before 2020 are probably NMC.
New battery chemistries are coming on the market every year, so don't rely too much on this comment.

It's about time.

My psychologist explained that it is hard to feel happy, satisfied, or fullfilled if you're exhausted. Happiness required energy.
Students who have just finished a long exam are a great example. They've just spent hours focusing as hard as they can, and they're all exhausted. Not many would describe themselves as happy immediately after.

Hyper focusing can use a lot of energy even though you're not aware of it. When you finally stop, you become aware of just how little energy you have left.

My psychologist recommended mindfulness. Recognise when you're exhausted, be aware of the causes (lack of rest, food, water...), and accept that it will take time for you to start feeling better again.

Understanding what's happening can make the symptoms more bearable.

I've decided that COVID is a man-made virus designed to kill only conspiracy theorists.

I wonder how the consp

What's the round trip energy efficiency?