
3 Post – 29 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

all you ever get is bad faith debate

My fellow homosapien, the question is framed in the baddest faith imaginable.

I see op is fluent is stroke, much impress

I would also add IPFS, a REALLY cool piece of tech.

Some really interesting suggestions in this thread that i will definately look into when i find the time.

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Name checks out

Will definately take a look, thanks.

We dont want a bunch of proprietary extensions to an open communications standard, do we? This is something positive.

That said, I dont have much hope for matrix. Implemented in python with the initial goal of "bridging every chat platform in existence" is just bound to be a disaster.

Maintaining anything beyond a couple of hundred lines in python becomes tedious imo.

The rewrite in go has been spoken about since like 2018, and matrix.org still runs synapse iirc. Synapse should have been trashed immediately after MVP demonstration.

Theres also conduit, but to be honest, i feel like the lesson here is to avoid feature creep. Safe, fast and distributed dm text chat should have been the target functionality, with a lean, mean codebase.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk

Of these, only zig compiles to binary code. The others are usually interpreted.

Nice, thanks.

I need that story

This is terrible advice. Communication is the solution.

Yeah, im aware. Mostly mentioned to set the tone.

Afaik, the way it currently works is by calling via javascript. Ironically, the way strings are handled in the browser is also a major performance block with rust at least.

Swede here, soon to be in the same situation. American salaries are very tempting. If you dont mind me asking, what kind of work do you do? And was it hard to score a gig there? Any education? Im very curious.

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People like you should be in leadership positions. The landscape rewards quick solutions, and quick solutions are rarely good solutions. "Whatever works" might still be a bad solution, just look at electron and that entire ecosystem.

Assuming danish. Need any more developers? In search for a danish software gig //swede

This is perfect advice.

Interesting. Im curious, what are some key areas of math that you think is the most interesting/useful for software engineering (that you would personally recommend learning)?

I will likely have some spare time in the following months and i currently plan to spend it on deepening my senses related to linear algebra and analysis.

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How about telling the user what is going on?

ISS Space station final upgrade

Sounds an awful lot like groupthink to me. Having differentiating takes is the point of philosophy.

In a sort of snarky way one might even say that studying it defeats the purpose, because of pollution and all that.

Blockchain dev here. This is false. Blockchain ledgers are in many ways more real than fiat.

Blockchain tends to attract very shitty people, however. Loaning money that doesent exist is a fiat problem. In fact, its the point of fiat.

You gimuyd are on some wikd shit im history

Not extreme at all. You have all the right to think what you want, but let others decide for themself.

Keep the rules to a minimum, and attempt to refer to local law as a guideline. Using slurs are not illegal. Humans are imperfect.

Exiles in isolated pools is what breeds extremism.

Also, realize that you and everyone else are unfit for power. Power should be distributed.

Or, you know... Just dont listen to the song if you dont like it?

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Yes. Exactly. How refreshing to hear.

Weak attidude grounded in jealousy.

I would like to see proof lf this.

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Can never seem to understand this reasoning. Musk seems to largely have solved the censorship problem on twitter, which could be regarded as a vital piece of modern dempcracy (along with the rest of the internet, which mostly suffer from said censorship).

While at it he weeded out some traitors, who actively sabotaged during this period. Im well aware that corporate takeovers arent something "good", but this one actually seems to make free speech a first class value.

This censorship is imposed by advertisers, which is somehow celebrated. Were talking disney, coca cola, whatever... These all want to control what you can or can not hear, and people are celebrating it?

The proper response to advertisers trying to co trol democracy is absolutely "go fuck yourself", this should be the norm.

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