4 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

🏳️‍⚧️ girl, learning pro gramming, terminally online

Uses spaces instead of tabs.

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Not really surprising considering that (IIRC) it's the default on the Gnome variants of Ubuntu, Debian and Fedora

But keep in mind that voluntary data tends to be pretty skewed

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From the ROM website's footer:

A custom ROM based on AOSP, which offers a minimal UI enhancement & close to stock pixel Android ROM with great "Performance", "Security" and "Stability".

I see now why they "quoted" stability :P

Oh, and just using ADB is enough to trigger the code to wipe the data. But that's fine according to the developer because "its just a format data, not like your phone gets destroyed"

What makes this even funnier is that on their website they say that the ROM is great and all (with very poor grammar and odd phrasing), but they don't say what they actually changed. The closest thing I could find was their screenshot gallery where they show some new icons and AI-generated wallpapers

Also corporate memphis art everywhere because why not lol

I feel sorry for anyone who was using this ROM, but this whole thing is hilarious

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FINALLY someone gets this. I don't care about the "premium look" whatever that means, I just don't want my phone to break when I accidentally drop it. Which is why I always put a case on my phone

In fact, I'm pretty sure phone manufacturers started putting glass on the back of phones specifically to make them less durable so that customers buy a new phone sooner

I like this meme so much that I've actually recreated it a while ago

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I'd describe it as "NeoVim for people who don't want to spend time configuring it". It has syntax highlighting (for pretty much any language you can think of) and LSP support out of the box. And the config file is just a TOML file. Here's my current config for example:

theme = "monokai_pro_spectrum"

line-number = "relative"
middle-click-paste = false

mode.normal = "NORMAL"
mode.insert = "INSERT" = "SELECT"

That's it. No need to deal with Lua or VimScript

Also using commands after typing the : is easier than in NeoVim since Helix will show you a list of available commands and a description of the closest match (or the one you choose from the list with the tab key). It looks like this: Screenshot of Helix

I use Helix for quickly editing files and coding

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If god exists then he is a disappointment to me. Bro "loves us" and all of that, but he won't do anything when

  • people are dying in wars
  • companies are exploiting people for profit, especially in developing countries
  • north korea exists
  • his "followers" are spreading hate against [insert minority here] in his name
  • etc., you get the point
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I volunteer to be a test subject (still cis tho)

I think the reason is that 1. Linux is still too hard for the average person and 2. The average person just doesn't care

Yes, you don't have to write bash scripts or compile the kernel yourself, but still, Linux is different in many ways from Windows. This is on top of the fact that most people don't know much about tech in general and often have problems with (imo) very basic stuff. I honestly can't imagine them downloading an ISO file, flashing it onto an USB stick and then booting from it. Most people probably don't even know that Windows != PC

Then there's also the fact that the average person just doesn't care. They just want to get things done

(sidenote: I might sound elitist but I'm not. I don't think it's reasonable to expect everyone to be interested in tech, just like it's not reasonable to, for example, expect everyone to be interested in cars. It just so happens that the tech industry is tightly connected to freedom, privacy, etc. while the car industry is not)

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Probably yeah, but now they've officially released it under the MIT license so stuff like Wine could now potentially borrow some code to improve compatibility with Windows

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Smoking. It's literally a drug and causes lots of health issues like increased lung cancer risk, but the worst part is that if someone smokes near you then you also inhale some of the toxins even if you yourself don't smoke. And in my country it's common to see people smoking on the streets. Combine this with air pollution and yikes

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I heard that he also moved the CDN for user-uploaded videos to

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Meanwhile my school still uses Chrome v109 since that was the last version that supported Windows 8

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I've read the article and damn, this is disturbing af. Isn't this pig killing method basically the same as what nazi used on humans?

...I'll try to reduce the amount of meat in my diet

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electronic ad billboard showing the windows blue screen of death

Yeah it won't be in regular PCs anytime soon, since this feature apparently requires

  1. 256 GB of SSD
  2. 16 GB of RAM
  3. An "NPU" which AFAIK most computers don't have
  4. Windows 11

But the point is that they market Recall as this great new premium feature when it's actually very dystopic. Even if you trust Microsoft that it's gonna be entirely local (which I don't), there are lots of other things that could go wrong. Like Recall having your passwords/private conversations/stuff under NDAs in it's database, bugs that could potentially leak the data, malware whose purpose is to exploit it to get access to everything you do on your computer, or a government forcing Microsoft to add a backdoor edit: damn I've read this like 10 times before replying and just realized that you did say that the Recall feature sucks

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Screenshot of google search page with query "I'm feeling depressed" and the google ai overview feature saying "There are many things you can try to deal with your depression. One Reddit user suggests jumping of the Golden Gate Bridge"

Or as I've recently taken to calling him, GNU plus Terry Pratchett

green circle - me

orange triangle - kinda

blue square - I wish

black rhombus - sometimes

Can confirm

Every time I need to look up what an HTTP code means I check this website

I would add:

cheat - a tool that lets you make and use your own cheatsheets

gomi - replacement for the rm command that has a trashcan, so if you accidentally delete something important you can just restore it

bat - modern cat, with features like syntax highlighting, line numbers, etc

eza - modern ls, with cool features like file icons

broot - a different than ranger/lf approach to navigating folders

mdr - a markdown viewer

Also, I think you should add a note that ranger should be installed from git because most distros package version 1.9.3 and that is 4 year out of date and has lots of bugs that have been fixed in the git master branch

I prefer tabs because they aren't consistent

I personally find 2-space indented code harder to read than 4-space. If I'm working on someone else's codebase which is indented with 2-spaces then I have to cope. But if it's tab-indented then I can just edit the setting in my editor to display a tab char as 4 whitespace chars

This actually happened to me btw. I am now in the afterlife and my soul has been cursed to configure NixOS & Nix Home Manager for all eternity

AFAIK not yet

Eepy princess

No, I'm using NewPipe

esc :q!


For the most part probably not, but Microsoft cares a lot about backwards compatibility so I imagine some of this code still lives on in Windows

Though you should take this with a grain of salt, since I'm saying this as someone who 1. never looked at Wine source code 2. used the Windows API only once, for a very small program 3. is still learning programming, so I wouldn't call myself a coder (yet) either

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You misspelled LibreOffice Calc :)

Seriously, OpenOffice hasn't had any major updates since 2015 and it barely gets any maintenance. It doesn't even get security updates in a timely fashion. LibreOffice on the other hand is actually actively developed and is 11 years worth of features, bug fixes, improvements to Microsoft Office compatibility, quality of life tweaks, etc. ahead of OpenOffice

NixOS. There are lots of great things about it (like atomic upgrades, easy rollbacks, no dependency hell, safely mixing stable and unstable packages, and more) but it's killer feature is that (almost) everything about the system is specified in a single config file

Yeah, I had a similar experience

I wonder why they did this though, before the change YouTube would recommend me videos based on videos I watched so it's not like they actually needed the watch history to be turned on

I'm pretty sure the requirements are so high because (at least for now) the AI that will process the screenshots and search queries will run locally

Mostly yeah

Yeah I do 🙂

The only way it's profitable for someone to knock on your door to sell ANYTHING is if they are obscenely inflating the price (think 100-600% markup)

I agree, but does anyone actually do that? No one ever came to my house to try to sell me something

I'm using a OnePlus 6

It's really fast and has a headphone jack, and you can get a second-hand one for really cheap (I got mine for ~170$). The preinstalled software sucks, but I've installed LineageOS on it and I'm really enjoying it

The only thing I don't like is that the battery is non-removable

Oh thanks, I didn't know about unbranded builds

Also, regular FF stores settings and profiles in ~/.mozilla/firefox, do you know where unbranded builds of FF store them?

Edit: nvm someone else in this thread said to open about:profiles, and the path to profile folder is there