11 Post – 166 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Person of considerable jank.


On one hand, thank god I get to play it on PC.

On the other hand, fuck Microsoft.

On the third hand, fuck Sony, too.

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I adore Calckey/Firefish. It's amazing software, but these are both pretty bad names. lol

I guess Firefish is better, because it sounds like software you'd want to use and not something you have to put up with to file a tax return, but also... why?

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Today shall be remembered as the day the rogue penises finally won.


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I am not disputing the fact that there is a ton of misinformation about Autism on TikTok (and the internet as a whole), because there absolutely is and it's dangerous. But it gives me pause that the researcher behind this study developed and promotes a treatment method that is essentially a cousin of ABA. That makes me incredibly skeptical of what his rubric might be for filtering the claims as factual or not.

ABA, for those that don't know, is based on Skinner's operant conditioning and was created by the man who developed "gay conversion therapy." He once said this:

“You see, you start pretty much from scratch when you work with an autistic child. You have a person in the physical sense – they have hair, a nose and a mouth – but they are not people in the psychological sense. One way to look at the job of helping autistic kids is to see it as a matter of constructing a person. You have the raw materials, but you have to build the person.”

If "operant conditioning" makes you think of dog training, you're right. ABA is dog training for Autistic people. It is conversion therapy. It does not "intervene" in their Autism so much as it forces them to appear more neurotypical, and a study from 2018 suggests that it actually creates PTSD symptoms in the patients--that it is traumatic--which is in-line with many firsthand accounts of people that have been through ABA.

So the guy behind this analysis developed his own practice which is rooted in ABA and centers around operant conditioning. I'm sure a lot of what he finds to be false is probably false and not scientifically-supported, but I would def be skeptical of what he considers to be misinformation in some instances since ABA is technically scientifically-supported for autism intervention, due to it's effectiveness in making Autistic people appear more neurotypical (without regard for their psychological wellbeing in many cases).

But with that said, I'm just some schmuck on the internet. I highly recommend reading Autistic people's perspectives on it and seeing what verified smart people have to say.

Here are some pieces I find enlightening:

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Yep. I haven't played since then, partly for the reason you said and partly cause they took away Linux support at the same time, even if you already owned the game on Steam where Linux was fully supported.

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How old are we talking? Final Fantasy VI, Super Metroid, Resident Evil 2, and the OG Tomb Raider series are all pretty old but great.

Portal, Portal 2, Mirror's Edge, Alien Isolation, Child of Light, Celeste, Tales of Berseria, Final Fantasy XIII, Slime Rancher, the newer Tomb Raifer games, and A Plague Tale are a few games from previous gens that hold up really well.

A more recent game that flew under a lot of people's radars is Kena: Bridge of Spirits, and it was a lot of fun. Also, Atelier Ryza and Alba: A Wildlife Adventure are very worth mentioning, too. :)

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You saw an injustice and felt called to speak up, so you took responsibility and stood up for what you believed in. You did so even knowing that it would be uncomfortable and might cost you a friendship. That was really courageous.

It's normal to feel like shit when you find yourself in a scenario when all the options seem terrible, but your actions show that you have real integrity, and it's okay to pat yourself on the back for that.

It's also okay to mourn the friendship, it's okay to recognize the effect this may have on this person and feel for them, and it's okay to take time to process your feelings about the whole thing; however, I will caution you to avoid delving into self-deprecating territory. Any consequences that they face for what they did will ultimately be because of their own choices--not yours.

Just to drive it home: you aren't getting them in trouble. They're getting in trouble for what they did. What you did was trust your gut and call out something harmful.

Know that everything you're feeling is totally valid, and please be kind to yourself and try to remember that you did the best thing you could in a difficult situation.

EDIT: I wrote this without knowing the details of what happened, then I read your comment about what happened and I am doubling-down hard on what I said. You def made the right call, you are brave as hell for pursuing that, and the person you reported needed to be stopped. It's understandable why your friend didn't press charges (though I personally believe that to be a mistake), but you did right by her and this dude's future victims. It's okay if she doesn't see that, and it's okay if she's upset with you--she's clearly in a very complicated situation right now and her feelings are valid, too--but please know that you absolutely did the right thing.

PLEASE. FFS, exclusivity is BS and we need to move away from it.

TikTok does have a ton of misinformation, projections of learned helplessness, and recommendations of pseudoscience/under-studied treatments; but if you are a TikToker and really want to get ADHD tips there, here are a few users I've found that actually seem to know what they're talking about:

  • HowToADHD (Jessica McCabe)
  • The_ADHD_Nutritionist (Marley Alex)
  • ADHDVision
  • ADHD_Coach_Ryan (ADHD Coach Ryan Mayer)

Though even with them, take what they say with a grain of salt, do your homework, and talk to your doctor/therapist/executive function coach before implementing stuff that may impact your wellbeing. Also, be mindful of recommendations that are also paid sponsorships.

I follow a couple more, personally, but I don't feel comfortable recommending them because their suggestions and the information they provide can be a bit dubious at times.

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Gabe has remained a wizard through all of time

lol it's funny, all of the articles I see about this game mention that it's a "Zombie MMO" in the title. Like, I get that it was suggested that it would be, but it's objectively not.

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Tek Syndicate has a philosophical breakdown of Mr. Beast's content that's really interesting, but as far as being an example to your kids goes, it's a tough one. I think his charitable acts are fundamentally good, but the fact that he does them all on camera is fundamentally icky. He's a complicated figure. He's not using hate speech or indoctrinating kids into cults or anything, so he's clear of at least the bare minimum of alarming behavior. lol

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YouTube. I know it sounds goofy, but often you can search something like "Baldur's Gate 3 gtx 1060 6gb i7-4790K" (or whatever your specs are) and you will get tons of videos of people running it on their systems. If you happen to have common parts, you will not normally have trouble finding a benchmark for a rig very similar to yours for most games, but even with more niche hardware, you can usually find something helpful, even of it's just like a similar GPU or another laptop with the same chipset, or whatever your case may be.

Beyond that, Steam's hardware requirements on the store pages of games and pcgamingwiki are great resources.

I'd also say you can look on protondb--it's for Linux gamers, so the results may or may not be applicable if you have a Windows system, but in most cases, if there's a report that something runs well on Linux machine with the same hardware as you, it's going to be very similar on Windows. The other way isn't so applicable, though--just because something runs poorly on a Linux rig doesn't necessarily mean it will also run poorly on Windows, as the problem could be with the compatability layer and not the hardware.

None of these are a perfectly elegant solution, but they are typically reliable enough.

Tbf, that's not what happened with physical games. Idk why it would be any different for digital keys.

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Newpipe + Sponsorblock is a really good option.

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Seriously. I'm always psyched when a great game gets ported to any other console. I'm a PC player, I don't even play on consoles (except Switch), I'm just happy more people get to experience games that made me happy. Exclusivity makes sense for the console makers, but from a consumer perspective, it's fucking stupid. It's so weird to me that people defend it so fiercely.

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Zuko's a prince! He's not an awesome role model, but he's an outstanding character and there are some great lessons to be learned from watching him over the course of the whole series.

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Chicken soup, plain white rice, buttered toast, peanut butter, and crackers are all things I can usually tolerate when I feel that way. Sometimes banana or vanilla yogurt. I hope you feel better soon!

Ew. I'm on and it's a lovely Firefish instance, I don't see any shit like that.

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I agree that it is, but I also love that this headline basically reads, "guy who makes thing says the thing he makes is the best thing."

I know this isn't because they once sold me a faulty GPU and then wouldn't honor the warranty, but in my head that is exactly why this is happening.

I love the Element client for Matrix. I use it with my friends and I have joined a lot of communities on there. It's Discord-like, but I personally find it much easier to navigate than Discord. It's free, open source, decentralized, you can self-host if that's your jam, it's got some solid security and usability features, call quality is great, and I've found it to be very stable and reliable. I'm a little biased because I personally don't like Discord, I find the UI clunky and unpleasant to use, but I love using Element. If you love Discord, you will find Element familiar, but you may or may not appreciate the differences.

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Isn't the whole point of OF that content creators can work independently? It feels pretty lame to game that system and try to insert yourself as a middleman.

I wonder what the full scope of privacy benefits might be here? Obviously, if you log into your account and interact with videos, YouTube will be able to see that--but are you protected from other forms of tracking? If you don't opt to login, how private is it really? With NewPipe, I know it's completely private, whereas with Vanced, there were some inevitable privacy holes. I'm really curious where this application falls in all of that. It'd be nice to see a breakdown of what this app does and does not do for one's privacy.

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Yeah, I'm really excited for kbin to come in to its own, because rn it feels like every post is about reddit. I get why, it makes sense, but that's not what I'm here for.

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Beto O'Rourke was a hacker??

DraStic is amazing on midrange devices. Compatibility is excellent in my experience, there's a lot of UI customization available, and there are some nice filter and scaling options built-in. It also has full controller support.

Please. For the love of god. Mega Man Legends 3.

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My suggestions for units of measurements, in no specific order:

  • Thimbles
  • Water balloons
  • Per hoppus foot
  • Cord and rick
  • Burlap potato sacks
  • Waffle irons
  • Size 11 wooden clogs
  • Drums
  • Silos
  • Minecarts
  • Blimps/zeppelins
  • Potential babies

Krita has a pretty solid mobile version that's got a lot of photoshop's functionality. There are other art programs like ClipStudio Paint that can do a lot of that, too.

Here is what I believe to be the definitive answer for maxing out your library on 4 inputs:

  1. Gaming PC/Steam Deck - you'll have access to a sprawling library of games from all generations and can even emulate console exclusive games from previous generations. The reason I'm not recommending an Xbox console on this list is because basically every current gen Xbox One (+ X|S) game is already on PC (as are many OG Xbox and most Xbox 360-era games), GamePass is an option if you wanna play some OG Xbox/360 games legally, and emulation can get you any games that aren't available otherwise. Sony is also making many recent PS5 exclusives available on PC now with more to come.

  2. Nintendo Switch - it's got a kick-ass library of exclusives, almost every Wii U game has been ported over (minus like ~8, I think?), they've been remaking/remastering a lot of older games and are reportedly going to go hard on that for the remainder of the Switch's lifespan, and with NSO it has a respectable library of retro Nintendo and Sega Genesis games if you wanna go the legal route.

  3. PS4/PS5 - A PS5 would be ideal for maxing out your possible library size, because it can play any PS4 or PS5 game; however, there also aren't a ton of PS5 exclusives at this point in time, PS5 games are being ported over to PC faster than PS4 exclusives, many recent PS5 games are also on PS4, PS4s are cheaper, and the PS4 can be jailbroken. There's a case to be made for getting a PS4 instead.

  4. Modded PS3 - Especially if you can track down a phat model with hardware back compact support, you can load up a HDD with games and play the entire PS1, PS2, and PS3 libraries.

With these four, you should be able to play essentially any game ever made. You will have...

Official hardware support for:

  • PlayStation
  • PlayStation 2
  • PlayStation 3
  • PlayStation 4 and/or 5
  • Nintendo Switch
  • PC (Astonishingly huge library)

You will have the (paid) option of legal software support for many of the best games from:

  • NES
  • SNES
  • Sega Genesis
  • Game Boy
  • Game Boy Color
  • Game Boy Advance
  • Nintendo 64
  • Xbox
  • Xbox 360

You will have the capability to emulate anything from Atari 2600 through to some Nintendo Switch, including Xbox, Xbox 360, GameCube, Wii, Wii U, arcade classics, and many, many more.

IMO, this is the best way to max out the 4 ports on your TV. You can also get a PS Vita and mod it for PS Vita + PSP games, and a 3DS modded for 3DS and NDS games. They don't need to be plugged into your TV, so they weren't included on my list of 4, but they are both excellent handheld consoles with great libraries.

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What would we do with this information?

This is a very prudent question. Like, if we could somehow prove that we existed in a simulation, that would be an earth-shattering discovery about our origins... but then what?

What would we do? Some people would probably go nuts living with that information and certain philosophies/religions would have to reckon with that, but there isn't anything we could do differently, and it wouldn't alter our lived experience in any way, aside from maybe coloring it in a new light.

Not to say that seeking answers for the pursuit of knowledge itself isn't worthwhile, but... yeah, what would it even matter to most of us outside of academia/philosophy?

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It's too bad they don't offer a complete list of known patched VPNs. They just give like 5 example ones. It'd be really helpful to know if my service has patched already or not.

Gonna leave this here for the inevitable dissenters:

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Motorola Razr babyyyyy

Cool, but please just release the Nathan Drake collection on PC 🥲

I would argue that all games have a story. Some have a scripted narrative--which, in the medium of video games, gives the player their own immersive role in the story--while other games give you the tools to create your own story as you play. You face conflicts and use your abilities and the resources around you to overcome them, ideally resulting in a satisfying progression throughout your playtime.

Both are cool for different reasons.

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lol right? Where do Nazis come in here?

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Comparing the ambitiousness of a game to Star Citizen is a risky bet. SC's ambition has not been positive. lol