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Something I've realised is that a lot of people when starting a task they've never done, don't realise that fact and attempt to start and finish it all in one go anyways, rather than before starting realising you have no expertise and searching the web for "How to do: X" for more complex tasks this can be unsuccessful, but for simple tasks like installing computer parts people just wing it first time for some reason. 🤷‍♂️

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Certain pathogens can be very deadly but not very easily spread. Perfect for hits.

Yeah I'm around his height and have light footsteps, I startle people at work accidentally all the time. People don't like being loomed over out of the blue, if you're 6'5 you should already know this.

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Um healthcare?

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Plus well done sous vide chicken is just as juicy with non sketchy feeling texture.

Fuck this dish I'm trout.

I think the answer is the parents of those kids need to be able to make a living that can support their children. Yes they might be worse off if they lose that income but that misses the bigger issue that children shouldn't need to earn an income to help support their families.

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Ah so you're a troll got it. You're making zero logically coherent arguments in this thread.

They're still triggered by seeing rhetoric that is even a little critical of capitalism, but we're the sheep..

Well we don't always get what we want. Life isn't fair like that I don't mean to start an argument I'm not religious either and also get upset at people hiding their own bigotry behind religion but looking down on others for having different beliefs is in of itself biggoted no?

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That's funny. In reality they compete on increasing shareholder profits by colluding on prices and paying their employees as little as possible. And to be crystal clear "they" are the CEOS/boards of most major companies.

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Exactly the people who sell the thing in high demand the issurers are in the business of denying care to people by raising prices on healthcare. I feel like your mind is in the right place I agree insurance companies shouldn't exist but what you said in your first comment is false large companies who sell high demand products absolutely gouge on prices all of the time.

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You're allowed to try but no one has succeeded?

But we don't act like big tough guys who try to fight people on the senate floor. We know we are weenies he just acts like he isn't one. Did that break it down for you hun 💖?

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But the few democrats you are referring to didn't storm the capital~

Nice try both sidesing a coup btw 😘

Hillary was all of those things what do you even mean??

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I'm pretty sure he's said favourable stuff about those dictators in the past but don't have the time rn. He did however use the term vermin in a speech to refer to people he doesn't agree with which is textbook fascist. Have a nice day.

It's almost laughable that you say that in a thread where someone who didn't get help and shot up a school is showing remorse once they got help. What is your point exactly?

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Yes Bernie is an unprincipled political opportunist.

You read like a chat gpt bot told to be slightly antagonistic to every comment you read.

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Troll right? that comment was unnecessary and inflammatory. Inb4 another paragraph from you full of argumentative bullshit 🙄

Wait Chick-fil-A is Israeli? /S

This guy is a troll he spends all day calling anyone who questions corporate rule of the economy a communist. The world is black and white to this dude.

See you are still mistaken the owner and worker in your example are the same person where as in many big businesses they are two distinct groups, with the smaller (in proportion of people) owner class having most of the leverage in negotiations. To the owner if they employ others the wages they pay are a cost to their profits, with the farmer he is also his worker so his overhead beyond his operating costs is his "wage". Both have operation costs like buying raw materials rent/taxes on properties, machine operation/repair costs. Profits are a cost that employees pay to the owners if you want my opinion on it. There's an argument that the owners deserve some portion of this but at the moment profits are put over people because the leverage like I said earlier is in the hands of the owner class.

Even if Epstein killed himself they definitely knew he was suicidal and looked the other way while he did it. Idk about this guy but it's suspicious but I agree more information needs to come out before going too far into any rabbit holes. Sorry for your mass downvotes lol looks like some people are already sucked in. 😅

I voted for Hillary in the general I didn't fall for anything, but I can still recognise her flaws and want something better than the two options we're spoon fed every election.

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What we need is to put a stop to the pursuit of infinite growth and the pursuit of endless profits. The capitalist class doesn't want this because it would end their way of lives, they won't let it happen, there's no reason it wouldnt work.

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I think commenting on Lemmy all day is a mental health issue and I'm worried for you.

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The revolving door is a thing she was married to President..hmm what was his name I'm forgetting it, maybe it will come to me. Oh that's right Bill! That's his name! To say she's not a career politician after being in or around politics her entire adult life is down right disingenuous. She represents the dem establishment there's no question of that, but I'm sure you will enlighten me as to how I'm wrong. 🙄

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This guy's a troll move on.

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Well, the society we've had through "trial and error" got us to the point of climate collapse so maybe it deserves to be "nitpicked" a little bit. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️

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Well said, he literally misquoted you to get upset about nothing. Hope things get better for you guys over there.

I'd love to see the rock you live under but it absolutely is how most large corporations operate. You quote economic theories as if they are fact, I'm speaking on the history of how large corporations have acted literally my entire life.

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One thing I've always wondered in this debate is how quickly people with high tolerances lose that inebreated state after smoking. Like hot boxing (actively smoking while driving) definitely is a bad idea but what I wonder is what the effects are for a seasoned smoker who took a few puffs at home then drives to grab some munchies like 30-45min later. I'm not arguing one way or another I just think more research needs to be done on how long after partaking is considered safe to drive.

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This is second hand and I've never tried it but my friends say alcohol tincture under the tounge work for them and hit very quickly. Not enough alcohol to get you drunk if you're trying to stay off the booze. I've been meaning to try it myself.

I agree I just meant they use all their power against any socialist movements both domestic and abroad I used the term won't let it happen as in won't let it happen on their watch as they have largely been alowed to rule unopposed for over a century but it seems that from one generation to the next they have taken more and more from those at the bottom and it seems that they're reaching the tipping point where their tower is starting to crumble. ✌️

Agreed, I don't think that's what the comment I replied to was talking about though.

Lol one of them downvoted you 🤣. Is reality CoMmuNiSt now guys?

I agree with your sentiment but disagree with how it plays out in practice. There are plenty of people who serve just for the decent income and benefits. Plenty of the ones you mentioned as well though, they can take to the frontline.