
0 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Dusty old bones, full of green dust.

Reading, TV, video games, studying, crafts/hobbies

My phone would drop and just detach from the phone jack and still fall, sometimes ruining the headphones in the process. My phone has a case and takes a fall better than my headphones. But it's also older (Samsung note 8), so there's that

For fuck's sake, did this man do anything without a bribe? He studied and worked all the way to the supreme court just to be a piece of shit. What a embrassement of a person. I'd say he should be ashamed, but I'd probably have to bribe him to do even that. 🙄

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I was taking a walk last week and a car of white guys screamed "N*gger" at me, so that was fun. And have been to Japan, which was racism on steroids (for black people anyway).

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I believed it was boring and weird ("Why can't they just goggle the bird?"). But I recently bought a bird feeder for my cat and I'm more invested in the birds than she is. It's like boring Pokémon, I love it lol.

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Oh god, no. It was just to give her something to look at through the window. Like "cat TV."

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I think it has a rich history and culture. That being said, I've never been, but the news that comes from there doesn't make me form a good opinion. I always hear about horrific sex crimes against women, or gang rapes, or murders. I'm certainly not going to say that's all they do, but that's the bulk of news I hear about it. I hear about the scam centers that seemed to be baked into society. I hear about the caste system, the lack of cleanliness and infrastructure, I hear about the overcrowding. Yes, I hear that they work towards better tech, but the news I hear from there has places India squarely on the "Do not visit" list.

Do schools in Korea ban different grades from talking to each other? What's stopping someone from one grade up from being with someone one grade down (or a year down if in college or something). They're making it seem like, currently, you can only interact with people your own age?

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Yesterday. My mom came to visit.

Back in the day, I could finish Fatal Frame 2(Wii edition) in under 3 hours. I had played it a lot so my camera was is "festival" mode and full upgraded, so I could pretty much kill a ghost on sight which sped things up.

Man, I've been tempted. I've started saying I'd try a drug if it was ever offered, because I'm too much of a coward to figure out how to get it myself. I have an additive personality, so I know it would kill me and, honestly, I'm fine with that.

I leave some out for a chipmunk as well. I've named him Ignacio.

My bad. Fahrenheit.

Angelica and Olivia.

Reading, crafting, learning a language.

Summer: I'm not outside, but 80's and breezy. Some clouds. I'm bad with heat though 🫠

Autum: 60-70, mild breeze. Overcast if possible.

Winter: Fluffy snow, I like how quiet it gets.

Spring: 60-80, any cloud coverage. Breezy

Any time of the year, as long as I'm inside: Rain. Lots of rain. And thunder. I hate driving in storms, but I love watching and hearing them.

Edit: Whoops, sorry. This is Fahrenheit.

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