
1 Post – 63 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

WEI can potentially be used to impose restrictions on unlawful activities on the internet, such as downloading YouTube videos and other content, ad blocking, web scraping, etc.

Not one of those things is illegal.

Some are against a site’s TOS and some are outright fine.

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XDG gang, rise up!

Also, I know that this community and dot-files in general are Unix based, but this holds true for Windows development as well. You should be putting app files in the users' %APPDATA% directory, not their user folder. It's probably even more important since Windows doesn't autohide dot files.

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However, before deleting an article, CNET reportedly maintains a local copy, sends the story to The Internet Archive’s Wayback Machine, and notifies any currently employed authors that might be affected at least 10 days in advance.

People are freaking out so bad about this story. They're doing the right thing and archiving it before deletion. Settle down.

How many CNET articles from 2004 are you reading that you're getting this angry about it?

MIT gives YOU more freedom

After years of debate about licenses for my own software (that only I use...), my philosophy has been boiled down to this: MIT for libraries. GPL for programs.

This way, other developers can freely use your library, and your program remains free.

But, without disruptive new products, sales seem to be stuck in a muted place. And the next swing at big disruption, Vision Pro, starting next year, feels a like a slow build, initially.

Fuck stock market analysts. In one sentence it’s “they don’t innovate.” In the next sentence it’s, “they innovate, but I want them to do it faster.”

How often can you expect a single company to disrupt entire markets? These expectations are not sustainable.

For those not clear, AppleTalk was created at a time where there was no universal standard in networking. The "standard network" you think of today, a bunch of computers plugged into a router, existed but wasn't the de-facto setup. There was still experimentation going on.

Apple ported some of the AppleTalk features, such as Network Discovery, into Bonjour which was introduced in 2002. Once that became mature, there was no reason to keep AppleTalk around.

Yeah, but the range is 2025-2090. With that kind of range, I don’t think it even makes sense to focus on the 2025 part.

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The article doesn’t list the infected site. So, if you want to keep yourself safe by avoiding it, well… fuck you, I guess.

Edit: just skimmed through the original Group-IB report and they redacted the name of the site. Not the article’s fault that millions of people are still in danger to this malware.

Wow. Since you didn't list the prices, I went to the links to check them out. Only $15-$20 to get a fully customized set of playing cards? That's way less than I expected and I think I came away with some Xmas ideas.

"What did that code look like two minutes ago?"

  • Cmd+A
  • Cmd+C

"Oh, ok."

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Not exactly. The poultry family includes other fowl/birds, including turkey and duck.

I know this is from Kindergarten Cop, and it’s unfortunate that it just happens to sound like right wing rhetoric in the current political climate. So know that at least one person didn’t downvote you.

I also didn’t upvote to counteract those downvotes because it’s kind of a dumb, low-bar joke.

It's an internal message to employees of Reddit. As someone who's been in the corporate world for a long time, I've seen some variation of this message many times. Economic downturn, bad press, low sales, losing expected incoming cash... there are a lot of catalysts for this style of message.

Most messages we're seeing are from users, who want Reddit to crash and burn or just do what the masses want, or whatever. But, on the other side is a bunch of people who may be worried about how this whole thing will affect their livelihood. Even if Reddit stays up another 20 years and not everyone loses their job, what scale will it be? Will Reddit fire some amount of their workforce to make up for lost income? Will I be someone who gets fired?

These are the thoughts that this message is intended to address.

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Hey, everyone! Get in here! We're building a bikeshed!

That's only 10 Petabytes per cartridge. The Internet Archive is currently sitting at 212 Petabytes.

If I remember right, this was an actual teen girl who had that fetish.

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What your talking about is called a clipboard manager, and there are tons of them out there. All with varying features.

You’re supposed to do that anyway. Code on SO is licensed as CC BY-SA, which requires attribution.

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I agree with Proxmox. I know it’s 10 years old, but it seems a waste to use a 10 core, 64GB machine as a firewall.

Actually…put Proxmox on it and put the firewall in a LXC container.

Same with Python. I use a combination of the platformdirs and xdg libraries.

“Wow, that’s fucked up, huh?”

- murrlogic

I stopped reading at

Microsoft, for example, has a strong track record of advocating for human rights and promoting freedom of expression

Maynard James Keenan?

Why did I laugh at this

Because it’s a fucking joke?

The Irritating Gentleman is probably my favorite painting and exactly what I thought this was referencing as well.

They’re also the company who mainstreamed the software subscription model.

It used to be that only services required subscriptions. Applications would be a one time payment. But, Adobe converted to the subscription model and because they hold a monopoly over the design space, people/companies had no choice but to go along. Once they were successful, every business in the world decided that they also wanted that sweet monthly payment and now software licensing sucks.

I refuse to even pirate Adobe products on principle.

TL;DR Fuck Adobe, use open source.

Where do they claim it was theirs? macOS is FreeBSD at its core, but Apple has built a lot of shit on top of it. It’s absolutely not FreeBSD with a name change.

The links from that post and top comment point out that that initiative was dropped. It got mired down in bikeshedding from hundreds of opinions and SO eventually just said, "Fuck it."

The MIT announcement thread was edited with the cancellation announcment:

Update: January 15, 2016

Thank you for your patience and feedback. The changes proposed here have been delayed indefinitely - we'll be back later to open some more discussions.

The top comment from your link points out the current license:

TL;DR: Source code on SO is still licensed under CC-BY-SA.

And CC BY-SA is the only license listed on the official help page.

  • Content contributed before 2011-04-08 (UTC) is distributed under the terms of CC BY-SA 2.5.
  • Content contributed from 2011-04-08 up to but not including 2018-05-02 (UTC) is distributed under the terms of CC BY-SA 3.0.
  • Content contributed on or after 2018-05-02 (UTC) is distributed under the terms of CC BY-SA 4.0.

I was curious too, so I looked into their Github issues. Apparently, SQLite doesn't play well with k8s due to the distributed/networked nature of the environment. According to comments in the pull request, that seems to be the main driver. And apparently, Radarr already has a Postgres option.

Though, there are requests going back to 2017 to support it...just because, I guess? That person seems to just want all their data in one DB for some reason.

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Firefox has been very good (better than Chrome) for several years. Ever since they released Quantum.

Linda Perry.

Lead singer of 4 Non Blondes and has a solo career. I don’t even listen to that style of music, but I still get excited when I hear her voice come on.

These aren’t even minor versions. They’re patch releases.

This update fixes 4 bugs that affect very few people.

I do see some clumping of communities in /all. Sometimes every other post will be from a certain community

I had to block Star Wars Memes.

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I’m sure there’s some obscure key bind to go directly there

It's just Cmd+Shift+H (for Home). The shortcuts for many of the most common locations are extremely intuitive.

  • Cmd+Shift+A (Applications)
  • Cmd+Shift+D (Desktop)
  • Cmd+Shift+L (~/Library)
  • Cmd+Shift+C (Computer)

You know, we Americans take a lot of shit for our measurements (anything but metric), but this really does put the numbers into a perspective that the article’s image just can’t convey.

Isn't everything?

I use Shortcuts to bridge Siri to my Home Assistant setup. Apple doesn’t control my house.

Absolutely not. My 65+ year old parents just cut the cord recently because they were paying over $250 for cable. They now pay around $90 for Hulu+Live and get almost everything they had before, with a couple of small exceptions.