6 Post – 173 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Do yourself a favour, skip the article and watch the documentary -- it's an hour long and well worth it if you're even remotely interested in gaming.


Lots of countries have religion, but not many countries have guns as the leading cause of death among children and teens.

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I would have picked it up but in waiting for it to come to Steam

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I'd guess the opposite - the game has sold through enough that it's no longer worth paying for the Denuvo license.

Do you mean Palahniuk? Bukowski didn't write Fight Club

Metal Gear Solid Master Collection did this as well.

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Also drink tea, or just mix some boiled water with your regular water. Drinking room temp water when your room is cold will make you feel cold.

The cosmetic skin prices in D4 are absolutely laughable, and the fact that they can only be used with ONE class make it even more bonkers.

This is what I learned from the subreddit strikes.

It launches without Steam running. Steam is required to download it but otherwise it's DRM free.

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Patagonia for apparel and Red Wing for footwear.

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Germany is very much the same way, in terms of paperwork and cash only.

Is there a phone manufacturer that doesn't use their devices to shove more ads in your face? Google pushing Google One or Apple's preinstallwd watch app also come to mind

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It's hard to get excited for this game given how much hell it seems to have been through. I'll keep following the development, but cautiously to say the least.

Definitely up there with Michael Ironside as Sam Fisher for me as irreplaceable performances in videogames.

On my OLED phone, both screens look great!

They said "is" and not "would be", so I'm assuming they know there is a Linux release and are appreciative of it.

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I don't understand -- wouldn't it be better to have an extra hour of daylight in the evening through winter? For me, the most depressing thing about the clocks falling back is that the sun is setting an hour earlier, not that it's rising an hour earlier.

Skip it because it's an always online singleplayer game.

The same package in Germany is 500g, so maybe there is an element of shrinkflation as well.

Yeah no kidding -- I moved out of my parents at 18 in 2006, and had a roommate all through univeristy and afterwards until getting married (and I couldn't afford my current flat without my partner's salary). Very few people I knew had a place to themselves, and if they did they were either scraping by, or they had help.

Since the last Wolfenstein game was released, the law has been changed in Germany lifting the total ban on Swastikas in video games.

I don't recall any more recent WWII games where I've seen a swastika though.

Over the past year my AVG daily step count is over 15k.

I wasn't really looking for a replacement, just wanted to break my reddit addiction which was hampering my productivity. Lemmy isn't a replacement in the sense, but a nice change and something new to try.

I do get a craving for McDonalds fries that I give into probably once or twice per year. Usually I'll get a Big Mac combo, or a couple McMenu sandwiches. The other surprising factor aside from the absurd price is how mediocre the flavour has gotten. While it was never culinary art, it somehow tastes even less like food than I remember just years ago.

I'm disappointed every time.

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It feels like the days of 5EUR döner are in the past now. I see for 7 or 8 EUR sometimes.

Digital Foundry has a video out praising the OLED deck (Richard called it the best screen on a portable gaming device):


As a deck owner, it's very tempting! If the battery was rated higher, I'd probably bite. As amazing as an OLED would be, it's not enough for me to upgrade already. Glad those who waited can take advantage though.

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With GTAV, Kate Upton also sued for her likeness being taken for one of the loading screens. I don't recall how that one ended.

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Can you disable it from launching at startup?

TLoU2 is a linear experience made of sections with plenty of loading in between vs an open world.

Really annoying they didn't mention the first and second games.

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This is getting to be a better and better option with Google and Samsung promising more than 3yrs of OS updates.

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Damn it's weird seeing that meme in such high resolution.

Is this including Gamepass players?

There was a great video by Digital Foundry that discussed comparisons to OpenLara. I remember one point specifically was how the water physics on OL were better. I'd recommend giving it a watch.

Apparently it's broken SKSE, which is required for many many free mods.

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I picked it up last Christmas, and certainly got my money's worth, as I can get easily get lost in these types of games for hours at a time, and I was hard up for an Animal Crossing-type experience.

Not regretting my purchase, but certainly disappointing to hear that they aren't trying to get as many people into it as possible. Despite not regretting my purchase, it does feel like it was designed to be FTP.

I believe that's a symptom of thyroid problems.

There are games from EA and Ubisoft that I'm interested in playing, but I've had such a poor experience with their games on my Steamdeck that I'd rather just play something else.

Say what you will about Blizzard, but I appreciate them for not shoving an additional launcher inbetween Steam and their games.

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Hopefully now discussion blooms then