
0 Post – 159 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

is this a phone screenshot of a tik-tok screenshot of a tweet ?

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I said hello to the bakery cashier this morning when getting some bread, I think it was a good move, they responded and aked my which bread I wanted, I don't regret it one bit.

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  • "You see here jimmy, the boss didn't bother to check whether the path was where it was planned to be 2 years ago.

Now, are we going take the initiative and place the flowerbed where it should be rather than where we were told to put it ?"

  • "No we won't Larry... "if we were supposed to take decisions we would be paid accordingly..." as you always say Larry..."
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wow, you sperged out quite hard about such a simple problem, I'm glad you will be using windows from now on and won't be hanging around *nix related discussion platforms

it's one of those packages that are only put in the repo with the intent on being itself a dependency of the full kde desktop, since it's a component of the deskop and not just a random theme

if you want to compete with Canoncial’s Snapstore

says it all about your mindset, you think big numbers are good regardless of context, as if google play wasn't enough of a warning for other distribution platforms

Nah, bash is fine.

let's forget gnu and praise linux then I guess.

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Zorin is probably the perfect linux system for someone else

rejection of design paradigms that get praised and adopted by everyone like headerbars

please, use gnome and forget about the other de

they should know how to change a flat or put in coolant

and care design, just like ux, is evolving in a way where the service industry takes the role of the user in maintaining their tools

everyone else is right, the downvotes are unfair but your probleme seems to be fairly linux related.

What are the specs of your machine and how do you launch the games ?

depending ing on your graphics card, it may not support vulkan

If you are not already, try to use lutris, that way you will be able to chose which version of whine and dxvk you are using and get a bit more info on what is happening with your system, I frequently run game from gog on it and they run fine

those numbers are nonexistent for most distribution, since forcing telemetry isn't really a cool move in the free software world

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deb was always the most distribudet packaging method due to ubuntu and debian based distro popularity but ubuntu decided to get away from it in favor of snaps, removing a lot of incentive for devs to distribute it, probably coupled with the events of arch becoming a meme big enough that it's non-business popularity exploded, what used to be a natural act for app devs became a question.

And debs weren't recommended since long ago but nobody cared about that

You should switch back to windows, that would fix your problem.

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all these will be reinstated in the next update and all the unsent locally collected information will be sent with the consent you gave by not preventing your system from updating

you should check out theming in kvantum, same svg principle applied to all the content of the window, and in inkscape turn on the code editor, just the names of the categories is enough documentation

you may be surprised to know that crap touch-pads are the majority of touchpads and even moreso in the future since old thinkpads are slowly going away

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because of course, pointing out that capitalism will cause a specific problem can only be a disguised attempt to resuscitate Joseph Stalin.

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Pacman is the most braindead straight to the point package manager of them all, it won't take you very long to memorize the 3 letters you need to use it.

op is making the opposite point, saying that companies making closed source software are going to be put off from putting their software on flathub, the clown face is there with the intent to portray flathub's action as being naive and idiotic, arguing that not catering to such companies by not letting them distribute closed source software without telling it's potential users is a bad thing

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how dare you criticize smystemD, I spent 20 years having to write startup scripts in assembly with a quill and feather and i can tell you that sistem_d is literally life changing, I stopped drinking an got out of prison ever since arch implemented it

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the Swiss ?

turn off your computer, plug in the key, press the power button to turn it on, then immediately and repeatedly press your boot menu key, it's probably of the f keys above the numbers on your keyboard, if you have an hp laptop it's going to be f9 otherwise it's often f12 but that can be any other one, try googling it, then you will have a menu appear which lets your select "usb something whatev" select it and press enter, if that doesn work, you'll have to learn all about configuring your bios to run linux

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because they won't need to maintain it, they won't even need to maintain the dependencies, some guy online will maintain the package and it's dependency for them, whether it's updated or not, it's going to launch, that's the whole point of those style of packaging


you quickly feel like it's not a distro for convenience but for enterprise productivity, yast is incredibly powerful and filled to the brim esoteric professionall options but little no no though for a casual experience, the repos don't have much in the way of fun and are even software p*tent respecting meaning codecs and such need a separate config, the suse specific tools have their own theming , a lot of thing (like mounting luks volumes) require admin passwords... most of these can be remedied will a little tinkering but why bother when other distro are way simpler to tailor and already have a more comfortable experience out of the box

This article reminded me of how I haven't run in a single dependency version conflict for years, I'm starting to get what debian users feel like seeing all this new distros fixing problems they never had in the first place

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doesn't that do all of them together, possibly making you install it multiple times ?

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I found youtube in particular to use very generic functionq that are used in other places so blocking something small ends up blocking other things, iirc from the long time ago that I wasn't using piped, blocking youtube premium prompt broke comments or something along those lines

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Many lemmy users are desperate for inside jokes like they used to have on reddit (poop knife) and will quickly jump on any slightly popular shitpost with the desire to make it a widespread joke in the lemmyverse, one dude made a post about beans and many followed.

I wish there was a better way to judge the lightness of full desktop environements than just ram consumption, because speed and smoothness can vary greatly regardless of ram, so we know whether of not it runs well on shitty laptop, lxqt being no faster than xfce in my experience is pretty telling of that

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oh lord that pic is unnerving

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lemmy is a type of website that looks like reddit, a lemmy instance is one of those website.

Ideally, all of the different website that runs lemmy can display and interract with all the other lemmy websites, but since 3 random americans can't be put in a room together without fighting, some websites running lemmy don't want to talk to each others, so the plenty of sites running lemmy have to allow each others to communicate with each others, like friend invites on facebook, those are called federations.

I think we can all agree that using nix in no way prevents people from talking about it

Nobody watched the video and the down arrow is there for when you disagree, simple as.

those manufacturer either have to charge thouthands, or use the cheapest possible hardware they can find to be interesting compared to the thinkpads of old, which can take a punch or two and get replacement parts

find -exec is essential to process multiple files

7z handles wildcards inside a find -exec so you can save 200 lines of sh compliance

mpv plays online media since it uses yt-dlp

I always wondered why none of them could agree on which f key does what, especially when they all already agree that ctrl-alt-del restart the computer