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Read your own sources: they took down one 20 year old wind farm with eight turbines two years ago.

In 2022 there were about 30.000 turbines in germany.

It's still a bit strange to keep digging for coal and it should stop asap. But your argument isn't nearly as strong as you make it seem.


Well, I think she's speaking the truth. Of all the Russians, those that are peaceful are probably pretty intimidated by the shooting in their vicinity.

I can image no scenario at all were this could go horribly wrong terribly fast.

Uh uh uh ! snaps fingers Idea to troll those weird man: Just tape (unused) tampons to the underside of your toilet seat.

I liked Trevor Noahs "Born a Crime" a lot. He tells some pretty rough stories in way that's lighthearted and funny enough to keep you hooked without becoming too shallow to learn something.

They are not gay, they just hate women sooo much, the won't interact with them at all

It's a manliness thing I guess