
2 Post – 27 Comments
Joined 6 months ago

Probably the same group that flipped a shit when they started doing yoga in schools because they were "trying to indoctrinate kids into hinduism/buddhism"

"Do you know why I pulled you over?"

"Idk because you're butthurt?"

I do like how their argument basically boils down to "You obviously don't understand how much it will cost us to clean up the giant toxic mess we spent so much money trying to hide."

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Bobo is a walking advertisement for planned parenthood and contraception of all kinds.

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Frat boy house mate from Brooklyn in college had a dualie. Completely unnecessary for where he lived (home or at school). Dad was a biz kid, he was a biz kid...

I asked him one day "what'r ya haulin'?"

I am no longer friends with this man.

I had to cut off several limbs leading to a bad case of sepsis...

I had to sell a few children (not mine) along the way engage in some other morally questionable activities...

I had to sacrifice my first born like Abraham did his Isaac...

...but it was worth it to get out of Florida


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Maybe cancer/chemo or alopecia?

My wife and I make over 175K together, live modestly, and can't make finances work to have a child and not go broke.

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This will certainly help them pay their debt to society and become fully functioning rehabilitated members. I can see only pros. /s

I was in my lab when it happened and felt like a car with octagonal wheels was driving down the hallway. Its out of the ordinary for us in the NY area though so everyone got excited. Hope that analogy helps

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I'm not diagnosed as anything but...whenever I walk on side walks or any 'slab of concrete' tupe walkway, I imagine diagonal lines from corner to corner like An X for each slab. I can't step on the X part. I can step on the outline of the slab. That's fine. Just not the diagonals. There's no consequence for getting it wrong But it's a minor compulsion.

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If its a public post, why can't I use it to train my AI to make deep fake porn out of it? /s

The best part of retro gaming is the input lag

Theyre good but not specifically crack for me. However, I make them with dehydrated ghost/habaneros I grow and I am consistently begged to make them

OMG you made him cry wtf?

Wow that's quite the diverse board.

"It's an American ideal that we treat women with respect. Also, TRUMP THAT BITCH"

All the idiots of the world have found each other and unionized

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Yeah so Der Herr Der is master/lord of the in German, and as an ugly American, I was making fun of how it sounds funny. Sucks to explain such a simple joke...

Definitely not equating what these people are doing to real unions, but they do form semi organized groups with leaders and push for whatever agenda (dumb as it may be) they have which is essentially unionizing by definition.

Yeah I try my best to either step in the triangles created by the imaginary diagonals or directly on the line between slabs with the arch of my foot

It was probably heptagonal but I wanted an even number.

Thanks for the response. It also doesn't make the noise unless I hit the gas if that helps. I guess I'll get it looked at given your tentative general prognosis.

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Only when accelerating in 1st gear. Once I get past that, it stops. If I stay in 1st gear and pump the gas, it only happens when I pump the gas. It does not happen when I Rev in neutral or when stopped at a light


  • An Ugly American
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