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Joined 1 years ago

Not just yelling at kids, just being in a house where people are verbally abusive can fuck a person up, if my parents were not yelling at each other they were yelling at one of us kids. to the day 30 some odd years later just being around someone who is pissed off triggers my anxiety.

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fuck tha police

When you understand that in the grand scheme of things we are all profoundly ignorant, everything becomes much more interesting.

Anytime I think " fuck I don't know how to do that" I remind myself that I can learn it, and then learn at least the basics.

While I may not be the font of all knowledge, I am the overflowing urinal of useless information.

The people who vote for them are ignorant and angry, and the people who fund the gop are the only people who benefit from their policies.

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We live in pretty much the same situation as op, the only shelters near us charge $75 to drop off a pet unless you live in the city.

Last time we did it we lied about our address and name the guy obviously didn't believe us but took the dog.

I can't wait for basic human functions to be subscription based.

What the fuck? I know for a fact you died.

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I rolled dice

Cause George knows to shut the fuck up and vote properly, they care fuck all about who the politician is as long as they vote along party lines.

What if the cheese is Brie?

I've been saying " fuck this I'm rerolling" when life get extra shitty for years now. It is fun to see the faces of the people who understand what I'm talking about.

Personally I want the life setting " no loot drop on respawn" I would go to many more places if all I had to do is die and respawn at save with all my shit.... though walmart might get pissy about it.

One died in a car accident, the other hung themselves

it's a win for some employees, what they will do is get rid of the expensive workers that have been there for years and hire more new people.

I would bet that they end up making more money after the pay raises.