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Joined 1 years ago

Also let me emphasize this: for every discord server shut down like this, there are 100+ servers with almost the same purpose that still exist and will continue to for at least the next 3y.

you completely missed the point here:

the issue that those aren't around NOW, the issue is that they WILL inevitably disappear eventually and every shred of knowledge platformed there will be irretrievably lost to the void.

discord is a black hole for information:

it sucks information in and deletes it from existence.

that's why it's bad.

the time frame doesn't really matter here.

2 more...

your source is exclusively about aggressive behavior...

it uses the term "arousal", which is not referring to sexual arousal, but rather a state of heightened agitation.

provide an actual source in support of your claim, or stop spreading misinformation.

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pretty sure most men (myself included) find beards just easier to deal with than daily shaves...daily shaving makes my skin unhappy

actually, that's not what the law says.

the law says that "overcoming" security measures is a crime. nothing was "overcome".

plaintext is simply not a "security measure" and the law was applied wrong.

there may have been some form of infringement in regards to privacy or sensitive data or whatever, but it definitely wasn't "hacking" of any kind.

just like it isn't "hacking" to browse someone's computer files when they leave a device unlocked and accessible to anyone. invasion of privacy? sure. but not hacking.

and the law as written (§202a StGB) definitely states that security measures have to be circumvented in order to be applied.

that's the problem with the case!

not that the guy overstepped his bounds, but that the law was applied blatantly wrong and no due diligence was used in determining the outcome of the case.

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was it?

i always thought that's mostly because german fascists dragged both of those countries into war by attacking them, which caused severe backlash by proxy, and not really antifa being particularly effective in those countries.

explains why the U.S., despite having a large fascist movement at the time, reversed course and turned on fascism as an ideology (in public); they got attacked.

same in Britain; early attacks in the war, plus some lingering resentment from WWI, combined overcoming a push towards fascism...

I'd love to hear/read more about successful antifa movements in the UK/US, but that's what I've always thought/read were the major reasons for failing fascist movements in those countries: other fascists...

+1 for everything: literally saves my sanity

wrsl damit die direkte übersetzung ins englische einfacher zu verstehen ist

that's not true in the EU.

the reason those cookie banners are everywhere, for example, is because the EU requires explicit consent for a lot of things that used to be covered by ToS.

simply putting clauses into your ToS doesn't shield the company from legal action at all.

regardless of what's written in the ToS, final say over what is and isn't legal lies with local authorities, not YouTube.

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TOS are neither the law, nor are they vetted for legality by anyone working in law enforcement.

TOS very often contain straight up illegal clauses; they are largely meaningless.

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actually, the law leaves remarkably little room for interpretation in this case.

here's the law in full, emphasis mine:

Strafgesetzbuch (StGB) § 202a Ausspähen von Daten (1) Wer unbefugt sich oder einem anderen Zugang zu Daten, die nicht für ihn bestimmt und die gegen unberechtigten Zugang besonders gesichert sind, unter Überwindung der Zugangssicherung verschafft, wird mit Freiheitsstrafe bis zu drei Jahren oder mit Geldstrafe bestraft. (2) Daten im Sinne des Absatzes 1 sind nur solche, die elektronisch, magnetisch oder sonst nicht unmittelbar wahrnehmbar gespeichert sind oder übermittelt werden.

the text is crystal clear, that security measures need to be "overcome" in order for a crime to have been committed.

it is also obvious that cleartext passwords are NOT a "security measure" in any sense of the word, but especially in this case, where the law specifically says that the data in question has to have been "specially secured". this was not the case, as evident by the fact that the defendant had easy access to the data in question.

this is blatant misuse of the law.

the data law makes no attempt to take into account the intent of the person, quite differently from when it comes to physical theft, which is immediately and obviously ridiculous.

you mentioned snooping around in a strangers car, and that's a good comparison!

you know what you definitely couldn't be charged with in the example you gave? breaking and entering!

because breaking and entering requires (in germany at least) that you gained access through illegal means (i.e.: literally broke in, as opposed to finding the key already in the lock).

but that's essentially what is happening in this case, and that is what's wrong with this case!

most people agree he shouldn't have tried to enter the PW.

what has large parts of the professional IT world up in arms is the way the law was applied, not that there was a violation of the law. (though most in IT, like i am, think this sort of "hacking" shouldn't be punishable, if it is solely for the purpose of finding and reporting vulnerabilities, which makes a lot of sense)

"debunking" requires a source... otherwise they just put forth a claim

i think it's weird how outright immune software companies are from false advertising claims...

like, in any other industry, failure to deliver promised products would lead to a lawsuit...

overall some good points, but this one is simply untrue:

Gaming options: Without resorting to piracy, consoles offer the largest variety of gaming options. More games release on console than they do on PC.

a higher number of games is released on PC by a huge margin.

you also forgot to mention modding, which is either not an option, or very limited on consoles...

the information age is easy: the silicon age!

not sure about the space age...maybe titanium age? that's about the time we figured out how to machine titanium on large scales, and for highly specialized, extreme applications (talking about the SR-71 here, mostly). could also call it the alloy age, since a number of important alloys were discovered around that time

the DLC are pricey, but they're also proper, old school expansions adding lots of content that actually enhances the game.

it's perfectly playable without the DLC, and there's a LOT of DLC-sized mods on the workshop!

kind of a fundamental problem with modern DLC: they generally don't get cheaper over time (remember when that was an actual thing? not just sales, but actually lower prices for older games?).

if you keep up with the releases it's super okay at about 20/25€ once a year, maybe twice, bur if you're late to the party it's a whole lot of cash all at once!

exactly why paradox introduced a subscription for Stellaris' DLCs at 10€/month... honestly kinda worth it, if you know you're just gonna play for a while and then move on...still wish stuff would just get cheaper at some point again...

*They're the same picture

(the dark fog update is seriously sick tho)

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you made the claim that the cathartic hypothesis is poorly supported by evidence, which you source supports, but is not relevant to the topic at hand.

your other claim is that sexual release follows the same patterns as aggression. that's a pretty big claim! i'd like to see a source that supports that claim.

otherwise you've just provided a source that provides sound evidence, but is also entirely off-topic...

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all models carry bias (see recent gemini headlines for an extreme example), and what exactly those are can range from important to extremely important, depending on the use case!

it's also important if you want to iterate on a model: if you use the same data set and train the model slightly differently, you could end up with entirely different models!

these are just 2 examples, there's many more.

also, you are thinking of LLMs, which is just one kind of model. this legislation applies to all AI models, not just LLMs!

(and your definition of open source is...unique.)

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so you're basically saying it talked itself squarely into uncanny valley?

i honestly didn't consider that would be an issue for LLMs, but in hindsight...yeah, that's gonna be a problem...

pretty sure ATM9 recommended minimum RAM is 10GB...i have it at 12GB.

but i also run it at about 100fps and view distance set around 16 with shaders...

i don't think so, but you can either entirely disable it, or make them passive, or tune it to your liking; there's tons of customizability in the difficulty!

it's honestly some pretty smart design in how they handled it! you should give it a try, see if you like it!

one little beginners tip that's kinda important: they always choose the shortest path to your base (so pretty much any structure you build) and they attack based on your power consumption! (there's a little widget that tells you when a wave is coming)

it's...factual, tho?

do you not want to be called human either?

what do you prefer? dog?

when starting a new game:

-set up a stockpile:

indoors, preferably shelves, but that's a goal to work towards

-stockpile some food:

starting with a talented grower makes early game easier. rice is best in the beginning, when it's beginning to stockpile switch to potatoes, when those stockpile to corn. each step requires less work by your pawns, leaving more time for other stuff.

-get a ranged weapon and some defenses

some bows if there's nothing else. first raid is alwaysa single melee guy, that's scripted, afaik. setup some sand bags or embrasures. walls/corridors to limit the range enemies can shoot at you.

-get batteries

super important! difficult to have a reliable food supply without those!

-get a freezer

also super important because of the above!

-set up a prison

last on the list, not that high of a priority...but still, get some more people!

and then do pretty much what you want...once early game is done, get some research done, plant some cotton, some herbal meds, set up a little medical area, etc.

this should get you to mid game fairly reliably!

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I'd say it's worth a watch!

kinda gives a different perspective on the world it's set in (until the end, where it gets very "the boys"-like, but not in a bad way)

Tell me if those companies that experienced more productivity, why did they not continue to implement it?

they did. 80% of them did exactly that!

it works exactly as expected, and the companies that did switch to a 32h-week model did see increased productivity, and 80% chose to keep the 32h-week model.

read the study.

it absolutely was one of the stated goals for starlink.

it hinges on the laser mesh networking though, which isn't online yet, iirc.

ah, thanks!

that's good to know!

pretty sure they weren't talking about smart phones exclusively:

mobile device ≠ smart phone

could be anything from smart watches, to portable gaming, to health trackers/monitors, baby monitors, etc.

when you add everything up, it's probably somewhere around 75-85%

although i tried to search for a better number than a guesstimate and...yeah that's borderline impossible; all the results get spammed with smart phone OS numbers and google thinks it's smart to ignore search parameters...

maybe someone with better google-fu can get a better number: i just took the average smart phone number and added a couple percent on top.

99% is an exaggeration, but 75-85% sounds about right!

especially once you factor in things like raspberries and other small IoT devices, which could reasonably fall under "mobile" devices...but then the definition of "mobile" gets murky...

there's probably already a tamperMonkey script out there, check greasyFork or something

you are right!

i did actually forget about that when commenting, and thanks for the added info!

however, that's not exactly what i was talking about:

assuming normal or better soil you need less work (i.e. time spent working the fields) per unit of nutrition when moving from rice->potato->corn because of yield.

so your pawns spend less time planting and harvesting, which results in higher overall colony productivity since they can do other stuff in-between, like cooking, cleaning, mining, etc.

you are correct in that you should choose which plant you use based on the soil first, and according to productivity second!

i just wasn't really considering soil quality when writing the comment...

and your source measured the effects of one single area that cathartic theory is supposed to apply to, not all of them.

your source does in no way support the claim that the observed effects apply to anything other than aggressive behavior.

i understand that the theory supposedly applies to other areas as well, but as you so helpfully pointed out: the theory doesn't seem to hold up.

so either A: the theory is wrong, and so the association between aggression and sexuality needs to be called into question also;

or B: the theory isn't wrong after all.

you are now claiming that the theory is wrong, but at the same time, the theory is totally correct! (when it's convenient to you, that is)

so which is it now? is the theory correct? then your source must be wrong irrelevant.

or is the theory wrong? then the claim of a link between sexuality and aggression is also without support, until you provide a source for that claim.

you can't have it both ways, but you're sure trying to.

Patch 6 only really broke the script extender (well hotfix #18 really)

nvm, just checked, it's up to date! (hotfix #19 is supported!)

pretty much everything is up to date!

you lose cross-device sync, don't you?

that alone is kind of a big deal...

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it's about 7525.7143 9/11s:

usable floor space of the WTC: ~350,000 m^2

Chernobyl area: ~2634 km^2

divide Chernobyl's area by the WTC area and you get the above!

so about 7.5k 9/11s.

got curious, googled it, here's something interesting:


seems genetic. which makes sense.

apparently that region just got unlucky with its gene pool, though, as the news release states: more research is necessary in order to be certain.

being caused by environmental chemicals hasn't been definitively ruled out, but it's not looking likely

(btw, bravo on an actually readable press release by a university!)

perceptual learning, memory organization and critical reasoning

i mean...by that definition nothing currently in existence deserves to be called "AI".

none of the current systems do anything remotely approaching "perceptual learning, memory organization, and critical reasoning".

they all require pre-processed inputs and/or external inputs for training/learning (so the opposite of perceptual), none of them really do memory organization, and none are capable of critical reasoning.

so OPs original question remains:

why is it called "AI", when it plainly is not?

(my bet is on the faceless suits deciding it makes them money to call everything "AI", even though it's a straight up lie)

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that'd be great in theory!

if only the vanguard anti-cheat wasn't ridiculously easy to bypass and effectively useless while also being a major security concern...

I've started a new Minecraft world on the All the Mods 9 modpack together with a buddy of mine!

it's been a blast so far!

just getting ae2 setup going, beginning to automate all the things, it's great!

Meaning what?

meaning the models training data is what lets you work around or improve on that bias. without the training data, that's (borderline) impossible. so in order to tweak models and further development, you need to know what exactly went into the model, or you'll spend a lot of wasted time guessing around.

I omitted requirements on freely sharing it as implied, but otherwise?

you disregarded half of what makes an AI model. the half that actually results in a working model. without the training data, you'd only have some code that does...something.

and that something is entirely dependent on the training data!

so it's essential, not optional, for any kind of "open source" AI, because without it you're working with a black box. which is by definition NOT open source.

bit of a problem here:

if batteries are kept in rotation until they die... you'll most likely experience one dying on you. probably multiple times during your life.

the rest holds up just...how would you avoid a battery dying on you, if you're still using the same system? you're not getting a new battery every time you swap, you get an old battery that's been sitting in the station recharging.

it's gonna die on someone, might as well happen to you...