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Joined 1 years ago

I try to explain this to people and they look at me like I’m a madman. The civil war never ended because we allowed their leaders to live and continue planting their seeds of bigotry.

You’re best approach would be to make AirBnB illegal or impossible to insure.


Nazi’s did not stop becoming the enemy just because the war ended. The Nazi party being abolished was a condition of surrender.

As far as I’m concerned, a Nazi on US soil is an invading enemy soldier and should be shot on site.

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Just don’t dive into it 💀

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Without breaking a sweat. You greatly underestimate the hatred people have for Hilary “it’s my turn” Clinton.

Doesn’t matter you don’t get to attack someone because they’re smug. He needs to be locked up and pacified.

I don’t understand why you think that. The last election wasn’t even close and Trump had the post office in shambles.

Sex tourism.

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The last election wasn’t even close and that was with a hobbled post office. The Dow is at 37k, unemployment is low, Republicans are losing interest and purple Colorado just went blue.

America doesn’t want fascism.

This is the death rattle of the most entitled, largest, generation in America. They do not care where America will be in 10 years because they won’t be alive and they think it’s hilarious. It’s a geriatric tantrum.

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Roe v. Wade was bought.

I’ll never part with mine!

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It’s my understanding that diversity scholarships generally put those below the poverty line first.


Lazy comment and it’s not even remotely accurate.

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Than buy a Rivian.

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Reducing carbon emissions isn’t the primary goal here though. The primary goal is infinite clean energy. INFINITE power. The plant in France could become operational within 5 years. The harnessing of this power is a milestone for our species.

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Nah. At least nowhere near the scale it is in Mexico. Open bounties on politicians can be very appealing when everyone is dirt poor and the chances of being captured almost none.

More people should do this. Democrats control more wealth in this nation. We should be asking business who they support before purchasing their products and services. On top of that businesses that support the right should be openly attacked and exposed. Fascism can be starved.

What makes this time in America’s history so terrifying is that the difference between Democrat and Republican has only been greater one other time and it resulted in a civil war. You can’t say “both sides are evil” because it’s not even close. Democrats haven’t really changed and that’s not the progress they claim to represent. However Republicans have abandoned the concept of the US as a whole and are actively attempting to corrupt our voting and end democracy state by state. Republicans are so close to crossing a line that cannot be uncrossed and it will result, at best, in states operating as independent nations. In other words, a fucking disaster.

There is only one “evil” side right now.

Just when I have to put an animal down. Even then, very little and only in private. I just don’t understand how people can feel so comfortable losing control. I’m aware my option on this is no longer the popular one. Just being honest.

Because someone told them they were special and that they deserved more. And against a lifetime of insurmountable evidence to the contrary, they still believe it.

No one ever leaves the right wing because that would mean coming to terms with having been an absolute piece of shit but new idiots join every day thanks to bullshit accusations like this one.

The propaganda did its job now onto the next completely unfounded zero-risk accusation.

Nobody has the time for that.

Some of the videos of the interrogations suggest that the men were tortured by Russian security services. One of the clips, circulated by Russian bloggers, appears to show members of the security forces cutting off the ear of a man who is later interrogated over the attack and then stuffing it into his mouth. Another appears to show security forces beating a suspect with their rifle butts and kicking him as he lies in the snow.

Oh buddy this is just the tip of the ice berg. The pain they have coming to them will be beyond next level.

They must have been afforded some protections to insulate them from consequences. It’s not just a realization that being a monster is easy and beneficial. The golden rule isn’t a farce for those of us who aren’t affluent, it’s a warning.


I want to be killed by beautiful woman. I would like to die in her arms.

Yeah but what’re you gonna do? 🤷‍♂️ He either does it or he doesn’t. We can’t really stop him before but sure as hell can after.

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Yeah it wasn’t even close in the end. They even lost fucking Arizona and Georgia I never thought I’d see the day…

Goddamn. This is a depressing time.

I have a reoccurring one that I get a few times a year for the past 20ish years. I’m nervous about sharing it for fear that it may trigger the dream but I want to contribute.

It’s dusk and I’m around twelve years old standing with my parents on a large square stone structure that stands just higher than the trees in the massive forest that surrounds it. Imagine a medieval castle wall or the Great Wall of China if it were square.

The only other people there are a few skeletal “caretakers” wearing Asian rice hats that obscure their faces. They quietly sweep with big push brooms and keep to themselves.

In each corner of the structure is a 3x5ft hole with steps that lead down about 10ft ending at a black, lightless, drop-off.

I’m always standing on that last step before the void, looking up at my parents who are at the top impatiently waiting for me to jump. I tell them I’ve changed my mind and that I want to go home but they’re holding me to my word and won’t let me come back up. I usually wake up and that point and feel pretty depressed.

When I was around that age my dad walked in on me pulling the trigger on his.45 pistol I’d had against my head. I didn’t know to pull back the slide first to load it. He was, understandably, very mad. I feel this dream is related to that event somehow. I think I’ll probably continue to have it until he dies. I’m almost 40 years old it has to end sometime.

That is 100% the current situation.

I’m going to guess Chad or Somalia. Curious if OP will reply.

The night of the long knives comes to mind.


No need to riot. General strike my man.

My fone did it.

House of Leaves

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