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Over 400 school shootings since Columbine. We as a society have failed our children.

But nobody follows up on ANY politician and it's been that way for a couple of decades now.

Denver’s own Kyle Clark has entered the chat. He did a debate (don’t click; it’s boring af) for the CO4 house seat that included Boebert, and he didn’t let her get away with anything. It was great to watch. He’s absolutely loved locally, and probably has a future at the local level.

The lettuce image and joke arose from the final days of Truss’s premiership, when the Daily Star launched a live stream of a lettuce to see whether Truss’s battle to survive in No 10 could last longer than a 60p iceberg lettuce from Tesco.


Currently $1700/mo for a very healthy, young, family of three. That comes with a $5000 deductible per person (or maximum out-of-pocket of $13000 for the family).

Oversimplification, but we basically pay $33,400 per year before insurance kicks in to cover costs.

That’s ridiculous, yes. But my last uninsured trip to the ER was for an unbearable stomach pain. The 4 hour visit consisted of a shot of pain killer, a scan that showed nothing, and observation by a couple of nurses during that time. I got a RX for some chalky pill and was told to cut back on NSAIDS and alcohol. Fair enough.

The bill from the hospital was $16,000 for the bed, nurses, and scan. Then there were separate bills for the radiologist and the ER doctor, and some lab work bringing the total to ~$17,500.

I currently do not have insurance because I cannot afford it. People treat me like I’m crazy for being overly cautious about getting COVID-19, but without insurance , I could easily go bankrupt if I get it.

American healthcare is truly awful.


Survey: Atheists, Agnostics Know More About Religion Than Religious : The Two-Way 


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted (although you’re username would certainly give the impression you’re just defending musk).

The information you linked to does indeed cast doubt on the validity of the report. Corrected information will be needed before concrete conclusions can be drawn.

I hate Musk as much as the next person, and definitely wouldn’t be surprised if he was dumping chemicals in the water. But that doesn’t mean we should let confirmation bias cloud our ability to think critically.

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After high school, Wurzelbacher enlisted in the United States Air Force, and chose plumbing (Air Force Specialty Code 3E451, or Utility Systems Specialist) as his area of training.[4] He was stationed in Alaska and North Dakota. Wurzelbacher left the Air Force in 1996 and worked as a plumber's assistant, but then switched careers and started working for the telecommunications company Global Crossing.

He was trained in plumbing and had some limited experience.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but there is not going to be jail time in this case, so how would it even be election interference?

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Hey, don’t forget Clint Eastwood and his empty chair.

Why do people downvote others who are just asking questions? I’ll never understand the mindset. You ask an honest and genuine question and people just downvote it for no reason. I don’t get it.

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