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Joined 1 years ago

I’m here to satisfy my addiction to doomscrolling. Bring on the memes.

Never have I ever attended a middle or high school

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Homeschooled 1st-12th grade except for 4 months of first grade.

Funnily enough I have a masters degree and work in a public school

From the article: “Anyone who lived within 2 miles (3.2 kilometers) of the derailment can get up to $70,000 per household for property damage plus up to $25,000 per person for health problems. The payments drop off the farther people lived from the derailment down to as little as a few hundred dollars at the outer edges.”

My parents and my brother live in the 2-4 mile range and when they got their paperwork it was up to $45,000 per household.

So the money isn’t divided equally between the 55,000 claims.

When my parents and my brother received their paperwork it was a different amount depending on how close you are to the wreckage site. 2-4 miles away was initially listed as $45,000.

Matthew 6:5 about praying in secret. Also some references to faith without works is dead and to feed the hungry and clothe the naked in reference to why there is a proposal to put the commandments in classrooms but not to do what Jesus actually calls Christians to do.

I read a book last year (Song for a Whale) about a Deaf girl who would play a game with her grandfather where they would create a story together while using the same hand shape all throughout. So maybe they would make a fist, or ann open palm, or a “y” shape and then the story was created using signs that used that hand shape. If you couldn’t continue the story with the same hand shape you lost. Not exactly a pun but I thought it was interesting.

I just had this conversation with my scholastic rep in August. I told her to bring the books. I would much rather have books that represent all my students even if I anger a white mom or two. The books were mostly black and Hispanic characters and a few LGBTQ+ books. I cannot fathom telling a student that they don’t get to read or buy a book that has characters that represent them and their culture because somebody else doesn’t “agree” with it. Fuck man, let the kids read.

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I looked this up a little while ago because a student had a note in their file that they are to avoid red 40 due to behavioral changes. I think what I gathered is that there is maybe some evidence but nothing has been researched thoroughly to make any real determination. Here’s the conclusion of a study: “ Conclusions: A restriction diet benefits some children with ADHD. Effects of food colors were notable were but susceptible to publication bias or were derived from small, nongeneralizable samples. Renewed investigation of diet and ADHD is warranted.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22176942/

Fuck Trumpkin.

Do EZ-Pass next. I’m tired of getting charged $35 every time my account dips below the $5 threshold or whatever it is.

Teachers don’t have vacation days. They get 10 sick days per year. They get 3 personal days. It’s very possible the only leave she had were sick days.

Considering the article states that she didn’t have enough money to have a funeral for the fetus, I don’t think she had the means to raise a child. It’s impossible to “get around to” doing something that isn’t offered easily and affordably. I don’t think giving her child abortion pills when she was over 20 weeks pregnant was her first choice, I think it was a move of desperation.

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The one near us has a self serve dog wash. I can take my dogs and use their water, their shampoo, their towels, their dryers, and not have my bathroom covered in dog hair for $10.

Librarian at a PreK-5 school (3-11 years old). I teach 45 minute classes to everyone each week. 700 kids, 32 classes. Less stress than classroom teaching while still following the same schedule.

Even worse is the (thankfully small) group of parents who “unschool”. Where they give no attempts to actually educate their children and just let the child learn what they want and when they want

When I say I’m a school librarian, most people can make a connection and have an understanding. And as long as their next comment isn’t some Fox News bullshit (which was real fun at my grandmother’s funeral), I can usually leave it at that.

But the actual day-to-day complexities of what I do isn’t going to be understood. Most days I am checking out over 400 books to students, which means my volunteers, me, and my para (assistant) are checking in and reshelving over 400 books each morning. That’s over 800 books scanned each day. Then, I am also teaching six 45-minute classes every day and I see each student in our school (over 700) twice a week in those classes. So I am planning and prepping for those classes, teaching those classes, and running the book checkout. Not to mention managing behaviors and helping some of our new students (especially kindergarten) understand the expectations of the library. I am currently planning our book fair happening in a few weeks, getting ready to start my after school club, facilitating a $500 per grade level order for books and supplies, fielding sales phone calls, balancing my ~$10K budget, and being the team lead which involves monthly meetings to attend, twice a month meetings to run, and many additional emails. So yes, I do read to kids and let them take books home, but that’s nowhere near the end of my to-do list.

Most places I’ve taught in the US don’t have vacation days. You have sick days (10 a year, they stack), and personal days (3 a year, max of 5 before they turn into sick days).

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I think some states have laws that if you have an abortion you have to have a funeral as a way to shame the mother for having the abortion. https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/05/state-mandated-mourning-for-aborted-fetuses/482688/

I agree that nurses are invaluable and irreplaceable and that no AI is going to be able to replicate what a human’s judgement can do. But honestly it’ll be the same as what our hospital’s “nursing line” offers us right now. You call and they ask scripted questions and give you scripted responses which usually ends up with them recommending that you go in. I get that it’s for liability but after 2 calls for our newborn we stopped calling and just started making our own judgement. But for actual inpatient settings? Absolutely no way. There’s no replacement for actual healthcare providers.

I browse Lemmy. Sorted by top 12 hours in the voyager app. That gets me through a few hours each day during the week. Then on the weekends when I have a little extra scroll time I go to mastodon when Lemmy is exhausted, and then I visit the few Lemmy communities I subscribe to sorted by new. I also have Feedly for RSS feed articles and Pixelfed occasionally. I have an almost 2 year old. My husband has a couple mobile games (mostly Pokémon related) that he’ll use for a few minutes at a time.

Edit: I’ve also used Libby to read ebooks. If I have to stop suddenly because kids, I’ll just highlight whatever word I stopped on and pick back up later.

I collect magnets of places I’ve visited. I have two collections: one is upstairs on a magnetic chalkboard and it’s only amusement parks (along with my scratch-off map of parks) and the other is downstairs on the fridge and it’s a random mix of cities, states, countries, and attractions.

I’ve got a toddler in daycare and I work as a specials/resource teacher in an elementary school where I see 700 kids a week. So the sneezing in my face is pretty accurate unfortunately.

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I had it 4 times last season and twice this season. I got the initial 2 dose vaccine in early 2021 and a booster each November since then for a total of 5 shots. I think the boosters have helped me to not have terrible symptoms, a few times it’s been just a stuffy nose and loss of smell, maybe a low grade fever. I’ve only had two infections that I would consider bad and even then I’ve been nowhere near hospitalization or even doctor checkup.

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This is awesome and I wish I had this 18 months ago! Another feature I used on my baby tracking app that was helpful and could be worth implementing is medicine tracking. The medicine tracking was great when little one had a fever and we needed to know when we last gave her Tylenol or if one parent did it and forgot to tell the other so we didn’t accidentally overdose. We logged the type, amount, and time. I loved seeing all the data on my little one and it was very helpful when my partner and I took shifts to know when the last diaper change or feed was.

From the article: “her family could not have afforded a funeral for fetal remains, according to Courthouse News. (In a financial affidavit obtained by Vice, Jessica Burgess said she had $400 to her name.)”

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I my experience with teaching in the U.S. sick days do get paid out at retirement. Teachers typically get 10 sick days a year and 3 personal days. The sick days stack but personal days turn to sick days after you have 5 banked.

Homeschooled 1st-12th grade with the exception of 4 months of public school in first grade.

Yeah I wasn’t sure how to word it because I know that different places have different naming mechanisms. But from 6-18 years old I was homeschooled. There was a co-op or two where I technically did classes with others, and I did a year of Cyber school before it was cool but most of my education came from me self-teaching from textbooks and “curriculum”.

It’s a little over $100 a ticket. I also don’t think fast pass is free anymore.

I was homeschooled from first grade with the exception of 4 months in public school for first grade

Homeschooled 1st-12th grade with the exception of 4 months of public school in first grade.

Our local school district provides swim lessons as part of a PE unit to all second graders by busing them to a local indoor facility. They even have free swimwear available for students who don’t have it. A previous school district I was in had a PE program where 3-5th graders got to learn to ride bikes, they brought in a huge trailer of different sized bikes. There’s a lot of physical activity that some people take for granted without realizing that not everybody has the same opportunities. Programs like this are so important.