
1 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Chromecast doesn't work on most hotels WiFi anyway. At least it won't work if they have a page to sign into the WiFi after connecting. Pretty much have to use a HDMI cable in most cases

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To directly quote the second and third paragraphs of the article:

The judge, Gregory Presnell, was acting on a request by the restaurant chain Hamburger Mary’s, which sued Florida last month claiming that the law was overly broad and put a chilling effect on the right to free speech under the First Amendment.

Presnell, an appointee of former President Bill Clinton, determined that while some people may find a drag performer reading a children’s book to a minor during a performance to be inappropriate, it doesn’t necessarily constitute an obscene performance. He also stated that current obscenity laws already “provide Defendant with the necessary authority to protect children from any constitutionally unprotected obscene exhibitions or shows.”

So... No.

I'll be much more irritated if you're on the sidewalk. It's more dangerous for pedestrians and for you. When you're biking you expect to have to pass people whether it's because they're a slower cyclist or using a escooter. My old apartment had an exit at a blind corner and dealing with escooter riders on the sidewalk was hellish. I would pull out slowly so that pedestrians had plenty of time to stop, but when scooters became popular I had to start creating forward at a painfully slow pace because people going bike speeds somehow thought it was okay to be on the sidewalk.

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It's worded in such a way as to be meaningless - half of what? The original number of Russian soldiers, the original number plus Wagner and other extra troops, the current number deployed with/without mercenaries? Plus Russia's numbers don't look like US numbers, don't quite look like Ukraines numbers.

That said heres the first source I found:

Russia’s military casualties, the officials said, are approaching 300,000. The number includes as many as 120,000 deaths and 170,000 to 180,000 injured troops. The Russian numbers dwarf the Ukrainian figures, which the officials put at close to 70,000 killed and 100,000 to 120,000 wounded.


Russia has almost triple that number, with 1,330,000 active-duty, reserve and paramilitary troops — most of the latter from the Wagner Group.

Those numbers refer to the current number of deployed and undeployed Russian soldiers plus mercenaries, which is clearly not the numbers the ad is using.

To be clear, I fully support Ukraine and fully support the US guaranteeing missile manufacturers that we will buy new missiles even if the war ends tomorrow to incentivise greater production. I just think the ad played with the numbers until they said what we want them to say.

Source for both quotes: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/18/us/politics/ukraine-russia-war-casualties.html

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You can talk to animals, but it includes insects and birds... and you can't shut their conversion out for some peace and quiet

Time to remove some native apps

You no longer have any side effects, only things intentionally done will happen. You must now consciously think about breathing and blinking as they are no longer side effects of being alive. As this is not a side effect, but rather the effect itself it cannot be nullified.

If this really is your primary reason, talk to your partner about adoption or foster care. There's no guilt but you can still have all the wonderful things

It's bugging the fuck outta me that I can't tell if the original text is real

Spez was a mod of /r/jailbait

Worth noting that at the time users did not need to agree to be a moderator, it could be thrust upon them. I've heard that he had comments both on the sub and comments defending it, but have not personally seen any proof of that.

It's not strictly untrue, but it has implications that I don't personally quite believe (though I'm willing to change that opinion if somebody has evidence).

It's not the entire plot, but it gives you a pretty good idea of the rest.

The second I have to use regular expressions I'm turning straight.

Now I'm curious what would happen if I defederated from Kbin.social on kbin.social

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They say while driving on public roads provided by a government that doesn't let companies poison the air or install lead pipes for drinking water

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Typically that's more of a CYA move. If someone finds something that isn't chicken cell they could sue for false advertising, but if it's 100% chicken cell nobody can sue for saying it was 99%.

Oh no. Is this our "test post please ignore"?

You have every right to your opinion, and you're welcome to ignore me, but I really don't understand where you're coming from on that. I can think of so many issues with having a privatized road system. Just off the top of my head,

How do these companies get the land? Every libertarian I've asked this of has gone on about how the railroads didn't need government help to get their land, which is provably false (sources 1,2,3). So given that the land is taken by the government then given or sold to the railroads, (or in our case roads) the government is still in the position of forcing the trade and choosing which companies get it.

Then we get to the topic of necessary monopoly. If we don't have a monopoly in charge of a large chunk of land, turning right will cost you an extra $10 as opposed to going straight. For that matter going straight more than 5 miles may cost you an extra $10. (I'm hoping this is uncontroversial enough to not require a source). This is the reason that we have utilities (of which private roads are - at least in my state- already one (source 4)), but this means that the government gets to say how much they're allowed to charge (source 5). If they don't place this regulation, people that live at one end of a private road and work at the other will be required to pay extortionist prices, because there can only be so many roads to get from point a to b. If we do keep those requirements then this is no longer a benefit of using private roads.

Then there's the price difference for the consumer. This one requires some pre-amble.
New Jersey has a population of 9.288 million
Michigan has a population of 10.077 million
(both source 6)
Michigan roads are funded primarily through a (shockingly high) gas tax of 19c/gal (7). (It's largely so high because the wild temperature varrations damage the roads.) The average American uses 489 gal/year (8) for a total average tax of $92.91/year.
The average new Jersey resident pays very little in gas tax, but they do pay for tolls. I can't find an average, but last year the state got ~2 billion (9) in tolls divided by the total number of residents from earlier we can roughly estimate they paid 215.33/year. (This fails to take into account visitors, but in the reverse direction it also fails to account for children and those not driving)

This is in a toll system that, unlike a private one, does not need to turn a profit. To your point on road maintenance being better for toll roads - according to Consumer Affairs NJ is raked 27th in the country for it, while Michigan is 20th (10). US news has NJ at 40, and Michigan at 30 (11).

In the end of the day, it seems to me that people will pay more to drive, and the government will still have such a high level of control of the road system that any benefit that could be found in privatization is lost.


  1. https://nap.nationalacademies.org/read/22093/chapter/22
  2. https://www.cga.ct.gov/2006/rpt/2006-R-0167.htm
  3. https://scholarship.law.unc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=5697&context=nclr
  4. https://www.ncuc.gov/ncrules/rulstoc.html
  5. https://www.ncleg.gov/EnactedLegislation/Statutes/PDF/ByArticle/Chapter\_62/Article\_7.pdf
  6. https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_U.S.\_states\_by\_population
  7. https://semcog.org/blog/part-two-michigans-road-funding-how-do-we-stack-up
  8. https://www.api.org/news-policy-and-issues/blog/2022/05/26/top-numbers-driving-americas-gasoline-demand#:\~:text=489%20gallons%2Fyear%20per%20registered,day%20of%20gasoline%20was%20sold.
  9. https://www.njspotlightnews.org/2022/11/nj-toll-hikes-jan-1-2023-garden-state-parkway-nj-turnpike-atlantic-city-expressway/#:\~:text=Through%20the%20end%20of%20September,according%20to%20the%20agency%20records.
  10. https://www.consumeraffairs.com/automotive/us-road-conditions.html
  11. https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/rankings/infrastructure/transportation/road-quality
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It only doesn't matter if the majority of us are conscious of it and want to stop it. We need to place sanctions in a true democracy, that's not easy and it requires everybody be educated.

We're lucky that we're still in the tail end of the early adopters phase so most people in the fediverse will be open to gaining education. Also both sides of the heavily populated fediverse (Lemmy and mastodon)* feel recently betrayed by corporate greed.

All to say, it won't be a big deal as long as most people know what's going on. (I didn't before reading this.)

*Not sure where to put kbin

Philomena philomillae

Yep. The standard Hollywood eyes are pretty close to how my dad's look. Only Hollywood tends to do grey while his are a very pale blue. I didn't actually learn he technically had brown eyes until I was in my late teens.

Yeah. I was so stoked when I got this name before I learned how it all worked

DDR5 be like:

I'm gonna quit for entertainment, but Reddit has the last 15 years of the best tech advice. I physically can't quit using it at work. The black out has made me noticably worse at my job. I support it, but fuck I wish it was just for new posts, that guy from three years ago that had my exact problem might have had an answer!

Okay, I've been trying to understand this for the last hour and I finally thought I did, but maybe not? Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong in this?

A magazine (or any type of group) can post to a federated site and it will replicate the data to all other federated sites. Kbin and all the Lemmy sites are federated so we share the same data right? It's just accessing it from a different server with a different UI.

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Since you can wipe a computer without a bitlocker key, I would assume you could encrypt the windows half with it, but I can't say I've tried.

*I realized this is a reginal phrase so I figured I should clear it up at the beginning. When I say freeway or interstate I always am referring to roads that get federal funding and meet the US interstate code.

If you say that the government gets it with imminent domain and that sucks, well, that’s another topic, isn’t it? Since that’s what it currently does.

Yeah, my only point here is that this is regularly brought up as a benefit (although I recognize that you personally never did), and I don't think that it does have that benefit to any degree.

For each of your next two points I think we may be talking about different things. My understanding of your argument was that all roads can (and maybe should be) privatized. With "all" being operative. In that case the road my house is on is not optional for me to not pay for. If you're only suggesting that highways and freeways should be privatized I don't think that is as ridiculous a notion.

I do think even in that case it's worth noting that this would end up being a tax on people who live in rural areas but work in cities. Which is a roundabout way of saying mostly less wealthy people. I also understand that you're in California while I'm in North Carolina so for you it probably means people that live in the suburbs, while for me it means people living in towns that the industry left 30 years ago and have to commute.

I also think it's worth pointing out that the freeway system is a military operation with economic benefits, not vice versa. Part of the US interstate code requires that a tank be able to drive on every part with many locations (I don't recall how often they're required to be) that a fighter jet can land and take off in case we ever have a war on the continent. (This is just for freeways, not highways.)

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing if it causes cheaper public transport options to become available.

If it does that I agree, but in most of the country that system doesn't exist. Within cities we've spent the last 50 years eliminating every cost effective public transit option. And for rural areas it's never existed. I would be far less opposed to it if we created those options, but I have seen the government take away our options with the promise to give us new ones that never come far too many times to trust it.

Once park and rides in rural areas, free or cheap bus systems in cities, good sidewalk networks, bike lanes, and bike paths (ideally also trollies if we can somehow swing it) exist across the country, I'll change my tune. But not until they exist, and definitely not on the promise that "we'll make them next".

I guess I don't have strong opposition to private highways, but freeways and roads with residences I do. I still don't see the benefit of them, but I don't think the downsides are that dramatic.

Getting sources was really time consuming and I'm replying on my phone so I'm not gonna bother this time, but if I've used any facts that you doubt the validity of let me know and I'll find sources.

Also, just wanna say it's nice getting into a respectful debate online. It's been a while. Thanks!

It was the only controller that accompanied my third arm

SCCM > MECM, Azure AD > Entra ID etc

Wait... I'm only 3 years into it. Is SCCM the direct predecessor of AAD/EID? I follow the SCCM group on Reddit because they usually have good opinions on updates, but have never understood what the fuck they actually did.

Probably Imodium. Most hikers keep it in their pack in case they get gerardia

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