0 Post – 37 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just get an even bigger car, it will keep you safe from those.

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To Biff Tannen

(I'm sorry)

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I don't know about bullets, but laser beams seem to work: https://www.sci.news/physics/laser-guided-lightning-11572.html

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It's called eau de fox.

Majestic indeed. :)

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That means someone at NASA made an effort to search for eclipse events on Mars visible by Perseverance and put the right wheels inside the organisation in motion so that they made the rover make a photo of the sun (and deimos). Nice.

Yes, please.

Also group-agnostic filtering would be useful. Lemmy groups are sparsely filled and it would make more sense to "subscribe to a tag" than a group.

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So people are buying the same Red Dead Redemption 2 pass for the third year in a row?

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This is due to a structure in the back of the eye called the tapetum lucidum. This is a reflective layer in the back of the eye that sits just in front of the blood filled layer called the choroid. The job of this layer of the eye is to reflect light back onto the retina a second time to amplify light in dark conditions. The color of the tapetum and its reflection can vary from a green, blue, orange or yellow hue. This coloration often changes over the first 3 months of life. Some dogs, similar to humans, do not have a tapetum. This is most common in dogs with blue eyes. Thus, when a photograph is taken, the tapetum is not present to create the colored reflection and therefore the red blood vessels in the back of the eye are visualized. This creates the “red eye” look.

Interesting. So your dog is night blind in one eye?

If you notice a change in how your dog’s eyes are reflecting over time (duller or brighter) or there is a difference in the reflection between eyes, it is advisable to have the eyes examined. It could indicate an eye disease that needs to be addressed.

Hmm. Nah.

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No opposable thumbs no pancakes. Nope.

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The fresh ones have green spikes. I know that kind of tree.

Edit: Cute. :)

I need a sabbatical. Canada maybe or New Zealand. A retreat to a monastery also sounds nice. I will rebuild an old farm house. Something along these lines. :)

It doesn't have to be the truth, or does it?

It's wrentastic at posing, that I'm sure of.

Choose the right tool for the job. There are even more types of goggles. I.e:

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Allow multiple groups per post (use them like tags). This would have some interesting implications regarding moderation and the handling of replies to the said post.

Having multiple identical posts in different groups with distributed replies doesn't feel ideal to me.

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negative reenforcement learning (example)

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Danke Merkel!

Formally, this is an example of positive punishment where the addition of a stimulus decreases the likelihood of the target behavior occuring again.

Yes, that's what i meant. Thanks.

No, everything is fine with the depiction of the sleep mask. :)

I wanted to say that the division into ignorant sleepers and elitist know-it-alls seems too simple and one-dimensional to me.

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Great. I would like to be able to do that.

To be fair. In a developed country with free health care the doctor probably would have either sent him home to sleep it off or maybe to a specialist where it takes months to get an appointment.

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Some people are just one hit wonders, so it could be für nothing. But it would be worth a try.

It's definitively better than to give the idea of nuclear fission to Henry Cavendish in 1766. Right now we live in the sweet spot between discovery and... broad practical application.

Good. He is at the right place for that.

You missed the opportunity to get super powers. Your loss. ;)

You seem ambivalent about the topic. I understand your arguments, but I don't agree with your solution. That doesn't need to bother you. We probably have very different requirements for transportation.

I live in an area where I don't need a car to get where I want to - bike, bus and train are sufficient. And I don't normally need to transport so much that I need a car. And if I need a car I get a rental for a short time.

Sometimes I shake my head a little in disbelief because I find the trend towards more individual transportation within large cars concerning. But then again my lifestyle isn't for everyone and who am I to judge? (But I'm entitled to my own opinion. ;)

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I call fake!
His arm points into the wrong direction, entirely.

Arguably a big part of piracy is about digital distribution services (DDS). Just not the ones the digital rights owner had in mind.

So many orphaned comments and no post. Strange.

I proposed an extension of the feature set. The current behaviour is still possible. You can use the added feature but you don't have to.

The issue for me: The current landscape in lemmy has a lot of sparsely filled groups - I do not browse by group (filter by subscribed or all and sorted by new or hot).
In this view multiple identical posts with distributed replies are shown. This adds redundancy in the comments and reduces clarity.

Edit: The idea rises the question, how the ownership (or relation) of a post to the group and its replies should be handled. Using an x-post-like approach is just one idea.

It's just the trailer, but it's not the trailer I'm waiting for.

OK. I can do that.

That's something I can agree on, sometimes. Sometimes, because for me there can be too much sleep.

Fuzzy dream world: someone said dreaming is just a different form of consciousness (but with sensory stimuli other than seeing and hearing.) Um...

Thanks for the short version.

Nice. I really like this. Thank you!

It wasn't meant to deliver a solution. It's an opinion (as in a piece of my point of view).

It's just not the right way to go in my opinion. (And yes I understand the reasons why people choose what they choose. )

Lvm could be the way to go. Start with the minimum amount of partitions (i.e. / and /boot and swap as lv, maybe efi as a real partition). Add additional lv later if/ when you need them. You can always re-size a partition and the wrapping lv when you want to re- distribute storage-space.

I never needed more than these partitions. But that is just my use case.

Edit: oh. Missed the Multi boot point. Forget what I wrote. :)


A meteor or shooting star is the visible passage of a meteoroid, comet, or asteroid entering Earth's atmosphere

So, a corgi-sized meteoroid?

There are oem drives out there which don't have the 5year warranty. I would check the drives serial numbers at the seagate homepage.