7bicycles [he/him]

@7bicycles [he/him]@hexbear.net
0 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 2 years ago

Hold on dearly to any leverage you might have over your employer

I genuinely like to engage with video games as an art form and I think some of them are among the actual best works of art there is.

It lands like absolutely nowhere. EIther people see you as a capital G gamer, but even the capital G gamers hate you because they want to enjoy product, not art

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Also OSM usually beats Apple and Google by a mile when it comes to route planning for bicycles. I think it's one part techbros being eternally car brained and one part if you're a cyclist the chance you're the kind of crank to contribute to things like OSM is exponentially increased.

what if concorde but more technology

Most stuff on a bicycle for the average person unless it's carbon, plastics or electronics. Including safety stuff. Some caveat if you wanna huck yourself off a mountain or do like 100kph descents on your roadbikes.

But for the most stuff? The cheap shit works absolutely fine because at it's core it's bits of formed metal with threads attached connected by steel wires. Very hard to fuck any of that up to the point it becomes dangerous. I keep seeing parts being rated as SAFETY LEVEL 5 E-BIKE READY as if the metal rod that is my handlebar usually disintegrates once I hit the ludicrous speed of [checks notes] 25kph. Your $2 Alibaba Special V-Brakes are, at worst, gonna have garbage springs so it doesn't return to not-braking great, but you're not gonna like snap them in half even if you were a gorilla riding a bicycle.

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So much shit around bicycles is a scam because barring some major inventions like shocks for mountainbikes or maybe carbon frames it's very much a solved problem, but it doesn't fit into a capitalist economy if everybody just buys one bicycle and then occasionally parts for it to fix it.

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log cabins are just inherently gay. what do you wanna fuck off into the secluded woods for, to get with a bloke?

One of the worst things you can do to the environment folks. Don't bear children. Don't invite another being into this madness and suffering.

As is continuing to live so why don't you follow through on that line of thought here

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the grind got so shitty the logistics players actually went on strike

Useage of roller suitcases is now bound to a license and it gets taken away if you do some inconsiderate shit like blocking off half the walkway with it behind you to gawk at a sign or run over peoples feet with it

Could probably further this to most things around having 0 spatial awareness but that one the most

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It's a sort of you know it when you see it (play it) thing. Something along the lines of becoming more than the sum of their parts and also using the interactivity that the medium provides.

When I played TLOU I enjoyed it but I kept thinking "this might as well be a TV show and lose nothing for it". It's a well made story, presented with technical prowess in an interesting setting, then it's also a sort of well made stealth cover shooter but it just doesn't come together. That's not to denigrate the individual efforts and art made there, I'm not saying it's shit, but there's just so much potential left on the table there. If you can 1:1 translate your game into a TV Show, like TLOU, why was it ever a video game to begin with, if you come at it from an art standpoint.

I don't know if you played Gothic or S.T.A.L.K.E.R., those are quite similar in how it's a great setting, well made (well, bar eurojank), the story is serviceable at best and for stalker especially veers off into nonsense at the end but crucially neither games would work as a book, or a film, or a visual novel. You could use the setting, sure, the art design and lore and stuff is solid enough to carry lots of interesting stories and have been used as such but it'd lose such a tremendous amount of what makes it great that it just doesn't work. The first episode of Gothic (TV Show) is a man who walks into a city after pullign some beets and buying his way in. Or possibly sneaking in. Or maybe he murders someone and steals the uniform. Sure, that can be well made, but the point of Gothic is that you have all these options, go nuts. Fuck, transform into a raptor and cause mayhem then revert to human in the confusion, game will let you, but that's the sort of thing that can't be translated to other mediums well.

I'm currently playing through Diaries of a Spaceport Janitor, that certainly goes more the indie artsy route, and I love it because again, doesn't work in another medium. What makes it great is that it hits the line between the trash collection being tedious and frustrating, but still engaging enough, that it conveys the feeling the little sanidrone would have through interactivity. It sucks, but it is your only hope. And then the rest of it is also just very well made.

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Even if ChatGPT was literally a perfect copy of a human being it would still be 0 steps closer to a general intelligence because it does not fucking understand WHAT or HOW to actually do the things it suggests.

What if we AI passes the turing test not because computers got intelligent but because people got dumber

pick targeted crime instead of wanton crime then

I switched from Shotcut to Kdenlive as it seemed a lot more feature rich to me, still FOSS obviously

Buy the cheapest version of it and of you use it enough to either break it or figure out what parts of the design you don't like it's a good sign spending a little extra on a better version isn't a waste.

Agree'd, albeit with the caveat that if it's about screws, you wanna spend at least some money on the part that actually connects with the screws, so, the bits. Doesn't really matter all that much if your harbour freight e-motor on your drill burns out, if you fuck up all the screws on whatever you're working on with shit bits that's gonna be a hassle.

But even then, that's like "pay more than the $0 free offer on alibaba" territory of spending. After that, the dimensions and tolerances are fine, it's just gonna be longevity.

TF2 Competitive

we get a lot of people learning what "digital sovereignity" means

just kidding, the state is going to pay every business affected gajillion dollars to buy more google

It is rather clear, that this code is not aimed at firefox users to slow down their loading time.

alternatively it's just well designed

I work in IT and you can basically track enthusiasm about self driving cars along the lines of technical knowledge

To get anywhere close to the grid being considered decarbonised (I'm ignoring carbon capture here because that's not going to happen at any meaningful scale unless we geoengineer shit) all of the materials, all of the manufacturing and all of the building and maintenance would have to be run on renewable energy. Like from the mines of Australia over to all of the plants in china to assembly, for every component.

And to have it make any difference at all, you have to do it within the next 30 or so years. And then there's still the tyres, also you gotta do the entire shit again for the very climate friendly processing of building roads that withstand cars for give or take a season, extra challenge mode due to the increased weight of EVs. And also then there's still the tyres.

hopefully the battery tech and infrastructure investments will help pave the way to better solutions.

We've already got those, it's called trains and bicycles, former have been EVs for like a century

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have you considered my spontaneous daily shopping trip for my family of 8 that includes either a washing machine or large furniture

The propietary shit around bicycles was never good, especially drivetrains, but on the other hand most of it was some sort of standard easy enough to machine with modern technology that you got at least 1 factory in china still cranking out the most esoteric shit possible because ehh it costs them $2 to make or something and they can sell it for $25 or something, why not. It's just pipes and diameters and threading.

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Yeah I'd argue this is probably true for bigger pets but the LD50 of stuff on your 2lb guinea pig is hit shockingly fast. Gotta watch out for the small, furry comrades

Thanks, I'm already thinking of ways I am off the mark though, like how things like race science and eugenics have been the "academic" position in the past.

That was very useful to people. It's not like a majority, even those disliking academia, will trust no scientific study or something, they just don't trust the ones they disagree with politically

I feel like there's a great vibe difference in people collecting things that are unintentionally rare and those that collect intentionally rare things

To stick with the given example: I think some guy collecting vintage Mockbas would be a lot cooler than some guy collecting the newest limited edition sneaker.


I'm not proposing nobody knows about bicycles or anything but it's sort of odd how often I come across some type of [scenario perfect for bicycle] post that asks whatever they should do

Current mood is a toss up between

"I dream of a society where I would be guillotined as a conservative." - Proudhon / "I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member" - Marx (Groucho)

yeah the whole dang teenagers and their bluetooth boxes always struck me as odd. I mean not that it's not dick behaviour but considering we allow sports cars to annoy everyone in like a 1 mile radius when the owner decides to compensate for whatever it feels odd that there's this focus on people listening to music

Coming from some video editing as a hobby from Windows Movie Maker over pirated Sony Vegas, OpenShot and Shotcut to Kdenlive it's an incredible piece of kit. It has fucking working motion tracking! For free! And it works very well! Insane to me!

Microsoft never gave a shit about private piracy barring some noteable examples from countries with very strict anti-piracy laws like germany. The tactic has always been to get everyonem on windows and then make the big bucks seeling the OS to enterprises, because everybody wants to use windows, since they're at least halfway competent at that

Now, it's my opinion that people, en masse, can't use computers to save their fucking lives anyways and whether they're too stupid to utilize windows or too stupid to utilize Linux doesn't make much of a difference, but boy do the people get angry when anyone suggests switching off windows

And do you notice any etiquette trends like I describe in that one part?

Absolutely, yeah, allthough it has little to do with type of vehicles and seems to be entirely down to location of the zebra crossing.

I understand your vision now

  1. a self-fulfilling prophecy of pitbulls having a bad reputation and actively being sought out by people who want vicious dogs and who will treat their dogs in such a way as to encourage that behavior.

I'm pretty neutral on dog genetics but tbh it still ends you at the same conclusion; not everyone should just be able to get the dog that kills you

I feel like every new comfort feature on a car is solved legally by still having the person at the wheel responsible and since now the computer does it (well enough maybe 60% of the time) you see way more of an increase in stuff like too bright lights, missing lights cause the rain detector isn't working and things of that nature because people just assume the car will take care of it

Bit late to the party so I don't have much to offer that hasn't been said already, except: if you don't want to buy a specialty tool like a chainwhip you can jury rig it with an old chain and a pipe wrench or similar to clamp them together - just gotta stop the gears from turning

Just be reaaaaaaaaal careful and think about how you're applying force and which way your hand goes if you slip, I've got a scar from slicing my hand open on the sprockets lol

Depending on your location if you want better front brake than normal V-Brake or maybe Cantis, Magura makes hydraulic rim brakes and they just slot on the existing infrastructure. I can find them here for about 20€ / brake on the craigslist equivalent, but then this is germany where they hail from. Also depending on location maybe there's something like a self help repair workshop or a bike kitchen near you that could help you out.

One last tip that helped me greatly in all things bike maintenance is to spend a bit of time understanding how it works. Sure you can follow a set of directions, but especially for say, rear derailleur adjustment it's a much easier time if you actually understand what the fuck the H and L screws do and why to troubleshoot any mistakes. Most guides presuppose you're wrenching on showroom floor type bikes, hardly the case in the real world.

No, definitely on the list though, I hardly find time to game these days

I feel like Battlebits gets pretty close to this?

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was the handlebar fine tho

you ever wonder if there was like a short outlier on national core strength during that era?

Like me personally or like societally?