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Joined 1 years ago

One extra thing a lot of articles haven't pointed out is that the mod was locked behind a patreon paywall. Sticking mods behind paywalls has been a hot subject (to put it gently) in the community for a while now. Not to rush to the defense of the most profitable franchise in the world, but yeah that's absolutely gonna get you shut down.

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Alright as someone who has seen this happen... Don't. Fist off, if the employee doesn't already know what the benefits of a union are and how to go about organizing one, this does nothing to change that. Second, it puts them in a dangerous position with management. Obviously, any good Union drive should be fully prepared for union busting tactics, but ideally you want to keep that shit secret from management for as long as possible. And imagine how frustrated you'd be if a customer pulling a stunt like this got you fired.

Instead what you want to do is talk to your family, friends, and coworkers about what a union can do for them and talk about how to effectively organize a union drive. Make sure that shit is led by the workers, and puts forward strong demands and escalating tactics. They should also absolutely get community support, but in organized, meaningful ways - think things like mailing lists to get the word out about rallies, boycotts, etc.

Unions are hell of a tool and they should be organized in the most effective possible ways.

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Curious how it'll perform in real world conditions. Sodium batteries are supposed to have much better charging times and don't degrade the way lithium batteries do, both of which would be huge. Fingers crossed they live up to expectations.

(Also obligatory "expand and improve public transit damnit!")

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This post is a skill check for how terminally online you are.

And I passed. Fuck.

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Is this article AI generated? It's absolutely awful. Ending with youtube-style engagement bait is just embarrassing, you're the journalist, you should be the one to reach out to a lawyer and get an opinion.

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Yup, this is extremely real. I've literally seen conservative carpenters do a political 180 when they saw a bunch of socialists (including a lot of LGBTQ+ folks) be the ones to show up and fight alongside them when they went on strike. Best way to get people to stop blaming the scapegoat of the week is to point to what the actual problem is.

Genuinely struggling to tell if the intended moral is: "women smart men dumb," "twinks smart jocks dumb," or "eat slowly or you'll make yourself sick."

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Capitalism defines success as profits increasing at an ever-increasing rate. During the height of the pandemic, tech companies tended to fare better than other industries because they were better able to handle the switch to remote work (among other things). This wasn't lost on investors, who smelled money in the water, and went all in on tech. Like, seriously, colossal amounts of money, and they expect returns on those investments. Problem is, we've hit the point where the easy profit sources for these companies have more or less dried up, and now they're having to squeeze whatever they can out. This is why we've seen massive layoffs, quick money making schemes, and things like this that will be disastrous in the long run, but stand to make some short-term profits.

It's a boneheaded move, but when all you care about is pleasing the investors right now, it's the logical way to operate.

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Bad metaphor. Unlike corporations, trans people are valid.

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Bad move by the WGA boards. While I hope the TA is good and meets all demands, the workers literally haven't seen it yet, let alone voted on it. You always want to have the strongest strike possible, and part of that is that no work gets done until a new contract is delivered, approved, and put in place. This puts the union in a weak position if the TA gets voted down.

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Yakuza/Like a Dragon sidequest.

I mean I dunno why you'd want to preserve capitalism. It's not like the parts outside of climate change are going super well either.

(This comment brought to you by a hospital attempting to charge me $4,000 after telling me to eat a banana).

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Going off 20+ year old memories so I've probably got some stuff wrong, but basically there was an evil guy literally named Hacker (who in my head was voiced by Christopher Lloyd?) who was trying to infect the program lady who was in charge of everything with a virus. The actual episodes were basically just "uh oh Hacker is up to some bullshit, time to stop him in some way that will involve math."

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Honestly the realization that capitalism is the root cause of our current systemic evils, and finding a good organization to fight back against it with did me a world of good mentally. Way better than agonizing over every tiny decision I made because I'd been tricked into thinking that climate change was my individual fault and responsibility to fix.

Copy/pasting from another place this was posted (the joys of browsing all instances)

To be brutally honest, this is fucking peanuts. A jobs training program for a measly 20k people, with nothing to indicate any steps against corporations that are actually responsible for climate change. This should be a slap in the face after (as the article even points out) Biden opened more federal land for drilling.

We need the energy industry to be taken in to public ownership, with direct accountability to the people (not corporate parties), significant investment into climate stabilization and climate change resistant infrastructure, and have workers (who by and large do not want to burn the planet to the ground) take more control over their workplaces. Biden wouldn't dare threaten corporate profits, so we're never going to see anything significant from him.

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Man, that first season of Jessica Jones was great. Uncomfortable as hell but great.

The tipoff for me was that no actual graffiti artist is going to write "LOL❗". That's out of touch marketer terminology.

Yep, they're nonbinary. And also they're really fucking good at fighting games.

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Seems like the largest criticisms are that the Bloodborne inspiration is a little too obvious/heavy-handed and the usual discourse around soulsbonre difficulty, both of which can very much be positives depending on personal preference. Personally I'm very down for some spiritual successors since Sony hasn't been doing anything with Bloodborne, and the difficulty was perfect for me in the demo (and I have to give them credit for putting out a comprehensive 2+ hour demo, that was a real breath of fresh air). Glad it seems like they pretty much hit the mark on what they were going for.

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Copy/pasting from when this was posted in a news community:

To be brutally honest, this is fucking peanuts. A jobs training program for a measly 20k people, with nothing to indicate any steps against corporations that are actually responsible for climate change. This should be a slap in the face after (as the article even points out) Biden opened more federal land for drilling.

We need the energy industry to be taken in to public ownership, with direct accountability to the people (not corporate parties), significant investment into climate stabilization and climate change resistant infrastructure, and have workers (who by and large do not want to burn the planet to the ground) take more control over their workplaces. Biden wouldn't dare threaten corporate profits, so we're never going to see anything significant from him.

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For the average user maybe, but for a client as big as Twitter they're probably going to want to take a more hands-on/careful approach, so whatever's in the contract would probably supersede their standard terms.

Peach guest staring in Mortal Kombat 3 was one of the most wild crossovers. The fatality with that chain chomp was gruesome.

I love Lower Decks a lot. You can spot the exact moment the exec who was demanding "make one of them Rick and Morties with this old sci-fi shit we have" left the room and the writers all went "okay so we're gonna do a very targeted Star Trek comedy now, yeah?"

The DS9 episode was wonderful.

Smae. Some of it is probably learned from her goofball idiot caretaker, but I'm just gonna say one of us has lost a fight with the ceiling and it wasn't me.

Edit: this made me realize I've never actually tried to fight the ceiling. Hold on gotta test, will report back.

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They're still pigs. Guinea pigs, but still.

There's an episode of Batman Beyond where a sound-based villain starts projecting Bruce's voice at him in a way that only he can hear, in order to make him think he's losing it (he doesn't know about the Batman thing he's just trying to scam the old rich guy (based)). At the end of the episode, Terry asks him how he was so sure nothing was actually wrong with him and he replies "I don't call myself 'Bruce' in my head."

It's pure edgelord shit and I'm so here for it.

fuck disney too

I mean I reported a server dedicated to grooming children and Discord threatened to ban me for making the report. Seems like not paying for Nitro is the objectively better option.

Honestly not my experience in the real world. Most people very much want more control over their workplaces and lives in general. And a lot of conservatives do have accurate critiques of neoliberal parties like the Dems. It's just a matter of giving them a real option to improve things so they don't get misled into blaming the scapegoat of the week.

Obviously the internet is a different story, but "terminally online people love to argue forever" isn't unique to political leanings.

Me crawling out the other side bloody and bruised but smiling, now a socialist after realizing "wait, people just want to live their lives. What's the actual problem here?"

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SO. I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all is that I think I can live with it. And if I had to do it all over again, I would. Garak was right about one thing, a guilty conscience is a small price to pay for the safety of the entire alpha quadrant. So I will learn to live with it. Because I can live with it. I can live with it.

Computer. Erase that entire personal log.

Ah yes.


I'm not the first to say it, but "Reddit and removing a feature without a replacement for it, name a more classic combination."

But yeah it's probably tied in to this "compensation for karma/engagement" scheme they've been talking about, which I almost guarantee is going to be some NFT/crypto scam.

Bow kid from A Hat in Time (excellent game, highly recommend if you like platformers).


Ginsburg when asked why her interpretation of the constitution included fucking over native Americans.

They promised to buy you furniture after the next election (as they have for the past 80+ years).
