
2 Post – 59 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

8 hours of meetings and 10 minutes of writing code.

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With unlock I didn't even know there was an arms race. Seamless performance the whole time!

Not only that but the document specifically states priests cannot bless gay marriages, unions, or when a couple is dressed as if they are getting married.

The threshold is the same as a constitutional amendment because it would take a constitutional amendment to make happen.

China pollutes so much because George HW Bush and Bill Clinton pushed American jobs to China so CEOs could make bank on huge profits on cheap labor, unsafe work places, and near zero environmental regulation that was impossible in the United States. We built China by disregarding worker rights and the environment and we are paying for it dearly.

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The debates will be hosted at Serenity Springs nursing home and will be sponsored by AARP and Geritol. Complimentary hearing aids and adult diapers will be provided to select audience members and the candidates themselves.

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Give it a generation and Hispanics will be considered white. It'll happen just as it happened to the Irish and Italians and Eastern Europeans.

I use an app on Android called stealth to view Reddit but I cannot vote or comment. I'd like to see Lemmy/kbin grow enough that the niche communities move here.

Bingo. If Texas tried to leave, a HUGE chunk of the population would revolt against the State of Texas. Many more would just leave. Very little good would remain.

If you were to try to argue their view, I think they would say that their only problem is when you exhibit immortal behavior. Their definition of immoral behavior isn't the only historic definition but is certainly a prominent one.

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Mississippi authorizes firing squad if nitrogen hypoxia, lethal injection, and electrocution are held unconstitutional or “otherwise unavailable.”

Oklahoma & Utah have similar rules.

If Texas wasn't killing people with razor wire in a river, I might be willing to consider the argument they have a right to enforce federal immigration laws inside their borders. They may have the correct legal argument but lack the moral high ground.

Most companies selling on Amazon are contractually prohibited to sell for less elsewhere, even from their own website.

It seems like someone should be eligible for all states or no states when it comes to this question. But a federal court, not only congress, should have authority to convict on these charges and thereby rule the candidate ineligible.

I read labels and...

  • Eat only trace amounts of saturated fat.
  • No sugary drinks.
  • Eat a lot of fiber.
  • No breakfast, it isn't necessary.
  • Walk or bike 1 hour every morning.
  • Lift & run every work day during my lunch hour.

I've never been more fit.

That's a very Nazi thing to do.

It is government's job to make sure international trade is done according to some basic rules, including labor and environment. Business' only metric is profits.

Here you have to be 14 years old, pay $20, take an eye test, pass a written test, and take a brief driver test.

If any of you bothered to read the actual document, it says no blessing homosexual unions or anything that resembles them. The media is reporting everything way out of context and you are along for the ride.

Used car prices went up, new car prices went up, collision repair prices went up, and repair time increased significantly. We also saw a huge increase in accident severity and a growing trend toward more aggressive driving.

Fewer parties might mean less chaos in Italian politics.

I think due process requires he be convicted first. They really need to get to work on that side of the problem.

The quickest and most painless method was invented by the French: the guillotine.

If anything, I think the botched nitrogen execution should throw concern at the suicide advocates who touted nitrogen as the ideal method. They were probably wrong.

I would be okay with them being persevered by zoos. They do not belong to the general public just like we don't tolerate private ownership of jaguars, hyenas, and other dangerous animals.

If he asks and Israel says no, that creates a riff that'll lead to a huge risk of increased attacks by various regional terrorist groups. It makes sense to ask when Israel is likely to agree under pressure.

Is Solus an image based distro?

In a democracy everyone is a political actor.

Still need to follow due process. If he is guilty (and he probably is), you've got to convict him.

Psalm 95:5, "For all the gods of the Gentiles are devils."

The progressive congregations that go along with these changes are experiencing a membership free-fall. The paradox is that the more congregations embrace modern values, the more surviving congregations promote the opposite.

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I'm 2nd amendment agnostic but I do recognize the fact that policing is different when the population is armed and policing has often been antagonistic to the black community.

Are you saying that abortion has kept the black populating artificially low? And that black Americans could have represented a much larger portion of the electorate?

Gaddafi would still be alive. Dictators now need nuclear weapons to assure survival. Look for the world to get real crazy real fast.

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You realize Muammar Gaddafi only died 12 years ago and Russia only invaded Ukraine two years ago? Nuclear weapon programs take at least that long to develop. Ukraine and Libya had programs (Ukraine actually had weapons) and abandoned them, much to their demise. If they kept their programs, they wouldn't have had these problems.

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Many of them will lack the lasting power of North Korea.

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According to the recent Financial Times article, it isn't just the US. This is a global phenomenon so it is more than abortion.

That's a liberal thing to say but how liberal is the policy of prohibition of divorce and reinforcement of the law (I come to fulfill, not destroy...keep the commandments). Also, how liberal is the message of tolerating government oppression?

The key word in my comment is "will." That's a prediction. You can ping me in 25 years to see if this works out. In the mean time, people are taking this prediction seriously (it isn't only my prediction) when discussing global politics.