
7 Post – 186 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Refuge from f u/spez.

Shit, I remember when I had to check the cloud flare box just to get into kbin and now all you just show up without any extra work. SMH

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Get your new position first. The only FU email to send is they offered me more and work from home. I wish you luck in finding a good replacement and thank you for the opportunities this role gave me. And then stay silent. Any requests for help are met with an IC quote with a ridiculous hourly rate.

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I don’t think it’s planned at that level, it’s just people like Elon think they deserve and earned everything they have; and the alt-right preachers tell them that they have it because god deems you worthy. It becomes a big circlejerk and then hen you have the Elon’s drinking that flavor-aid.

But, and I mean this, before 2000 you could still get the information; you just had to put more effort into obtaining it. That was obviously a barrier too high for many, but it was not unfindable or inaccessible.

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There are a few subs that went into every subscriber is a moderator mode. Is this one of them?

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Christian has fought the good fight! I hope he comes and develops for us here.

This guy has a long history of doing things to completion. Ran the perimeter of USA, ran from LA to NYC after 9/11. Big cycling stuff. He is an actual world class athlete. I think he really wants to do this but lacks the finances and connections to have the support needed for such an expedition.

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I cannot image how shitty it will get with bot farms contributing and upvoting AI generated shit for people too dumb to know they’re being fed BS.

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I’m not calling you a liar, but maybe misinformed.

Russia's prominent jailed opposition figure Alexei Navalny has lost an appeal against a nine-year prison term, but not before launching a scathing attack on the war in Ukraine.
Condemning Vladimir Putin's war as stupid, he said it was "like your courts, built entirely on lies".

"You will suffer a historic defeat in this stupid war that you started. It has no purpose or meaning. Why are we fighting a war?" he said.

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At least the bots that stayed

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Did they take a bag of popcorn to thanksgiving? Because, I’m getting ‘they took a bag of popcorn to their mom’s thanksgiving diner’ vibes here.

Any follow up?

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{taps forehead} Not if we blacken out the sun

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Now I don’t believe you. There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

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When the API shut off early, Apollo dev u/iamthatis (@ChristianSelig@mastodon.social) revoked his token so I cannot see any of this; but I’m wondering if reddit isn’t pulling a silent reversal of this to stem the bleeding of users and content. There is a lot of useful stuff that has been deleted. The AMA staff resigning and all the stuff migrating to fedi. No matter how much f-u/spez tries to shout “This is fine”; the building is still burning all around him.

Bet they left turned access back on.

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They will not say “what does ring mean?” They’ll look you in the eye and shout “I don’t understand your dated cultural references old man!!”

He financed Signal app after walking away from meta and an addition 3/4 of a billion or something like that. He publicly stated that they’re evil. When financing Signal App his one stipulation was don’t do that

Totally agree but I’m fine with them choosing protonvpn as the best overall out of that list. I like proton and have used them for years. But, the fact that Mullvad wasn’t in their list at all is suspect.

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Yes, they’ve been doing that since the beginning of the great migration. It is available on desktop.

Well said @Bendermember

And they get less for it. Democracy!

It didn't fail, r/all is a shit show right now. Or, it's a porn show. Porn is all over r/all, r/popular is getting hit by it. F-u/spez made front page porn popular again. A lot of the porn pages have switched to other things; only fans being only fans, literally. Etc. you get the idea. I cannot imagine the board is happy.

The blood of the children SA by the church, members of the GOP, patriot front, anyone screaming groomers about the lgbtq+ community, and George Santos. And let’s not forget the blood harvest from the lgbtq+ children that are sent to re-education camps.

It’s blocking the mobile site

I really hope @christianselig is paying attention to all this. It sounds like his iPad work would directly translate over here and a bit of work would create a fedi app.

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The first scientific paper written about this was published in the 1800s. End of, but still written in the 19th century.

I’m dying with Apollo so I make sure to go upvote Christian appreciation posts and I do not look elsewhere

Up until a week ago, kbin was a 1 person operation for him and his friends. It went from barely anyone on it to a massive spike in people. No, there is no RES. Yes, you can start working on that and submit it to @ernest.

18-19 is still the teen years though. When we say teenager, we mean 13-19. We don’t asterisk 18-19. And when looking at the largest cause of death in cars they still go through 19 when doing comparisons like this, the data for the Journal of Pediatric medicine. And comparing the two groups, this is very true in 1-19 guns surpassed car deaths. But that doesn’t hold for each age in the group. Gun deaths in 1 year olds are exceedingly rare. You can parse it however you want but up through 19 as a whole has guns winning. Homicide by gun was up 66% in 0-4 group is just crazy. That is a group you do not expect to die by guns.

What is the difference between boost and an upvote?

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Have you ever looked at MS’s business plan over their lifetime? This is nothing new.

Damnit Bob, Firefox is still broken and we need that article on cars! Where do you think you are? Car and Driver?!? This is Mozilla, Bob! We have deadlines and if you can’t or won’t finish the editorial process while fixing the browser then you can move along to WaPo, or NYT, or Vanity Fair. Some rag outfit will take you if you cannot hack it as a hacker and investigational journalist for the MOZ!!

They don’t mean those states rights. The GOP only means the right to have human chattel in states that want that.

It’s only against the amendment if the families can afford to litigate. This is not going to happen in those schools (and by those I mean predominantly white middle/upper class racist).

Why would they do a 180 (from recent policy) and talk about how subreddits should be semi-independent?

Well, the just dusted off the group of people who could read and do math. Now they have the people who will do what Reddit wants as long as it sounds okay. “These Are People Of Reddit. The Common Clay Of The New West. You Know… Morons”

What's funny is that it took this mess to drive me here, which made me realize that this is what I missed when reddit was younger. People interacting and not a bunch of bots posting and making banal comments all day. My page here changes all the time and I'm constantly seeing new content. It's wonderful

Turns out that saturated fat isn't the big awful thing that has been peddled for decades. What turns out to be better for you is shorter chain saturated fats produced by a health gut microbiome, and that feeding your microbiome is essential to better health. Also, not all calories are equal. It turns out items higher in resistant starch feeds a healthy microbiome and in turn those bacteria convert the food calories into short chain saturated fats which feed you. See this recent Nature Comm paper.

Yes, all the life skills and on the job training they received for free. The black employees who walked off the job with their employer’s intellectual property to go out and take over those industries with the knowledge they gained. You see, the civil war was about protecting IP and the stupid north was just stealing all the IP by allowing the former employees to set up shop. /s

I really wonder what @ChristianSelig thinks of this

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@ArtemisApp is in beta right now. @hariette has been hard at work. I look forward to trying it soon. Hopefully. I’m not on discord, and that’s where most people are getting beta.

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