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They will revisit once he has actually been found guilty. If they do it now, it sets a dangerous precedent.

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I feel like maybe I'm being a bit thick here, but there's no way for people to go to... news sites?

I think this is really spot on. I wasn't looking for a "reddit alternative" that "kinda sucks" because it's not reddit. I was looking for an actual "reddit alternative," not a reddit clone. And yes, I've just been lurking up until now, but so far this seems so much more sane and reasonable. For the time being, at least. Until someone finds a way to turn it into a reddit alternative.

Crazy, isn't it?

During his presidency, Obama approved the use of 563 drone strikes that killed approximately 3,797 people. In fact, Obama authorized 54 drone strikes alone in Pakistan during his first year in office. One of the first CIA drone strikes under President Obama was at a funeral, murdering as many as 41 Pakistani civilians. The following year, Obama led 128 CIA drone strikes in Pakistan that killed at least 89 civilians.


I was late for a flight once (in Canada) and they put a sticker on my luggage that said Retard. Just means late in French. You better believe I kept that sticker.

Oh, this is such a shit thread to have this conversation, but nevertheless...

I played Firewatch for a while a couple of years ago and LOVED it. Didn't finish, not sure what happened but I just never got back to it. I think I've forgotten enough of it now that I can go back and start again and have a fresh experience. I've recommended this game to a few people and everyone has loved it. Some excellent twists and turns and fun little bits of mystery. Great writing!

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•AA benefitted white women more than all other groups COMBINED—plaintiffs never complained about that
•43% of white Harvard students are legacy or athlete students, of which 75% would not be admitted otherwise—plaintiffs never complained about that
•Asians are 6% of the population & 26% of Harvard admissions—plaintiffs never complained about that

This is really well said, and would have been my pick, as well. I was not yet 10 when this album came out and only ever listened to it after hearing Combat Rock, which is an absolutely groundbreaking record in its own right (side 2 of Combat Rock defies any attempts at pigeonholing it in a genre - it's masterful).

But once I'd heard their earlier albums and then London Calling, my though whenever I listen to this album is, "how the fuck did that happen???" It's hard to say whether it happened because of, or despite Guy Stevens (the producer), but one thing is clear: he pushed them to do things that they might never have done without him wandering about the studio throwing ladders around or whateverfuck he was up to during recording.

Lost in the Supermarket was written just as the consumerism began to hit the shelves, if you'll allow the shitty pun, and could just as easily have been written today. Absolutely timeless, spot-on, chillingly accurate portrayal of the beginning of the end as we decided we needed stuff more than we needed community.

Great pick, and really wonderful explanation.

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You don't want to sound like music that has one sound or line of melody being played by multiple instruments at the same time?

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Maybe Facebook got so big and their search is so good that people just stopped using Google search for it, but I have a hard time believing that can be responsible for a drop of this magnitude.

I would say you're probably right. Remember this old gem?

This scene from The Congress feels a lot less like fiction now.

I've been getting emails with the subject line, "Your expertise is requested," from LinkedIn for several years now. They definitely know how to pander to their audience!

The 70% that comes from corporations comes from people. The people who use the products that the corporations provide. So, if Exxon is one of those major polluters, that is based largely on the people who purchase Exxon products and use them.

This 70% number comes from a 2017 study that measured emissions from 1985-2015. So while those corporations are selling the product that pollutes, when we order some stupid shit from Amazon and it has to come from China on a ship to get here, we are responsible for using that product. When we get UberEats delivered, we are responsible. Ordinary people can fight that by not buying stupid shit we don't need from China and in so many other ways. Yes, the corporations produce those products, but it is US that consumes it and we are ultimately responsible for the emissions. It's a fun way to try to say "it's not me, it's them," but the fact is, it's all of us.

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Looks fantastic! I've been meaning to try that recipe. His posts like that are the only time I don't mind reading for a half hour before getting to the recipe. His chicken wings post is another great one, and it really works!

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I'm going to go with the X-Files. Although I was going to say The Sopranos because when it first came out it was like no one had ever made good TV before and they were showing everyone else how to do it. But I have rewatched X-Files way more than the sopranos (I have a few times, but the last couple of times I kind of skipped over the therapy sessions to get to the rest of the show). The seasons were long enough that they could keep a main story going, and then allow the characters to develop more fully in these little side quests with other interesting characters. The chemistry between Duchovny and Anderson was perfect, the writing was extremely compelling, and they did a really wonderful job with story arcs. Also, it's mostly filmed in Vancouver in the 90s and I have fond memories of that town in that time. Continuum is another favourite for that same reason. But yeah, the X-Files. Currently at season 7 in another rewatch and still loving it.

I'm listening to Ghosteen by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. This album is like nothing I've ever heard before. One starts to hear shades of it on Push the Sky Away and it develops further on Skeleton Tree, and this record feels like the band finishing what they started on those two albums. Nick's lyrics are open and honest (and open to interpretation) and the influence of Warren Ellis can be heard all across this album. The title track is an absolute epic. Well worth a listen.

Oh! Huh. Okay, good to know. Thanks for the tip!

Days after FBI agents spoke with Robertson on March 19 and told him they were investigating his social media posts, Robertson started posting content addressed to the FBI itself. He often said he knew they were watching what he was posting, and that the agents who spoke to him came close to being shot.

As a kid I had really bad asthma, which led to a lot of chest congestion. Had codeine around for when it got bad. Worked quite nicely, indeed.

I made the awful decision to go with Bowers & Wilkins over the Sonys. They sound okay, but the design is absolute garbage. Next time it's Sony.

I'm almost always listening to this lo-fi beats channel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D2p1UYM1Yw

Agreed. What people don't realize is that if they were to actually follow those recommendations, then oil companies wouldn't be responsible for as much pollution. We can say it's the corporations that are doing it, but it's all of us that are keeping these corporations in business and buying the products that pollute. If we all took personal responsibility, the corporations 'level of output would decline. This is ALL about personal responsibility and it is infuriating to watch people say "well it's the corporations" all the time.

Well if everyone is just buying shit because corporations tell them to and the world is that fucking stupid, then we deserve what's happening.

Here is an article that talks about how artists get paid for radio play. Not sure why you'd think they do not. The basics are:

  1. Radio acquires a blanket license(s) from its local PRO(s)
  2. A song is played on a radio, and the airplay is reported to a PRO
  3. The PRO distributes royalties and songwriter gets paid
    The songwriter is paid the royalties due