
2 Post – 403 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

While users can see the toggle if they have installed the iOS 18 developer beta

Anyone know what toggle they are talking about? I’m not seeing anything in Messages settings nor Cellular settings. Or do they mean the toggle is US-exclusive?

edit: Ah, I found a screenshot. It’s supposed to be under the MMS messaging toggle in Messages settings but doesn’t show up for everyone yet (including me).

People were pressuring him to hand over maintainership while expressing disappointment at the slow pace of development.

Very likely that was part of the attack as well.

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As someone with his own email domain, screw you for even thinking about suggesting domain filters.

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How about stop murdering people

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aNd i wOuLd lIkE InFoRm yOu tHaT We dOn't mAkE DeCiSiOnS LiKe tHiS LiGhTlY

every time someone has to explicitly say this it's a lie

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Their source code management must be an absolute disaster for these kinds of things to keep happening.

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“[Full self driving is] the difference between Tesla being worth a lot of money or worth basically zero” — Elon

Statement getting closer to reality with every one of these articles/investigations

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We're not in 2014 anymore.

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"You can also see it in the new parent (maternity/paternity leave) policies. Male employees can come back to do the same job again, whereas female employees are guaranteed a job when they return, but there is no guarantee it will be the same one they had when they left."


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Didn't even lose her license from what it reads like. That's crazy. These kinds of people are dangerous.

I use Pipewire now but Pulseaudio is (and has been for years) better than both the Windows and Mac audio stack. It may have been bad once (yes, I remember the days of having to start Wine with some pulse env var so the audio doesn't crackle) but nowadays it doesn't deserve the level of hate it still gets.

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Some that haven't been mentioned yet:

  • Behind The Overlay (removes simple login banners/paywalls/anything that blocks the content)
  • Don't Fuck With Paste (for those sites that think it's fun to override or even disable copy and/or paste)
  • Greasemonkey/Tampermonkey Violentmonkey
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Yes. This is the new "visual programming will make executives be able to write programs themselves" but this time the technology (assuming OP means LLMs since both the ones in his image post seem to be LLMs) is completely unsuitable from the start.

Ok boomer. If trans people want to "make themselves God", I support that. Whatever that is supposed to mean anyway.

I have NixOS running on my main desktop with some unusual changes:

  • / is mounted as tmpfs, with /etc, /nix and /var being mounted from the actual system partition (this actually isn't too uncommon on NixOS)
  • For swap, zswap and dynamically allocated swapfiles using swapspace daemon (this is imo the best swap setup if you don't need hibernation)
  • Akonadi (KDE's PIM server) using PostgreSQL instead of MySQL
  • ISO8601 date format, for this I have glibc's en_DK locale which does this copied to en_SE because Qt has en_SE as the locale with ISO date
  • A couple changes to make the layout more like macOS because I can:
    • Partitions are either mounted or auto-symlinked (if they can't be mounted there, such as for the system partition) under /Volumes
    • I patched udisks to also mount devices under /Volumes
    • User home directories are under /Users and root's home is /var/root
    • Keyboard layout changed as far as I can to be mostly like Mac's so I don't have to rethink layouts as much when switching between this and my MacBook
  • Can't technically list this anymore since I've had to tear it down for unrelated reasons but NFS using Kerberos authentication for my NAS
  • This is apparently very unusual since a lot of games completely break with it but two monitors with the main monitor on the right
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Yeah, but it isn't noticeably "less stable" if at all anymore* unless you mean stable as in "essentially in maintenance mode", and clearly good enough for SLES to make it the default. Stop spreading outdated FUD and make backups regularly if you care about your documents (ext4 won't save you from disk failure either which is probably the more likely scenario).

* not talking about the RAID 5/6 modes, but those are explicitly marked unstable

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I need to be able to RDP with multiple screens to my work laptop running Windows 10.

They aren't.

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I don't see an issue with this.

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The software Wikipedia runs on is called Mediawiki. And yes, you can self-host it.

This is about the programs, not the services. Apple Music on Mac can also buy music from iTunes despite not being called iTunes anymore.

OSM data is generally on par or better than Google Maps data. The thing that’s lacking is the search engine.

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I tried Gnome with Wayland and an Nvidia card just yesterday, it worked fine so far with the proprietary drivers. NixOS not Fedora though.

The Brother laser meme is real. They also make color ones, I have one myself.

Doubling down on our core products, like Firefox

Well, I sure fucking hope so. When are we getting back XUL addons or something comparable, you know, the feature that made your browser stand out?

(One can dream, right? Hahaha)

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Because they almost always universally suck across platforms. Only exception I've seen thus far is Figma.

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Bruh. I thought that was uBlock bypassing the ad or something.

Who wants to be the next one to try making "full self driving" cars and waste billions of dollars doing so instead of investing into public transport which would also make driving more safe and more enjoyable because fewer cars would be on the road?

IMO self driving cars are the epitome of Silicon Valley techbro overly complex "solutions" which look awesome and sci-fi but could only ever solve part of the problem if they became a reality.

Google, should be self explanatory, but for me specifically for pretty much making YouTube worse with every change they make since that's the only service of them I still use. And I'm not going to also pay them to sell my data.

Epic Games, for continuously fucking over Linux players and Unreal fans (and well players in general but specifically those two groups).

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This sounds really cool. The window "optimum size" they're talking about sounds a lot like what macOS does with its Zoom feature, where when you double click the titlebar of an app it resizes to the app's content size (as opposed to maximizing), which is something I'd really like to see on Linux.

If this is implemented I'll definitely try Gnome as daily driver for a while. :P

Podcasts are distributed via RSS. Use any RSS reader instead of Spotify.

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The first Reddit app I used. All good things must come to an end, I suppose. :(

Declarative configuration of services and the rest of the entire system, and everything that brings with it.

  • Want to test some new service, or make changes to an existing one, but don't know if you want to keep it? Sure, just temporarily switch to the new configuration, you can always switch back to the old one and everything will be back as it was.
  • Have multiple servers and want to share configuration between them? Absolutely, just import the same file from both. I have a git repo storing configurations for 10 machines and a huge part of it is shared configuration.
  • Want to use one service's endpoint (such as a socket path) in another? Sure, just use the socket path configuration option for the first service in the configuration for the second, such as here. This works since everything is a single tree of options which all the service configuration files are then generated from, so interpolate stuff as you wish.
  • Checks for configuration correctness during build of the system (NixOS options are type checked during evaluation, and then during the actual system build there's more checks, like nginx config has to succeed nginx -t, otherwise the system build fails and you can't switch to it)
  • Want to spin up a VM to test changes before putting it on the actual target? There's a builtin command (nixos-rebuild build-vm) that makes a script that starts a QEMU VM with your configuration running in it. It's as fast as building the real system, so a couple seconds if you're making small changes.
  • Setting up services is also often as easy as putting services.foo.enable = true; in your configuration. And, if you remove that line, the service is gone, so you're never left with "the random package or file you installed once to test something and has been forgotten about". That's the biggest thing it has over any kind of imperative solution IMO.

I feel like even if I want to distro hop again and end up putting something else on my desktop, NixOS is going to stay on my servers indefinitely. It's pretty much a perfect fit for servers.

NFS v4 with krb is probably the best option of these if Linux/macOS is all you need to support because everything just works transparently with one system-wide mount. I had it set up for a couple years until recently (had to basically completely give up on my network setup including the box the KDC was running on for unrelated reasons recently and have still yet to set it up completely again).

Kerberos is pretty straightforward to set up if you know how it works, I think the main problem is lack of documentation and pretty awful NFS error messages (you pretty much have to enable nfsd/rpc debug kernel options if you want to even begin figuring out what's going wrong when your mount doesn't work). The first time I set it up it took me a whole day to get it to actually work, and in the end a reboot of the NFS server solved the problem I had.

Look at the Arch wiki article for Kerberos, I think that's what I used mostly. Feel free to ask if you need help setting it up.

(Unfortunately IMO all of these suck in different ways though: sshfs dies if your SSH connection gets interrupted, NFS v4 (v3 is unusable imo because it doesn't have idmap so you have to make sure your user IDs match on every machine) isn't supported by Windows and mobile devices, Samba doesn't map well to Unix permissions and I can't tell what its "unix extensions" are actually supposed to do if it isn't permissions. Integrating Samba with NFS, if you want to use both, also is pretty hard because while Samba theoretically uses Kerberos, it doesn't work with a normal KDC but needs Samba AD because Microsoft (I haven't taken a look at Samba AD yet). And forget integrating Samba with anything that isn't Kerberos-based entirely because NTLM is the only other auth mechanism and it's pretty much incompatible with anything because the client only sends the password hashed with a unique mechanism. So you're going to have a pretty bad time if you want to use a single auth mechanism for everything if SMB is involved, and that's pretty much your only option if you want to access stuff on a mobile device.)

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bad actors can spam disgusting shit all over the damn place to the point where one relatively large community (I believe it was c/shitposting on Lemmy. world but I can't remember for sure had to be shut down by the mods for a while because it was being bombarded by CSAM.

I guess he hasn't heard of, I think it was r/AHS, that did exactly this routinely to get subreddits they didn't like shut down.

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I use Kagi right now but search.marginalia.nu and YaCy seem really cool. Hell, I might package YaCy and write a module for it for NixOS :^)

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(X) Doubt

Hm. I could read at like 2 and a half years. I could even read text rotated upside down (though I'm not sure it was at that age but it was when I was in daycare) and I have a couple funny stories involving that.

However I would now consider myself a fairly averagely intelligent guy compared to the other people in my CS classes. Much can change in that time.

So to best support Isla, the McNabbs enrolled Isla in Mensa, hoping to connect with other similarly situated parents who could share some information with them.

If they think it helps, I suppose. Still feels to me like this could easily go wrong and be a good way to drive the kid to burnout because of the expectations. But maybe I just have a bias against Mensa, because all talk about them that I hear seems to be negative. The media attention certainly doesn't help in any case.

Really? Nextcloud has been pretty set-and-forget for me.

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Yup. Chatbots can in every case be replaced by a knowledgebase articles/a wiki, and a self-service portal. Give me those and a support email in case I do need to speak with a real person. I don't under any circumstances want to talk with a chatbot.