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Nick was supposedly fired for failing to meet goals, goals he was apparently never informed that he should be targeting.

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As someone dealing with an incredibly stubborn post nasal drip, I can unfortunately confirm I know what my snot smells and tastes like, as it was permanently on my breath for several days when it was at its worst.

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They set them up the bomb, all right.

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Lol, no, that stuff was catching on at least 15 years ago, and was a massive meme before the pandemic. The "what are you doing step bro," meme is from 2018, and the industry had already gone hard in that direction for a while before that.

More like a life of alcoholism seems like. Did he lie to his doc in the doc about his alcohol consumption after they told him his liver was in bad shape?

A place beyond the reach of the long arm of OSHA.

And is that a.... Lego brick?

It's a farce they put on specifically to distract their base from the war on the poor.

Octopi is doubly wrong, it's Greek, not Latin. If it wasn't octopuses it should be octopodes, ock-TOP-oh(uh)-deez.

That doesn't really work either. Human brains are not great at computing unless you are looking for "good enough," results, and only on some pretty narrow fields, facial/speech recognition, some physics interactions, etc. But worse than that... we're kind of using them. If they wanted us to compute, the whole function of the Matrix is just taking up run cycles. And you can't just coopt them during sleep, we need the rest periods ,or we literally die. Only one answer makes sense to me, it's a nature preserve. They didn't want to be responsible for destroying their creators, and the only other sapient species known to exist. So they build the Matrix to keep us docile. Then, the energy reclamation actually makes some sense. They're never going to be net positive, but assuming they are having difficulty keeping their society powered, they would be incentivesed to reclaim every watt of power they could from us to reduce our burden on their grid.

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Even before release I figured I'd wait for a sale. Too many good games just came out I want more, big backlog of Yakuza games I recently started and got totally hooked on. Not interested in helping standardize $70 games, will wait for a sale, and by then there will be a better mod scene too. Less money for a better game, win/win.

IIRC, 195 was an apartment number or something and some roommates made /r/195 and to shitpost in, which inexplicably became super popular. Eventually the sub got overrun by some trolls or something, so there was an exodus to /r/196.

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Grizzly Bears is a 2/2 that depicts 2 bears. Implying each bear is 1/1 on its own.

Nobody wants to deal with the short term issues it raises, aside from the moral police issue. Legalizing it actually increases trafficking in the legalized area, while reducing it in a larger area outside the legal one. This only happens because it's an island of legality, if it was legal everywhere then trafficking would drop much more everywhere. But Nobody wants to invite the temporary increase by being the first. Germany, for example, has higher sex trafficking than most of Europe. It also ignore the difficulty of regulation, there's a reason it is so prevalent, even where illegal. There is always going to be a strong pressure on vulnerable women, and enforcing the regulations can be incredibly difficult.

That's not to say it shouldn't be legalized. But these are the challenges it faces.

I've heard nothing but praises for Yakuza's story thus far. And I'm only a short way into my first game in the franchise, Yakuza: Like a Dragon, and godamn does it live up to the hype. The characters, plot, world, they all are lovingly crafted and fit together so well. After this I'll be going back to do all the Kiryu games.

Pretty hard to detect. But.... probably easier than finding the petunias I guess.

I mean, it shouldn't be an issue then. The point is they won't allow armed people in, no matter why they're armed. They don't care if you're a cop or military off duty with no weapons. This is just the union trying to spin it as anti-military/cop. I bet you anything the questions went something like

Nobody armed?


Not even military?


If you want to wear a little tinfoil, one might suspect they asked it like that just for the excuse to paint them as such.

It helps that when one uses them on their own land, they are more likely to carefully track where they were used and can conduct cleanup operations when feasible.

Do you actually think artists using AI tools just type shit into the input and output decent art? It's still just a new, stronger digital tool. Many previous tools have been demonized, claiming they trivialize the work and people who used them were called hacks and lazy. Over time they get normalized.

And as far as training data being considered stealing IP, I don't buy it. I don't think anyone who's actually looked into what the training process is and understands it properly would either. For IP concerns, the output should be the only meaningful measure. It's just as shitty to copy art manually as it is to copy it with AI. Just because an AI used an art piece in training doesn't mean it infringed until someone tries to use it to copy it. Which, agreed, is a super shitty thing to do. But again, it's a tool, how it's used is more important than how it's made.

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I can definitely understand that response, but people that feel that way are misconstruing the situation. Traditional podcasts and music are there for entertainment, and/or sometimes education for podcasts, and compete against each other for that. Most people listening to white noise are likely using it as a tool, not for entertainment, it isn't beating out music as an option in most cases, they aren't competing.

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I recall a similar study years ago. They concluded 32 was minimal viable, assuming a strict breeding regiment over several generations, with 8 men and 24 women. They also concluded about 500 would be the smallest practical size, given people aren't robots and losing even a couple people before leaving the breeding pool would be very bad. That was a fundamentally different study though, looking at long term, self sufficiency. This one seems more focused on an Antarctica like outpost that would be able to cycle people in and out, and not establishing a full on colony.

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The hippocratic oath, in this case. Medicine is all about risk management, the worse the "disease," the more tolerant we are of side effects for the cure. Pregnancy and birth are still pretty traumatic events that, while much safer than they used to be, are still dangerous. Female BC just has to be less risky than that. Male BC on the other hand, has to be as low the risk for a man impregnating a woman, which is to say, almost zero. Pretty much any negative side effect is worse than that, so it's very difficult to pass. I would gladly take one with comparable side effects to female BC, but sometimes unflinching ethics are inconvenient. Better than the alternative, but still.

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They "fuzz," votes, and it starts after only 10 or so. It will return a value within 10% or so of the true vote. It is to obfuscate the totals to make it harder for bot accounts to tell if they are shadowbanned or not.

Our instead of Trump.

Pineapple is so metal, fucking fruit that tries to eat you back.

I love me some good AAA games and want them to stick around. But I think it would be much better if they were a bit fewer and further between, and the big studios shift to more regular AA games, and give their devs chances to do some more oddball stuff with even lower budgets. More expiremntation and risky projects can only enrich the industry.

Toyota man. Shit never stops running if you even sort of take care of it. If you're trying to stay with US built then most of their cars sold in US are made here. In 2017 their US sales were:

Built in America 56%
Built in Canada 25%
Built in Mexico 6%
Built outside N.A. 13% (Mostly Lexus Models)

In addition to what others here have said, it is also the cause of scaling fall damage.

An ant falles down a mine shaft and doesn't even notice.

A mouse bounces and runs off.

A person breaks.

A horse splashes.

Surface area decreases max fall speed. Mass increases max speed. Mass times speed indicated how much force something feels at the end of the fall. The issue is, surface area scales as a square, Mass as a cube, and thus the bigger something has the less drag it has and the more energy it absorbs as it lands, getting hit coming and going.

The industrial revolution and adoption of computers also introduced a ton of new jobs. We haven't seen any evidence of this happening with AI. AI will eventually come for all of us, it needs to either be curtailed, which is unrealistic and stifling, or we will need to radically shift our economy, which is even more unrealistic. The only other option is collapse. AI has been eating jobs behind the scenes for years without anyone noticing, and there has been no comparable expansion of new jobs like previous revolutions. This was all true ages before the current controversy.

Exactly, it was (very relatively) cheap and quick. And they figured when, not if, it breaks, it will be again quick to repair. And it is interesting tech that could be useful down the line that they may figure is worth the cost in training alone.

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Ok Google, set an alarm for X minutes, or take me home. Those are literally the only two commands I've ever used I think. When I first got the phone I may have asked it to call my contacts a handful of times.

It absolutely can create ambiguity, just in different circumstances. The truth is, people should just pick a format they like, and be vigilant about possible ambiguity and reword the phrase if it is unclear.

What level of abstraction is enough? Training doesn't store or reference the work at all. It derives a set of weights from it automatically. But what if you had a legion of interns manually deriving the weights and entering them in instead? Besides the impracticality of it, if I look at a picture, write down a long list of small adjustments, -2.343, -.02, +5.327, etc etc etc, and adjust the parameters of the algorithm without ever scanning it in, is that legal? If that is, does that mean the automation of that process is the illegal part?

Sentience is the little hump that we can at least sort of see some evidence of, judging by how similar regions of brains activate in certain circumstances. Sapience is the real tricky one.

Starting a new habit is easy, keeping up with it longer than a couple months is hard. For what it's worth, regarding your question, I used to get in a 10 min walk every day, and that was the time I felt the least dragged down mentally and for the first time in my life had some actual motivation amd energy. It was never right after the walk, just kind of overall after I kept at it a few days. New job with different schedule nixed that, and I've been trying to get in some sort of exercise for years now with no luck, back to feeling bleh all the time.

The real answer is to vote local, get involved, if there are no good options run or find a decent person who is capable of running. Either way, support the campaigns of those decent options, do a little volunteering. Change happens from the ground up. Changing the whole system at once is impossible, slowly spreading change from the local level shows other disenfranchised voters there is a chance, and it picks up momentum from there.

Modding a NSFW subreddit also unblocks all of it. Anyone can just make a private sub and mark it 18+ and still have all their porn, tested it on Relay and it worked fine. For science, of course.

Most headaches are caused by blood sugar imbalance, which in turn are often caused by changes in diet or sleep habits, and/or dehydration. If the meals help then yours may tend to be from low blood sugar.

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Arguably, patches started even earlier. It wasn't uncommon to release another whole title that was basically a bug/balance patch. See Japanese Pokemon Blue, and all the various Street Fighter 2 versions.