
4 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That is such a fucking awesome name for a place, like who tf knows what goes down in Truth or Consequences, nobody will ever know

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My guess: Airsoft or paintball MilSim (Military-Simulation) operation. OP is a sniper. There is an ambush. Long-shot: re-enactment of The killing of Osama Bin Laden. OP's crush is there. OP's butthole is sore, so they want a few days of no toilets to allow their bottom to heal.

Wouldn't good driverless cars use radars or lidars or whatever? Seems like the biggest issue here is that darker skin tones are harder for cameras to see

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I have always loved Rammstein and I still do, however this summer their vocalist was accused of sexual abuse of fans or something but the lawyers found no offense so nothing happened, though apparently they did have a manager for finding hot fans for the band's aftershow parties which is kinda nasty but not illegal

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Here in Finland I am currently doing The military service and yea it kinda sucks but I do feel its necessary for a country like Finland. Its "only" 165-347 -days long and a very big Part of Finnish culture, so I don't feel that Bad about it. It also really makes you grow as a person, having to tolerate all the bullshit that we have to do and we learn a lot of useful skills for Day to Day Life.

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Sideloading apps is the main reason. I couldn't use a phone without Adblock.

iPhones are also just way more expensive and the few times i've tried them the UX just sucked so much, form over function.

You think its weird for a mother to mention "onlyfans", and not "femboys" ?

My social-anxiety-causing-diarrhea -ass would hate this so much

Looking forward to seeing If companies will just do the bare minimum to pass or if we'll see some actual innovation. It would be cool to be able to buy spare batteries, that are quick to replace and easy to carry around along with a charging station or something so you can always have a full battery with you.

I bet The Apple battery, just a replacement or a dedicated module like I said above, will be starting at like $249

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I read that in the Spiderman themesong's rhythm lmao

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At least here in the Finnish defense forces all conscripts can buy Pepsi from soda machines. Iirc some government events/buildings have had Pepsi too

When and where can I meet Cum Jugman?

And act interested in the company. I asked about some trucks in a framed picture on the hiring room's wall and I got the job like one day later

Yeah for some reason drinks seem the most effected by shrinkflation, I hate going to the drinks aisles these days because everything seems so overpriced, even just regular tap/spring water

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I really wish they just ported Mkwii to the switch, until then I'll just keep playing mkwii with custom tracks

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I went from Jerboa to Connect and now am using Boost, which I also used in the past

Anyone know what time Android 14 rolls out?

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Males only, though women can voluntarily join If they want. The arrival batch for my brigade had about 1100 males and 70 females

I just wanna wear shorts and sleeveless shirts

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Looks like shit

Don't call me Syphilis!!

How is 48v better than 24v, for example? I don't really know much about car electronics

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Ehh, it still says how many grams is in there, I've never really understood this gas-argument

I'll put on "waste management consultant" because technically its what the human body kind of is...

Could you sticky a donation link on the top of this community? Or put it in the community-info section?

"Perse" means "Ass" in Finnish btw

My guess: Airsoft/paintball whatever MilSim operation.

Edit: OP is a sniper in said operation. Perhaps re-enactment of The killing of Osama Bin Laden?

I need to use auto brightness because if I go outside the screen will be so dark that I cant even find the brightness slider

Kinda sad the Blue man group only had one hit song

Its been what, 5 days since the december Pixel update and I still haven't got it, i've checked for updates like daily since and so far nothing. Anyone else have this issue? I have a Pixel 7.

Did these Cunts not read the posts? Its not even all about The app, the mod tools -part is arguably even more important considering they're the ones filtering all the shit out for the users

One tip I remember seeing is that for making before and after style weight loss images, people would drink huge amounts of diet Coke to make their bellies massive for the 'before' photo since it contains the most carbonation so I guess OP could start from there lol

Different genitals. But all genders have bladders so why the hell wouldn't the insurance just cover it for everyone

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Does it have to be titanium?

Yea I wouldn't mind If some of these instances had like one stickied post at the top for a paid ad If that was enough to pay for most of these server costs

Is this anarchobicyclism ?

The Sopranos


In Finland its not a legal limit but many stores won't sell them to under 15's

Homer Simpson