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Joined 12 months ago

The Corolla E110 was the eighth generation of cars sold by Toyota under the Corolla nameplate.

You and your 692 partners can fuck off

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Adding this to my list of reasons why I don't give "110%"

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PC Manager sounds exactly like one of those garbageware "PC tune up" apps I used to clean off of customer computers back when I worked at a repair shop. Right down to changing your homepage/search engine. But at least the other guys would give you a snazzy coupon toolbar or three.

I'd pick wolf. They generally leave you alone and don't want anything to do with you. I don't know shit about gorillas

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IDK about other places, but the document we make our users sign make it clear that modifying the internal hardware is a fireable offense.

The laptop isn’t yours, use a personal device for personal stuff, and work device for work only.

Born too late to die of consumption, born too early to be infused with microplastics, but born just in time to enjoy all the asbestos and cigarettes he could possibly want

It’s been added on to. The original didn’t have the radio towers or “time out” area

I wonder if the fact that Amtrak is nationalized and freight are private corporations has anything to do with how the employees get treated… Something to think about when it comes to freight railroads

I support Office365 in an education environment and you wouldn't believe the number of documents lost to autosave. Autosave and document recovery are definitely nice and useful to have, but they're not infallible. Shit happens and when it does, it's when you're finishing up your midterm the night before it's due.

You need to save, and save often. And if the project you're working on is "super important it's 50% of my grade" make backups. Even just saving a copy to a flash drive is better than nothing.

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People will pay crazy money for old Pyrex stuff. I saw a bowl my grandma had growing up in a thrift store (it was brown and had mushrooms on it) and they wanted $75 for it

So yeah, don’t throw away anything in grandma’s pantry. Sell it and blow the money on ketamine and plan b

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I think they specifically mean Wi-Fi, not confusing it with cellular.

I would be surprised too if I went into a cave and suddenly my phone is connected to Wi-Fi. Where are the access points? Who is running internet all the way out here? I don’t see any telco boxes or signs of a human presence. Why do the speeds get faster the farther I go? Why did my phone connect to some random network when I specifically told it not to do that? It would be even weirder if it’s WPA3 protected or something because I obviously don’t have the password for the cave Wi-Fi

Tech bros will call trains unviable and obsolete and then burn truckloads of money on shit like this

Libreoffice will likely still work fine for you, especially now that you've got autosave turned on. Heck, I have faculty that refuse to use anything other than LibreOffice, so I have it installed in our computer labs. As long as you're saving and backing up reasonably often, you should be good to go. Though your school likely has a cloud suite that you could use too. Office365 and Google Workspaces are by far the most popular. It would be integrated with your daughter's student email which I can't imagine a modern school not having. If you're not sure, contact the school and they'd be able to help you.

I'm sorry your kid lost her paper! It's always a bummer to take a call and it's a kid crying because their paper went up in smoke. If you haven't already, contact the teacher and let them know what happened. IME most teachers are reasonable and as long as "office ate my homework" isn't your go-to excuse, they'll give you an extension.

Either Debian or Fedora + flatpak & KDE. I'm familiar with both and they just work for me. Distrohopping and messing around with my computer feels like a chore more than anything else these days.

IDK looks like all the other catholic imagery I saw growing up.

Maybe if you’re upset about stupid sexy Jesus, you have some introspection to do

IDK if anyone remembers this, or if it's my brain making things up, but I swear the first place I saw this was a late night TV ad for "animated ringtones" you could buy for your phone and one of them was this dancing baby

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Google’s going to delete inactive google accounts. So if you see a channel whose last upload was six years ago, there’s a good chance it’s about to be deleted

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To the drawer

Where I belong

I live in the upper midwest and we were hit by it too. Myself and a bunch of my co-workers were without service until about an hour ago. We're mostly AT&T and Verizon around here

I don’t like the insinuation that because gnome devs are volunteers they are somehow beyond criticism

You can volunteer on a project and still do a bad job, or need corrective action, or maybe even a little feedback. That’s not a bad thing. Nobody can make the right decision 100% of the time, and you need an outside perspective to see that.

One thing where you should draw the line is when that criticism starts to become abusive, but that’s something nobody should have to put up with, not just volunteers.

You know what? Fuck it

Bullpups your nuclear arsenal

I-it’s not like I wanted to hit the fiber line or anything BAKA!

They fold and retract for less attack surface and enhanced mobility

Hell yeah I knew my performance anxiety would come in handy someday

The whole point of neon is to showcase the DE, they say as much on the website. Unless you’re super passionate about KDE Development, it’s probably not going to be for you

Oh man we just convinced our boss to let us move out of the basement to a beautiful office with huge windows that wasn’t being used.

I’m getting so many plants!

Would you rather fight one car sized duck or 1000 duck sized cars

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I was about to recommend bigstackd to you just to click the link and see it was one of his videos. I could watch that guy melt stuff all day

I don’t think I’ve ever seen coal burn, but you can find pieces of it along the abandoned railways and beaches in my area. We have a coal dock that’s been abandoned for 50 years and the ground is still black with coal dust

Edit: actually a scenic railroad in my area still has a coal fired steam locomotive so yes, I can say I’ve seen coal burn!

ha ha yup. Plus i don't think you can clear the screen from within diskpart. You need to exit before you can use regular commands again.

Having slept on an air mattress for the first year or two of my adult life, I can confirm that it definitely does fuck up your back

lol yup! That’s the one

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Prolapse Pig

Mmm… warm ranch dressing

I've grown up with windows (started with windows 95 in elementary school) and have been a Linux user since 2009. Watching windows decline and the Linux desktop grow and mature has been quite the ride. I've been distro-hopping for years and have finally settled on Debian Testing. It does exactly what I tell it to do. It helps me accomplish whatever task I'm doing and then gets out of the way.

Windows on the other hand is the polar opposite of that. Constantly nagging you to use OneDrive. New panels and "experiences" popping up out of nowhere. Unskippable OOBEs after a major update that force you to navigate some dark pattern if you have the audacity to resist using a Microsoft account. The telemetry that you know is running under the hood 24/7. Hands and knees begging you to use Edge to open PDFs?!?! Using windows today is like using Clippy - the operating system.

Linux has come such a long way, and outside of some proprietary edge cases, I can no longer imagine using Windows as a daily driver

What vacuum are you using?

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I mean, can’t you just package your app in flatpack or even snap? Bam, your app works on 99% of distributions for little effort. That’s what Spotify does, and I’d argue they have even less incentive to support Linux than proton does

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