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Joined 1 months ago

Microsoft already lost an anti-trust suit in 2001. It's in the article if you care to read it.

2 more...

my favourite part is that when the fungi was given robotic legs, all it tried to do is get the fuck away from humans

Canadian netfux can eat a massive bag of penises, all they ever do is increase their prices while removing the stuff I actually liked. I cancelled after their 3rd price increase in 18 months without adding anything of value

well, there's a lot wrong with me. but the only reason I use chrome is because when my last windows machine took a shit, I couldn't afford a new PC so I grabbed a chromebook for $130CAD and I was seriously impressed with how easy and fast it was to use. that was 4 years ago, and now I'm just waiting for google's hammer to drop so I can switch back to windows.

a chromebook isn't without its charms, there are features that just make sense to me that are non-existent on windows: for example, you can increase the size of everything on your screen with two fingers on your touchpad. expand to make larger, pinch to shrink it down. seems like a no-brainer for any OS, but windows lacks this feature. and when you're old af and your eyesight is for shit, this is an extremely useful tool to have available.

but if I can't block ads then it's meaningless. there are no redeeming features that could ever outweigh adblock capabilities. once that happens, I'm gone and I'll never go back to chrome. they can go fuck themselves to death if they're gonna take away UO