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Joined 1 years ago

Game writer. Galactic backpacker. Kaiju whisperer. My other ride is a TARDIS.

Cyberpuk 2077: In a dystopian future where global warming has brought the planet to a boil, desperate hockey players take their game to cyberspace because ice is no longer available.

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The game controller thing gets meme'd to death, but I don't think people focus on the right thing.

Xbox controllers are also used by the US Navy, among other branches of the military.

These are GOOD pieces of engineering, and they're tested by millions of users under pretty strenuous conditions. However, the controller the Oceangate was using was some shitty-ass third-party controller that you can get for peanuts off Amazon.

THAT, IMO, is the issue that this piece of equipment illustrates. A solid Xbox Series S controller is $60 on Amazon, and you're telling me you had to go for cheaper?

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Bots upvoting bots replying to bots commenting on bot reposts.

Reddit 2023.

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Cryptocurrencies. It has the potential to finally overthrow the old financial order and empower end users to...

BWAHAHA. Sorry. I can't even write this crap as a joke.

At that depth the tiniest structural failure and that sardine can is going to blow into pieces

The opposite of blowing up, actually.

I try and take a pragmatic stance.

My desire to find an alternative to Reddit stems in part from a practical aspect. I TRIED using the official app, but it's as bad as Facebook these days and bombards me with ads. The user experience is terrible.

So if the API changes were reversed, that means I'd probably still use Sync to check some super-specialized subs or to look up answers from time to time.

But on the other hand, the damage's been done. I will not use Reddit where there's a viable alternative, and Kbin is not only a viable alternative but actually better for conversation and general discussions. It's a project I'm excited about instead of just using it by pinching my nose.

So I think a large part of the damage is already done. If Spez 100% reversed his decision, it'd still be too late. It's like a boyfriend/girlfriend being supremely shitty to you, then realizing their mistakes and apologizing sincerely... Although you might accept their apology, something about the relationship is already broken.

So I think whatever happens, Reddit has reached the Facebook stage for me. I'm still using Facebook for a few things like staying in touch with some friends or joining events, but the days where I'd go there to find interesting content are long gone.

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I understand that the game had a troubled launch, and that's a super-relevant criticism of the game as it was when it came out. But the sky-high expectations fans put on CDPR are largely self-inflicted. It's not like this is the first game with questionable marketing decisions or pre-rendered trailers selling a fantasy the game never comes close to fulfilling.

If you just go "Hey, a CDPR game set in a cyberpunk future, let's check it out," it's by and large a fantastic game.

Ads... Ads everywhere...

It's reaching Facebook levels. I just can't.

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As a PC gamer I have exactly zero incentive to buy an Xbox. I hope they never renege on releasing every Xbox exclusive simultaneously on PC.

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In the grand scheme of things, the illusion that Russia can just wait out the West's appetite for war is definitely shattered. It's now clear Putin is running his own clock.

That's still a concerning development as I'm sure nobody wants the Russian state devolving into pure chaos, or for someone even more hardline than Putin to take his place. That's why I'm not too hot on people cheering for Russia's collapse.

I'm disappointed this video is doing so well in the Fediverse. It's largely unsourced and highly speculative like most of the videos on TikTok.

I don't know why this is still a surprise. Very early presentations are at best an incomplete game running on souped-up machines, at worst faked vision demos. By the time you build in all the systems that have to run concurrently and factor in platform limitations, the final game is gonna look different and most likely a bit worse.

I've definitely seen this exact tweet long before 2023.

It's bots all the way down.

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Bragging about your Reddit upvotes on Kbin. That'll show them!

The plausible worst-case scenario is Prigozhin blames the war's failures on Putin and the MoD, then calls for total mobilization and total war against Ukraine to win this. That wouldn't bode well for Ukraine at all.

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My guess is they know he's gonna lose, and no one wants to be known as that lawyer who defended the ex-president in prison for treason.

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This is the Way.

I do it slightly differently... Learned to do it in Korea. But the differences in my approach are just a matter of how you time things. I bring to a boil uncovered, then cover and leave it on low for 25 mins, then 10 mins off the heat.

The gist of the method is not so much to boil the rice, but to let it steam in its own heat. That's how you get soft yet consistent grains of rice.

With a bit of practice, you get perfect rice every time, and it's barely more work than a rice cooker! The only things that a rice cooker add is stuff like timing the cooking for you, the ability to set a timer, and the ability to keep the rice warm once it's cooked. (Which, granted, are pretty useful.)

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In the grand scheme of things, the illusion that Russia can just wait out the West's appetite for war is definitely shattered. It's now clear Putin is running out his own clock.

That's still a concerning development as I'm sure nobody wants the Russian state devolving into pure chaos, or for someone even more hardline than Putin to take his place. That's why I'm not too hot on people cheering for Russia's collapse.

Basically this, but replace "Ukrainians" with "Africans".

Meh, I'd say it's equally as bad as people showering billionnaires doing AMA with them. Because what Bill Gates really needs is for the plebs to spend dollars giving him shiny paid emoticons on a website he doesn't use on the regular.

Yeah, I was worried the Fediverse "migration" would be a kneejerk flash in the pan in reaction to the protests... But it sounds like the word is spreading and the momentum is building.

For sure, trying the Fediverse is the best way to get over a Reddit addiction. Discussions are so much better here, and the content in general is of higher quality. Still missing a few super-niche communities, but I feel like that's gonna happen over time as kbin/Lemmy build up a reputation as safe havens.

This is like saying Mastodon is easy because you just sign up with mastodon.social.

You laugh, but as a sorta-but-not-super-techie guy, that initially stopped me from joining Mastodon. It prompted me for an instance to sign up on, and that felt like a serious choice for which I was missing some info.

Same deal with Lemmy, really. At first glance, the implications of choosing an instance are not clear. And then you start reading and you realize that some instances ARE problematic even if you have access to the entire federated content from it.

It's definitely a small but significant barrier to entry, and Kbin presents a front that feels easier to grasp when you're not familiar with the concept of the Fediverse.

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Everybody in the thread so far has a pretty bitter take, and I agree that golden parachutes are a joke. But I want to offer a more neutral explanation:

Basically, for an executive at a near-CEO level, taking on a position at a new company involves a lot of risk. Companies want to hire a top executive who's willing to take a career risk without having to consider their own bottom line. A golden parachute removes personal risk.

Now, it might seem like this runs contrary to the company's own interests, but they exist to attract CEOs and other top executives. They're meant to make an offer more attractive, and any offer that doesn't include it will be less competitive.

I should have specified I don't bring it to a full boil. I turn down the heat just when it starts to boil.

Not claiming my method is better than yours! Your method actually sounds quicker, which is a good argument for it.

What I find kind of hilarious is that many people, like me, are upset the in-app experience is gonna get severely downgraded when third-party apps get pushed into closing, and are reacting by... moving to a place like kbin that doesn't have an app at all.

It really shows that the broader issue is much bigger than usability. What kbin has that Reddit has lost is user confidence that improvements will come and will be driven by community needs and not profit.

Rooting for you, kbin!